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Prepared by: RENE R. VERDOTE

Question No. 1

The written record made by the investigator

upon arrival at the crime scene which contains
observations of the crime scene results of the
interview of witnesses, evidence collected and
others is called

a. Initial report c. Investigation report

b. Report d. Field note
d. Field note
Question No 2

What is the legal term for nighttime?

a. sanctuary c. absurdity
b. ephitomy d. nocturnity
d. nocturnity
Question No 3

The art of sketching the image of a person

by description of witnesses and victims
is called

a. drawing c. composite
b. mapping d. cartooning
c. composite sketching
Question 4

It is known as the Anti-Human

Trafficking Law.

a. RA 9231 c. RA 7438
b. RA 9208 d. RA 8358
b. RA 9208
Question 5

What law requires the procurement

of working permit for minors to
avoid any child exploitation and
child abuse in any form?

a. RA 9231 c. RA 7438
b. RA 9208 d. RA 8358
a. RA 9231
 RA 9231 "An Act Providing for the
Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child
Labor and Affording Stronger Protection
for the Working Child, Amending for the
Purpose R.A. No. 7610."
Question 6

Maintenance made up of all those who

had custody of the evidence since its
acquisition by a police agency to ensure
continuous accountability defines

a. chain of custody
b. transfer of evidence
c. custody of evidence
d. chain of custody of evidence
d. chain of custody of evidence
Question 7

Dismembered or cut up parts of the

human body such as hand, feet, torso,
sex organ, and others which are thrown
to different places to conceal a crime is

a. mutilation
b. mutilated remains
c. chop chop
d. mutilated
b. mutilated remains
Question 8

The law on criminal evidence is

integrated in the
a. Revised Penal Code
b. Revised Rules of Court
c. 1987 Philippine Constitution
d. Revised Administrative Code
b. Revised Rules of Court
Question 9

An examination of the immediate

vicinity of the crime scene where the
perpetrator may have been hiding
immediately after the commission of
the crime refers to
a. warm search c. hot search
b. cold search d. none of the above
c. hot search
Question 10

The objective of criminal investigation is to

determine the truth as far as it can be
discovered in any post-factum inquiry.
Post-factum means
a. after investigation
b. after an incident
c. before the facts
d. facts of the case
b. after an incident
Question 11

If criminal investigation is a process, after

identifying then collecting information and
evidences, the next logical step to do is

a. present them in court

b. preserve their legal integrity
c. evaluate their strength in establishing
d. recognize their importance in the
b. preserve their legal integrity
Question 12

The fundamental responsibility of the officer in

charge of protecting the crime scene is

a. interrogating the witnesses

b. engaging in the search for traces left by
the search for traces left by the criminal
c. removal of evidence which may prone
important to the case
d. preserving the site of the crime in the same physical
condition as it was left by the perpetrator
d. preserving the site of the crime in
the same physical condition as it was left
by the perpetrator
Question 13

Proof beyond reasonable doubt is the

weight and sufficiency of evidence
needed to convict the defendant in

a. administrative cases c. civil cases

b. criminal cases d. all of the above
b. criminal cases
Question 14

A policeman discovers two teenage gangs numbering

about 50 boys, engaged in a free-for-all fight. The best
immediate course of action for the policeman to take is
a. call the police station for reinforcement
b. fire over the heads of the boys (warning shots) and
order them to disperse
c. arrest the ring leaders
d. call upon adult bystanders to assist him in restoring
e. attempt to stop the fight by using his night stick
a. call the police station for reinforcement
Question 15

The simplest and the most effective way of

showing actual measurements and
identifying significant items of evidence
in their locations at the scene is

a. reconstruction c. physical
b. drawing d. sketching
d. sketching
Question 16

Romeo was accused of having murdered

Abdullah a Muslim. The accused claims that
the homicide was committed in self defense.
Of the following, the evidence which best
supports Romeo claim is that
a. Romeo was armed; it is uncertain as to
whether Abdullah was armed
b. Neither Romeo nor Abdullah was not armed
c. Romeo was armed; Abdullah was not armed
d. Romeo and Abdullah were armed
e. Abdullah was armed; Romeo was not.
e. Abdullah was armed; Romeo was not.
Question 17

Which among the following stages of

investigation involves a longer time
a. Preliminary c. In-depth
b. Secondary d. Concluding
c. In-depth
Question 18

