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Mariá Estela Martínez de Perón

By: Gabriela Rivera

World History Honors Project
Who is Mariá Estela Martínez de Perón ?
■ She was born on the 4th of January in 1931 in La Rioja, Argentina.
■ In 1934 the family moved to Buenos Aires .
■ In 1951, when she was 20, she entered the National School of Dance.
When she was touring she met with the exiled Peron in Panama and
became his secretary in December 1955.
■ She was an Argentine politician who served as president of Argentina in
1974 to 1976, she was the first Latin American Female President.
■ She was the third wife of the President Juan Peron and served as Vice
President (1973-74) in his administration.
■ She acquired the name Isabel on her confirmation in the Catholic Church
and later adopted it as her professional name when she began her
dancing career.
How did she become the President of Argentina?

■ Juan Peron had been forbidden to go back to Argentina, she

acted as his emissary on three occasions.
■ Juan Peron on November of 1972, he became a candidate
for 3rd term in office. He elected Isabel as his running mate.
■ On July 1, 1974 he died and Isabel was sworn in therefore
becoming the first female President .
■ She was the first woman in Latin American history to hold
the office.
How did she break societies barriers?
■ The women in Latin America is generally circumscribed by family, home, and
church. By tradition women are excluded from political share .
■ In Latin America it is very common for a male to be machismo ( machismo
reinforces a system of male dominance over women). Public business such
as politics is a men's business.
■ In Argentina women did not get rights to vote until 1947, which is very late
compared to many other countries.
■ The Latin American culture would be pressed a woman is in the most public
and powerful position – its chief executive. Until July 1st of 1974 when a
woman wore the presidential sash way before the United Sates and other
Western countries.
■ She broke the barriers by becoming the president and defeating the
expectations society had on women.
How has she impacted?
■ Isabel Peron has impacted many girls by showing a women's purpose
is not just staying at home to clean and cook. That a women is more
capable of doing more and can do the same job a man can do.

■ Societies standards have grown for women in a more impactful way .

Women have started getting included into things that people thought
that men were the only ones capable of doing.

■ A recent example would be Hillary Clinton, she was the first female in
the United States history to run for president. She didn’t win the
election but it surely made an impact on societies expectations.

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