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NCHPE – 2019

11th National Conference on

Health Professions Education 2019- Date : 21 - 23 November

E-Poster Preparation Guidelines

[This slide may be used for making your E-Poster as Template after deleting the guidelines given below and the header above]
 MUST BE a single Slide E-Poster.
 It will be shown on a 50” TV panel . Hence, it’s size MUST NOT be more than 36” Horizontal x 20” Vertical dimension. The dimension of this slide
has been set exactly as per the requirement.
 Time for Presentation of each E-Poster will be 6 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion.
 This template can be used for E-poster presentation. Once you’ve prepared your presentation as final, using this slide, please use “Save As” facility
by using the key command “Alt+F+A” > select the “Save As Type” as “JPEG File Interchange Format (.JPG) and give the File Name as your “EP
_Registration No._Your name“- Where, ‘EP’ stands for E-Poster.
 If other format is used, for preparing the E-poster, it must be saved in JPEG format only
 Send the E-poster in JPEG format as an attachment to by 15th Nov, 2019 and carry a copy of your E-Poster in a
pen-drive free of any viruses. Subject of your email should be “EP _Registration No. _Your name”. Full Title of your abstract in the file name or in
the subject line is not necessary. However, please carry a copy of your Power Point slide in case that may be required for any display issues.
 This slide can be used for basing your E-Poster, which will display your E-Poster on the TV in perfect dimension. But use your own font picture,
graphics and appropriate font sizes as required by your own E-Poster (Less than 24 px font is not recommended)
 You can delete the above header space if you so wish to use the space
 Date | Time of your E-Poster Presentation is being worked out by the Scientific Committee and will be uploaded on the website by 15th Nov. 2019
 Name the sections of your presentation as per the guidelines for abstracts submission: Title of the E-Poster, names and affiliations of authors as
one section, and then separate sections for Introduction | Objectives | Material & Methods |Results | Conclusions.

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