Improvement in Ex-Siding Lifting Compliance From Faridabad - A3 Way

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Physical Distribution TRD Reasons for PD

Improvement in Ex-siding
Lifting compliance from
Faridabad stockyard

Customer Service Division

Physical Distribution-CSD Improvement in
for compliance
PD from Faridabad
I. The Background V. Counter Measures
In-Line with CSD BO&S FY’12 i.e. “To increase availability of products to customers in chosen segment” CSD Target
identified the need to develop transport infrastructure for improved material availability at customer end. The Root Cause Action Item Responsibility Date Status
strategy adopted to achieve this goal by means of : 1. In-sufficient number  Both transporters asked to
A) Improve transit time compliance in 1st leg;(Target 95%) and
B) Improve Ex siding lifting compliance for 2nd leg from Major Hubs viz. TKD, FBD, CHE and GVM.(Target 95%) of vehicles to lift deploy market vehicles to avoid late Transporter July ‘11 Done
• Faridabad is FP hub for North region(Total volume approx. 50000T/month consists of 30000 tons of transshipment material.) material timely lifting
• Around 17000T of transshipment account material is outstation/ long route material divided into 4 major lanes viz. NCR,
 Transporters were asked to add
Punjab, Jaipur, Uttarakhand. 2. Dependency on
• The ex-siding compliance from faridabad remains around 70-80% against the target of 95%. vehicles to their fleet to ensure Transporter July ’11 Done
market vehicles only
II. Current condition:  Failure reason/ hidden reason
Ex-siding Lane wise Volume and L.C for Q1 FY’12 3. No monitoring of capturing in Daily stockyard report S.C.Jha
July ‘11 Done
Month ---> Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 failures • Fortnightly review of Ex-siding
Lifting Compliance Manish Gupta
Punjab lane L.C. 93 68 88
• Out of scope however Surface
Jaipur Lane L.C. 78 66 80 4. Back to back rakes transportation asked to plan rakes S.T. NA NA
NCR L.C. 86 71 75 on alternate days
Uttranchal  HA staff to keep record of the same to
L.C. 69 72 74 5. Customer hold S.C.Jha July ‘11 Done
avoid future complaints
Overall L.C. 82 69 78
III. Goal: V. Effects
Based on the above data , the Goal of this project was taken as follows : Ex-siding lifting compliance Analysis for 1st-15th July 2011
“Improvement in Ex-siding L.C. from faridabad yard to 95% Late placement
Delay due to (Waiting for market Waybill not Grand
IV. Analysis: Row Labels packing damage vehicle) avlb. Total %age
Pareto Analysis” of failure reasons for ex-siding dispatches in June 2011 revealed the following : Jaipur 794
Ok 794 100
3753T NCR 23 69 67 1456
Failure Ok 1298 89
Transport failure 23 69 67 159 11
Punjab 26 2834
Ok 2808 99
Transport failure 26 26 1
Uttarakhand 25 91 1272
Ok 1156 91
Transport failure 25 91 116 9
‘Late Placement’ was the key contributor for poor ex-siding L.C. from FBD. Grand Total 48 95 158 6356 95% compliance
Root Cause Analysis : Fishbone Diagram prepared to arrive at the
root cause(s) of “Late placement of vehicles”
1. There is significant increase in Ex siding L.C.from faridabad resulting into increased Customer
2. Enhanced supply chain reliability.
3. Improved supplier-customer relationship.

VI. Follow up action / Standardization:

1. Weekly review of DM charts to find out abnormalities.
2. Training and development of Handling Agent’s employees.
3. Implementation of monitoring system on similar lines at TKD stockyard.

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