Exam 3 Lecture Conservation Laws Energy & Momentum

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Exam 3 Lecture

Conservation Laws

Energy & Momentum

• Energy – the ability to do work; a scalar
quantity associated with the state of one or
more objects
• Kinetic energy – energy associated with the
motion of a particle
• Potential energy – energy associated with
the position of a particle
• Work – energy transfer to or from an object
• Joule – the unit of energy 1J=1Nm
Types of Energy
• Mechanical energy – includes PE and KE
• Chemical energy – important in biology
• Electromagnetic energy – important in
• Thermal energy – heat
• Nuclear energy – energy of atoms
Energy can be converted from one form to another
but never created or destroyed – conservation of
Some Formulas

• Kinetic Energy • 1
K  mv 2
• Work r 
• W  r F  dx

• Work with constant  

• W  F  d  Fd cos
force W  mgh

• Work of gravity
• W   1 kx 2
• Work of spring 2
• The work a force does on an object depends on
the angle between the force and the distance the
object moves
WN  Nd cos 90  0 W1  F1d cos 30

Wg  Fg d cos 90  0 W2  F2 d cos 40
• The angle between
the force and the
distance the object
moves is important
for the sign of the
work done also
• If angle is less than
90 work is positive
• If angle is greater
than 90 work is
Work Kinetic Energy Theorem

• Work is an energy transfer from one form to

• Work Kinetic Energy theorem (when
energy is transferred to motion)
Wnet  K f  K i
• Sign corresponds to where energy
• Energy transferred to
the system corresponds
to positive work and
increase in kinetic

• Energy transferred from

the system corresponds
to negative work and a
decrease in kinetic
rf  
• For a variable force, W  r0 F  dx
or work is the area under the curve graphically.
• Remember area formulas from geometry
• Power – the rate of doing work
E dW
Pave  Pinst 
t dt
 
P  F v

• Watt – the unit of power

1W  1 J
Potential Energy
• Potential energy (U) – energy associated
with position and conservative forces (also
considered stored energy)
• Conservative forces – a force which allows
two way conversion between K and U
• Nonconservative (dissipative) forces – force
in which energy is lost to K and U
• Important to realize that the choice of a
reference point is arbitrary (because path
• Properties of work for conservative forces
– It can always be expressed as difference between initial
and final values of a potential energy function
– It is reversible
– It is independent of path and depends only on initial
and final points
– When initial and final points are the same work is zero
Potential Energy cont.
• Conservative force potential energy
xf  
U   xi F  dx
• Gravitational potential energy
U  mgy
• Elastic potential energy
1 2 2
U  k x f  xi
 
• Add up area
under curve of
Force vs.
Distance graph
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
• Mechanical energy is sum of potential and
kinetic energy of a system
• If only conservative forces do work in a
system mechanical energy is conserved
K 2  U 2  K1  U1
• Important because problems can be solved
without knowing forces acting on system –
only energy considerations are important
• Conservation of mechanical energy
problems benefit from looking at the
problems in sections
MEi  ME A  MEB  MEC
Problem Solving Strategy
• Look at the problem and determine all forces
acting in the system
• Split the problem into parts using breaks at
points where all the energy can be quantized
• Determine all the energy forms present at
each part
• Total energy of each part is equal
• Solve for missing energy or variables
Potential Energy Curves
• Turning point – a point where the particle motion
• Equilibrium – a point where the particle does not
– Stable equilibrium – any movement away from this
point results in a force back to it (U is minimum)
– Unstable equilibrium – any movement away from this
point results in a force away from it (U is maximum)
– Neutral equilibrium – any displacement away from
equilibrium results in no force (U is constant)
More about Potential Energy Curves
• We can find the force a particle feels at a
given position on a potential energy curve

• F is the negative slope of the tangent

  dU ˆ dU ˆ dU ˆ 
F   i j k   U
 dx dy dz 

• We can also determine what the kinetic

energy of the system is if we know the total
mechanical energy
Conservation of Total Energy
• Conservation of total energy is true always
(we just might know where some of the
energy has gone)
• The total energy of a system can only
change by amounts of energy transferred to
or from the system