These are hints that suggest lines of

investigative actions and information that is
valuable in expanding the universe of
suspects, identifying prime suspects and
finding the guilty person. These are called

a. information c. investigative leads

b. corpus delicti d. modus operandi
c. investigative leads
Question 19

Planned and coordinated legal search

conducted to locate physical evidence at
the locus criminis refers to

a. Crime scene search c. Intelligence

b. Instrumentation d. Covert
a. Crime scene search
Question 20

The means sanctioned by the rules of law,

ascertaining the truth, respecting a
matter of fact is known as

a. physical evidence c. corpus delicti

b. evidence d. associative evidence
b. evidence
Question 21

Materiality of evidence means…

a. it is related
b. it has the tendency in reason to
establish the probability or improbability
of fact in issue
c. it is directed to prove a fact
d. not excluded by law
b. it has the tendency in reason to
establish the probability or
improbability of fact in issue
Question 22

Competency of evidence means…

a. it is related
b. it has the tendency in reason to
establish the probability or improbability
of fact in issue
c. it is directed to prove a fact
d. not excluded by law
d. not excluded by law
Question 23

If the eyewitness is used to identify the

perpetrator, what identification method
has the least element of suggestion on
the part of the investigator?
a. Rogues gallery method
b. Portrait parle
c. Cartography
d. Police line-up
d. Police line-up
Question 24

During a quarrel on a crowded street of Baguio City, one man stabs

another and flees. A policeman arriving at the scene a short
time later finds the victim unconscious, calls for an ambulance
and orders the crowd to leave. His action was

a. bad; there may have been witnesses to the assault

among the crowd
b. good; it is proper first aid procedure to give an injured
person room and air
c. bad; the assailant is probably among the crowd
d. good; a crowd may destroy needed evidence
e. bad; it is poor public relations for the police to order
people about needlessly.
a. bad; there may have been witnesses to
the assault among the crowd
Question 25

The sketch that gives the picture of the

crime scene, and its immediate
environment is called
a. sketch of ground
b. sketch of locality
c. sketch of details
d. sketch of surrounding
b. sketch of locality
Question 26

It implies the deliberate planning of the

criminal act before executing it.

a. treachery c. evident
b. criminal intent d. alevosia
c. evident premeditation
Question 27

Circumstances pertaining to moral

order, which adds disgrace and
obloquy to the material injury caused
by the crime
a. cruelty c. alevosia
b. ignominy d. treachery
b. ignominy
Question 28

The effectiveness of this tool in investigation

depends on the craft, logic and
psychological insight of the initiator in
interpreting the information relevant to the
case is called

a. Instrumentation c. information
b. Interrogation d. interview
b. Interrogation
Question 29

It is the product of either deductive or

inductive reasoning or combination of both
approaches that more than a learned
guess, but less than a certainty; however,
possesses a very high order of probability.

a. Physical reconstruction c. hypothesis

b. Mental reconstruction d. rational theory
d. rational theory
Question 30

It is the type of reconstruction of crime

wherein collected information is analyzed
carefully thereby developing a theory of
the crime.
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Physical reconstruction
c. Inductive reasoning
d. Mental reconstruction
c. Inductive reasoning
Question 31

It is basically a top-down view of the crime

scene where the walls of the room have
been folded down to reveal locations of
evidence. This is

• Cross Projection
• Rectangulation
• Grid
• Polar
a. Cross Projection
Question 32
The condition and favorable time of the
suspect to possibly execute and
commit the crime refers to

a. motive c. timing
b. opportunity d. alibi
b. opportunity
Question 33

The peculiar habits of the criminals in

committing crimes make an overview of
the criminals’

a. operational method c. operational

b. modus operandi d. signature of
the crime
b. modus operandi
Question 34

It is the discreet observation of places,

persons, and vehicles for the purpose of
obtaining information concerning the
identities or activities of subjects.

a. Surveillance c. Roping
b. Tailing d. Undercover
a. Surveillance
Question 35

The initial inquiry by officers to establish facts

and circumstances of a suspected crime
and to preserve any evidence related to the
crime is called

a. follow up investigation c. inquest

b. preliminary investigation d. ocular
b. preliminary investigation
Question 36

In robbery intent to gain means:

a. Loperande Animus
b. Animus Lucrandi
c. Anemus Loperandi
d. Anemae
b. Animus Lucrandi
Question 37

In the Philippines, breaking and

entering into house or building
with felonious intent is known as

a. Burglary c. Larceny
b. Robbery d. Theft
b. Robbery
Question 38

A commissioned police officer who

effected a raid without search
warrant and justifiable reasons will
be considered a case of

a. Misfeasance c. Nonfeasance
b. Malfeasance d. none of the above
b. Malfeasance
Question 39

