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Sourcenasta logistics limited

Proposal on The Mobile Advert Permits In Ekit State



Road permit falls under ROAD TAXES that is approved for States collection under the Ca
ption; Taxes and Levies (Approved list for collection) Act 1998, this Act contains the lis
t of various taxes and levies collectable by the three levels of government; Viz, Federal, Sta
tes and Local Governments, this actually is the main reason while more States of the Feder
ation are now issuing such permits to various vehicles as detailed under target payers
In some other States, various Road Permits are issued to vehicles by various Ministries/Ag
encies with various regulations, thereby making proper monitoring a bit cumbersome for th
e State


Both the government and the people of the State will benefit from this Project as foll

1. It will open employment opportunity to about three (300) hundred citizens of our State in lin
e with our Governor’s aspiration to create employment opportunity for our youths, and this
will be spread all over the Twenty (20) Local Governments.
2. The State Government will get to her coffer, REVENUE from fees to be paid, by all the reci
pient in line with what is operational in some of our neighboring States

This type of permit is issued to vehicles that fall under the following categories:

 Company vehicles that have names or logos on their bodies

 Various organisations’ staff buses
 Private school vehicles with names or logos on them
 Contractors/Engineers buses, lorries, pick-ups etc
 Private individual Buses, pick-ups, Lorries, Trailers etc that are used for goo
ds delivery or other sundry uses
Operators/Marketers will be appointed and trained by the consultant, to operate in a
ll the twenty (20) Local Governments of the State

The Operators will be given the State authority to:

 Go to Companies or private individuals to issue the permit to their

affected vehicles
 Operate on the roads to ensure compliance and to check for fake documents

Please note here that the appointed Operators will not constitute a nuisance to road user
s and they are STRICTLY not permitted to barricade the road with all sorts of sharp obje
cts, rather a small board that has a handle with the
‘Agency’s name’ and ‘STOP’ boldly written on it will be used to stop vehicles on the road
s, they will equally wear reflective jackets that is specially made for the project with the A
gency’s name boldly written on it.

Various Marketers will be appointed to market the documents both within and outside the
We proposed to pay a total of Ten million Naira (=N=10,000,000.00) in four instalments to the re
venue account code of the Agency as detailed bellow:

1st payment of 10% by end of November 2019

2nd payment of 20% by end of December 2019
3rd payment of 40% by end of January 2020
4th payment of 30% by end of February 2020

Sir, we look forward to receiving quick response from your good self so as to compet
e favourably with our neighbouring states in getting a good share of the outside mark

We look forward to having a mutually beneficial relationship with you

Thank you.

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