E  Emechanical  Ethermal  Eint ernal  Eexternal

U gi  U si  K i  Wother  U gf  U sf  K f
• In conservation of mechanical energy,
energy loss due to friction is ignored
• In conservation of total energy, all energy
losses are considered
• Another example includes kinetic energy,
potential energy of a spring and energy lost
due to friction.
• First consider energy conservation realizing
gravity is a conservative force
1 2 GMm
Etotal  K  U  mv 
2 r
1 GM GMm GMm
 m  
2 r r 2r

• To determine the escape velocity from a mass use

the total energy =0
Rotational Energy Formulas

Translational Rotational

W  Fd cos W   cos
K  1 mv 2 K 1 I 2
2 2
• When you find the kinetic energy for rolling you must
use 2 terms, one for the translation motion and one for
the rotation motion
1 2 1 2
K roll  I com  Mvcom
2 2
• For problems you need to draw vector diagrams to
analyze the motion, but utilize torque for force
   I
• Conservation of
energy still applies
as well as
conservation of

1 I 2   m  M  gh mv   m  M  v
2 f
1 2
mgh  mv
m h m 2 gh 2
h  v 
3 m  M  2 f
mM v  2 gh
Newton’s 2nd Law for a System of

   
Mrcom   mi ri m1r1  m2 r2  m3r3
    
Mvcom   mi vi m1v1  m2v2  m3v3
    
Macom   mi ai m1a1  m2 a2  m3a3
    
Macom  F1  F2  F3  Fnet
The motion of the center of mass depends only
on external forces. Therefore the forces
summed to make the resultant force in the
previous equation are the external forces acting
on the system of particles.
Linear Momentum
• Linear Momentum – the product of the
mass and the velocity of a body or system
of particles 
  
p  mv P  Mvcom
• It is a term for describing objects in motion
and can be related to the net force acting on
a body or system of particles
 
 dp  dP
Fnet  Fnet 
dt dt
• Collision – an isolated event in which two
or more bodies exert relatively strong forces
on each other for a relatively short time
• Impulse – a measure of the strength and
duration of the collision force
   
J  p  p f  pi
 t 
J  t F  t  dt

J  Favg t
• The impulse J is
equal to the area
under the curve of a
Force vs. time graph
for a variable force
• The impulse is also
  equal the area under
   v  v0 
 Favg  ma  m  the rectangle of
 t 
   height Favg
 F t  mv  mv0
• From Newton’s 2nd
Conservation of Linear Momentum
• Conservation of linear momentum – if the
net external force acting on a system is 0,
then the linear momentum of the system
  change   
Pi  Pf m1i v1i  m2i v2i  m1 f v1 f  m2 f v2 f
Angular Momentum

• Angular momentum is
    
L  r  p  m r  v 
• Angular momentum of a rigid body rotating about a
fixed axis L  I
• Angular momentum
depends on the mass of
the object, the velocity of
the object and the
distance of the object
from the axis of rotation
• Torque depends on the
force and the distance of
the object from the axis
of rotation
Angular Momentum cont.
• Angular momentum is conserved just like
linear momentum if the summation of the
external torques are zero
  
 dL Li  L f
  ext  0 
• Therefore we can have rotating collisions
where angular momentum is conserved
I11i  I 2 2i  I11 f  I 2 2 f
• As the moment of inertia changes so does the
angular velocity since angular momentum is

• Rockets are systems with varying mass

• Rockets are an example of a device that
depends on the conservation of linear
momentum to produce an acceleration
• In rockets the conservation of linear
momentum is applied to the system of the
rocket and its fuel
T  Rvrel  Ma
dM dv
T vrel  M
dt dt
 Mi 
v f  vi  vrel ln 

 f
Vrel is the velocity of the exhaust with respect to
the rocket = vex in the figure
Types of Collisions
• There are three types of collisions:
1. Purely elastic collisions – the kinetic
energy of the system is conserved
2. Purely inelastic collisions – the
objects which collided stick together
3. Partially inelastic collisions – the
kinetic energy of the system is not
• We will consider collisions in 1D
and 2D
• Note that in all collisions linear
momentum is conserved
Conservation of Momentum in 1D
• Both initially moving m1v1i  m2v2i  m1v1 f  m2v2 f

• Purely inelastic (both m1v1i  m2v2i   m1  m2  v

final velocities are the
• m2 is initially at rest m1v1i  m1v1 f  m2v2 f
• Purely inelastic m1v1i   m1  m2  v
Completely elastic collisions in 1D
• Completely elastic
both objects initially
 m1  m2   2m2 
v1 f    v1i    v2i
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
 2m1   m2  m1 
v2 f   v1i    v2i
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
Collisions in 1D cont.
• Purely elastic collision if 2nd object is
initially at rest
 m1  m2   2m1 
v1 f  v1i v2 f  v1i
 m1  m2   m1  m2 

