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• Every living and non-living thing on this planet are
interconnected .
• Nothing can be isolated and everything has an
impact on everything else.
• So we need to understand how human health and
environment are connected .
• Human tendency has always been to subjected our
surroundings .
• We take pleasure in conquering and reshaping our
environment as though it is beneath us and we are
supreme .
• As per the definition by WHO “human health is a
state of complete physical , mental and social well
being and not merely the absence of disease and
infirmity .
• The well being does not happen in isolation , it is
affected by internal as well as external factors .
Factors related to environment and
health :
• Internal factors : It includes issued related to
inside human body such as immune
ideficiencies , hormonal imbalance etc .
• External factors : it includes factors related to
our environment it is not merely the air we
breathe , it ranges from the water we drink to
the soil we use to grow food , the sound in our
surroundings .
• For this I have choosen primary data collection
method . To know the topic from its roots .
• I have created a questionnaire and done a research
on 20 respondents views .
• Through this I came to knew that , our country have
several rules and policies but its practical
implications are really very blur .
• But , the Swach Bharat Mission is appreciable step
by the government of the country .
Result :

• Biomagnification :
It is a vicious circle ,
• The ayurvedic products which we use are beneficital
only for the human . We are unable to pay back to the
environment which we are taking from it .


It focuses only on the human’s health and education . On
contrary we should understand that environment is also
a part of social responsibility .


i. It is organised by the United Nation climate chain
corporation in Germany .
ii. Many rules and policies for environment are made but
they are very slow in execution . iii. Their effects are
very blur .
• Nuclear power plant :
India is a country which is rich in solar and wind power
but it is shifiting to nuclear power plant , ehich is very
harmful for environment . On the other hand other
countries are shifting to solar and wind enery .

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