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A presentation on

Growth of Web
Governing the protocols

Presented by - Shyam Saini

“Victorian internet”
 The telegraph
 The invented in the 1840s
 Signals sent over wires that were established over
vast distances
 Used extensively by the U.S Government during the
American civil war, 1861 - 1865
 Morse code was dots and dashes,
Or short signals and long signals
 The electronic signal standard of
+/ till used in network
Interface cards today.
“what is the internet?”
 A network of networks, joining
many government, university
and private computers together
and providing an infrastructure
for the use of E-mail, bulletin
boards, file archives, hypertext
documents, databases and other
computational resources
 The vast collection of computer
networks which form and act as
a single huge network for
transport of data and messages
across distances which can be
anywhere from the same office
to anywhere in the world.
“Brief History of the internet”
 1968 - DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
contracts with BBN (Bolt, Beranek & Newman) to create
 1970 - First five nodes:
 Stanford
 UC Santa Barbara
 U of Utah, and
 1974 - TCP specification by Vint Cerf
 1984 – On January 1, the Internet with its 1000 hosts
converts en masse to using TCP/IP for its messaging
“Internet History”
“World wide web”

 The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked

hypertext documents accessed
 via the Internet. Web is a huge collection of
pages of information linked to each
 other around the globe.
“History of www”
 WWW is created by Sir Tim Berners Lee in 1989 at
CERN in Geneva.
 In 1990, the first text only browsers were setup and
CERN scientist could access hypertext files and other
information at CERN. HTML was based on a subset of
the standard generalized markup language (SGML).To
transfer HTML document to remote sites a new protocol
was devised called HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).
 In simple terms, The World Wide Web is a way of
exchanging information between computers on the
Internet, tying them together into a vast collection of
interactive multimedia resources
“Evolution of web”
“Protocols governing the web”
 A Protocols is a set of rules. Protocols allows two
computers to communicate over media such as
wireless or hardwired technologies.
 When computers communicate with each other, there
needs to be a common set of rules and instruction that
each computer follows.
protocols are the language of computers.
“Protocol stack”
“some type of protocols”
 Hyper Text Transfer Protocols (HTTP) :
This protocol is used to access, send and
receive Hypertext markup language (HTML) files on
the Internet.

 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) :

This protocol is used for transferring e-mail between
“some more”
 File Transfer Protocol(FTP):
FTP is used to upload files on server and download
files from server.

 Transmission Control Protocol(TCP): This

protocol ensure the delivery of information
packets across network.

 Internet Protocol(IP):
This protocol is responsible logical addressing
called IP address to route information between
“A list of some protocols”
 ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
 DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
 DFTP: File Transfer Protocol
 HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
 TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
 IP: Internet Protocol
 SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
 TELNET: TCP/IP Terminal Emulation Protocol
 UPD: User Datagram Protocol
 UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
 POP3: Post Office Protocol version 3
 PAR: Positive Acknowledgment and Retransmission
 RLOGIN: Remote Login
 NS: Domain Name Service
 DSN: Data Source Name

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