• If m1  m2 v1 f  0 v2 f  v1i

• If m1  m2 v1 f  v1i v2 f  2v1i
• If m1  m2 v1 f  v1i v2 f   2m1 v1i  0
 m2 
Collisions in 2D

• For 2D collisions we must use vector component

notation to solve these problems
• Remember to treat the vector equations like 2
equations: x components and y components
• Use the equations for conservation of
• For elastic collisions use the equation for
conservation of kinetic energy
Equations for components in 2D

m1v1i  m1v1i iˆ  0 ˆj

m2v2i  m2v2i cosiˆ  m2v2i sin ˆj

m1v1 f  m1v1 f cos1iˆ  m1v1 f sin 1 ˆj

m2v2 f  m2v2 f cos 2iˆ  m2v2 f sin  2 ˆj

X comp m1v1i  m2v2i cos  m1v1 f cos1  m2v2 f cos 2

Y comp 0  m2v2i sin   m1v1 f sin 1  m2v2 f sin  2

Note it is easier to make the x axis the incoming

path of the first particle
• Fluids – a collection of molecules that are
randomly arranged and held together by
weak cohesive forces and forces exerted by
the walls of a container
• Density – mass per volume V
• Pressure – force per area P
• Absolute pressure – the total pressure at a
given depth
• Gauge pressure – the difference between
absolute pressure and atmospheric pressure
More Definitions
• Barometer – a device used to measure
pressure of the atmosphere
• Open-tube manometer – a device used to
measure gauge pressure
• Buoyant force – the upward force on an
object in a fluid
• Ideal fluid – a fluid with 4 characteristics
allowing simple mathematical handling
• Fluids tend to flow
• The pressure at a point in a fluid in static
equilibrium depends on the depth of that point
but not on any horizontal dimension of the
fluid or its container
P  P0  gh
• The pressure at
all points at a
given depth is
the same
Archimedes Principle
Fb  W fluid  Vg
• Any body
completely or
submerged in a
fluid is buoyed
up by a force
equal to the
weight of the
fluid displaced
by the body
• Case 1: Totally Submerged
 F  Fb  W  Vg   f   o 

 f  o Object accelerates up
 f  o Object stays in place
 f  o Object accelerates down

• Case 2: Floating Object

Fb  Wo   f V f g   oVo g   f V f   oVo
Pascal’s Law
• A change in pressure
applied to an enclosed
fluid is transmitted
undiminished to every
point of the liquid and to
the walls of the container
P1  P2 V1  V2
F1 F2 A1d1  A2 d 2

A1 A2
• The volume change is
transmitted undiminished
Some Definitions
Steady or laminar flow – each particle of the fluid
follows a smooth path. Paths of different
particles never cross each other. Velocity of the
fluid at any point remains constant in time.
• Nonsteady or turbulent flow – irregular flow
characterized by small whirlpool-like regions
• Viscosity – characterizes the degree of internal
friction in the fluid
• Streamline – path taken by a fluid particle under
steady flow (velocity of fluid particle is always
tangent to the streamline)
Ideal Fluid
• Four characteristics:
1. Steady flow
2. Incompressible fluid – density constant in
3. Nonviscous fluid – internal friction neglected
4. Irrotational flow – no angular momentum of
fluid about any point
• Use ideal fluids to discuss fluids in motion
because it is much simpler mathematically
and still provides useful results
Some Equations
• Equation of continuity for an
incompressible fluid (Assumes volume per
time is constant)
• Volume flow rate =
Rvol  A1v1  A2v2
• Mass flow rate = Rmass
Rmass  Rvol  Av
 cons tan t
• Bernoulli’s equation
(Derived from
conservation of energy)

1 2
P  v  gy  cons tan t
• Bernoulli’s equation explains lift on an
object moving through a fluid
• Factors influencing lift are:
1. Shape of object
2. Its orientation with respect to fluid flow
3. Spinning motion
4. Texture of objects surface
• Viscosity is the internal friction of a liquid
• A viscous fluid tend to stick to surfaces
• Velocity is largest at the center of pipes

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