Technical Qualities of Research Instrument

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Technical Qualities of

Research Instrument

It is important that research instruments

should be able to correctly and accurately
measure what it intends to measure. A math
achievement test should contain items that
would give researchers data about math
achievement and not attitudes or
perception toward mathematics. This
technical qualities a research instrument is
called Validity.
The researchers must be certain that the instrument is
valid so that the quality of the data obtained from the
administration of the instrument can be treated with
confidence or a high degree of certainly.

Validity is classified into 3 types: (1) content validity, (2)

criterion validity, (3) construct validity. Table 4.4 provides a
short description of the different types of validity.
Table 4.4


Content validity Content validity refers to the To have content validity, a
extent of how the research research instrument on self
instrument measures the esteem must have items that
important and essential are relevant, important, and
dimensions of the variable. essential on how self-esteem is
Such validity may be obtained defined. Relevant aspects or
from a thorough search of the dimension of self-esteem can
literature or from content be obtained from a thorough
experts who are asked to judge literature search or by asking
items in the research psychologists.
instrument on their consistency
with the relevant dimensions of
the variable. A Table Of
Specifications (TOS) that
identifies the domain of tasks
measured by the instrument is
also a useful tool.
Criterion validity Criterion validity refers to how A math aptitude test has
well a research instrument can criterion validity if the test can
predict future performance or predict future performance on a
estimate current performance math achievement test taken
on another measure rather than by students after an intensive
the instrument itself math tutoring program.
Construct validity Construct validity refers to the A self-esteem instrument has
degree to which scores obtained construct validity if the results
from the use of a research from the administration of the
instrument can be related and, instrument can be explained,
to a certain extent, influence related, or linked to the
another variable construct of self-confidence and
self-efficacy (i.e., the belief
that one can accomplish a task)

Report by;
Joelina May Dandoy
Alyssa Joy Martinez

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