What are the chances of two people

having the same DNA "fingerprint"?

a. 4 million to 1
b. 3 billion to 1
c. 30 billion to 1
d. 60 billion to 1
c. 30 billion to 1
Question 40

Which detective case code reveals that

the case was cleared by arrest?

a. VCI (Victim Cancelled Investigation)

b. COP (Closed, Other Prosecution)
c. PRF (Prosecutor Refused to File)
d. WPA (Warrant Pending Arrest)
d. WPA (Warrant Pending Arrest)
Question 41

How many subjects need to stand as

possible suspects for a legal line-up?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
b. 6
Question 42

According to the portrait parle of

identification, which set of
peculiarities are the most important?

a. age, race, build

b. nose, hair, complexion
c. chin, eyes, lips
d. neck, mouth, ears
c. chin, eyes, lips
Question 43

What is the standard inner perimeter

for roping off an outdoor crime

a. ten square feet

b. twenty square feet
c. forty square feet
d. sixty square feet
c. forty square feet
Question 44
A law enforcement conversation with
witnesses or victims should follow a
____ pattern.

a. block-by-block
b. signs of the cross
c. you-we-I
d. plain view
c. you-we-I
Question 45

What kind of sketch would generally be

used with an outdoor crime scene?

a. the coordinate method

b. the triangulation method
c. the cross-projection method
d. the single spiral method
b. the triangulation method
Question 46

The correct order of a crime scene

analysis is:

a. sketch, search, photograph

b. search, sketch, photograph
c. photograph, search, sketch
d. photograph, sketch, search
d. photograph, sketch, search
Question 47

The least common man-made fiber is:

a. nylon
b. polyester
c. rayon
d. spandex
d. spandex
Question 48

What does it mean if a person is a "secretor"?

a. they sweat a lot at crime scenes due to a severe

perspiration problem
b. their saliva and other non-blood fluids can be
traced to a blood type
c. their bodily fluids are easily found at crime
d. they leave easy fingerprints to lift because of
excessive skin oil
b. their saliva and other non-blood fluids
can be traced to a blood type
Question 49

Guilty suspects will usually scratch

what part of their body?

a. head
b. neck
c. arms
d. legs
b. neck
Question 50
If a suspect's eye movement is to their
right & up, they are:

a. trying to recall a visual truth

b. trying to make up a visual lie
c. trying to recall an auditory truth
d. trying to make up an auditory lie
b. trying to make up a visual lie
Question 51

The cognitive interview technique

works best on suspects with:

a. an alibi
b. memory problems
c. good acting ability
d. psychiatric problems
b. memory problems
Question 52

What is the cognitive interviewing technique?

a. eliciting a nonverbal response from the

b. eliciting a verbal, emotional response
from the subject
c. having the subject repeat the story from
various starting points in the story
d. making the subject feel guilty so they
want to confess
c. having the subject repeat the story
from various starting points in the
Question 53

What method of confronting denial is

used on a suspect with good acting
ability and who gives you no
nonverbal behavior to interpret?

a. cognitive interviewing
b. selective interviewing
c. enticement interviewing
d. the Reid model of confession
b. selective interviewing
Question 54

Which of the following is NOT one of the

three recognized types of informants?

a. volunteer
b. paid
c. anonymous
d. conscientious
d. conscientious
Question 55

The "instigator"-informant is used most

commonly in what situation?

a. a case with no leads

b. a buy-bust operation
c. an organized crime case
d. during an ongoing trial to get
b. a buy-bust operation
Question 56

The politically correct way to refer to

informants is:

a. snitches
b. tipsters
c. junior detectives
d. special employees
d. special employees
Question 57

In a report describing stolen property, which

items are first on the list?

a. articles with market value

b. articles with identifying characteristics
c. articles with numerical characteristics
d. articles bearing initials or personal marks
c. articles with numerical characteristics
Question 57

A decomposing body is found in a rural

area. The size of the largest maggot
found in the body is 6 millimeters long.
How many days has the victim been
A. 4 days
B. 6 days
C. 8 days
D. 10 days
C. 8 days
Question 58

What was the first scientific method of

identifying criminals?

A. fingerprint cards
B. the line-up
C. the Bertillon method
D. the Vucetich-Henry system
C. the Bertillon method
Question 59

Visual, fixed surveillance is also known as


A. tracer
B. tail
C. tag
D. stakeout
D. stakeout
Question 60

Partial rigor mortis (upper body only) has

set in. How long has the victim been

A. 6 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 18 hours
D. 36 hours
B. 12 hours

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