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Project Title

Student Name
Register Number
Under the Guidance of
Guide Name
• Objective
• Abstract
• Literature Survey
• Proposed Architecture/Framework
• Requirements
• References
• To automate …
• To improve the performance …
• To achieve …
• Identification and elimination of faults…
• Introducing this methodology into …
Literature Survey
• Author1, Paper1 claims that the work on
• Author2, Paper 2 specifies that …
• …
Proposed Architecture
• In the proposed work, a new algorithm for
Hardware (for e.g.)
Processor : Core 2 Duo
HDD : 100 GB
RAM : 1 GB

any other hardware components that are

required for implementing the project
Software (for e.g.)
Operating System : Windows XP
Front End Tool : JDK 1.7
Back End Tool : MySQL 5.0

If required you may add the following

Web Server, 3rd Party tools/softwares, API’s
• Author1, Author2, “Article Title”, Journal /
Conference Title, Publishing House, Vol
No, Issue No., Page Nos (from-to), Month
& Year.
• Google,

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