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Bayawa, Angeli E.
Beltran, Catherine Hershy
What is Curriculum
It is more than a list of topic to be covered by
an educational programme, for which the more
commonly accepted word is “syllabus”. It is
first all policy statement about piece of
education, and secondly an indication as to the
ways in which that policy is to be realized
through a programme of action. It is the sum of
all activities, experiences and learning
opportunities for which an institution (such as
the society) or a teacher (such as a faculty
member) takes responsibility-either
deliberately or by default.
-Coles, 2003).
CURRICULUM May be define as an educational plan
that spells out which goals and
objectives should be achieved, which
topics should be covered and which
methods are to be used for learning.
Teaching and evaluation. (Wojtczak,

The term curriculum refers to the sum total of

organized learning stated as educational
ends, activities, school subjects and/or
topics decided upon and provided within
and educational institution for the
attainment of the students (Garcia, 1976).

It is concerned with principles and procedures for the

planning, management and assessment of learning.

The focus has primarily been on language syllabuses.

Curriculum Development focus on
 What knowledge, skills, and values students
learn in school.
 What experience should be provided to bring
about intended learning outcomes.
 How teaching and learning in schools or
educational systems can be planned, measure,
and evaluated.
Language curriculum
development focus on…

Designing language
Revising language
Implementing language
Evaluating language

Language curriculum development

 Starts with the notion of syllabus design.
 A major factor in language teaching
 Content of a course.
 Really begin in 1960’s
 The key of stimulus is teaching methods’ change-
for the better methods.
Syllabus design
A set of
An aspect of curriculum
Determine the needs of
A specification of content of the learners
course instructions and lists of
what to be taught and tested Develop the aims and
objectives to address
those needs.
Began much earlier than Determine the appropriate
curriculum development syllabus design
Carry out an evaluation of
the program
 The methods concept in teaching-the nation of
systematic set of teaching practices based on a
particular theory of language and language
learning-is a powerful one and the quest for
better methods has been a preoccupation of
many teachers and applied linguistic since the
beginning of the twentieth century. Many
methods have come and gone in the last 100
years in pursuit of the “best method,” as the
following chronology illustrates, with dates
suggesting periods of greatest dominance :
 Grammar Translation Method (1800-1900)
 Direct Method (1890-1930)
 Structural Method (1930-1960)
 Reading Method (1920-1950)
 Audiolingual Method (1950-1970)
 Situational Method (1950-1970)
 Communicative Approach (1970-present)
What should be selected from
corpus and textbooks?

Is it possible to teach the whole

language at the same time?

To choose the appropriate unit

of the language for teaching

To choose the most useful

procedures for learners.
(Macke, 1965)
Two aspects of Selection

Vocabulary Selection

Grammar Selection
one of the most obvious components
of language and one of the first things
applied linguists turned their attention
 Other criteria of vocabulary selection
 Teachability
 Similarity
 Availability
 Coverage
 Defining power
 The need for a systematic approach selecting
grammar for teaching purposes was also a
priority for applied linguists from the 1920s. The
number of any syntactic structures in a
language is a large, as is seen from the contents
any grammar books.
What are the principles have been
suggested as a basis for developing
grammatical syllabuses.
 Simplicity and centrality: This recommends choosing structures that are
simple and more central to the basic structure of the language than those
that are complex and peripheral.
 Frequency: Frequency of occurrence has also been proposed in
developing grammatical syllabus, but relatively little progress was made in
this area for sometimes because of the difficulty of deciding on
appropriate grammatical units to count and the difficulty of coding
grammatical structures for analysis.
 Subject and verb ellipsis: such as “Don’t know” instead or “I don’t know”
 Learnability: it has sometimes been argued that grammatical syllabuses
should take into account the order in which grammatical items are
acquired in second language learning.
Approaches to gradation
 Linguistic distance: Lado (1957) proposed that structures that are similar to
those in the native language should be taught first.
 Intrinsic difficulty: This principle argues that simple structures should be
taught before complex one and the commonest criterion used to justify
the sequence of grammatical items in a syllabus.
 Communicative need: Some structure will be needed early on and cannot
be postponed, despite their difficulty, such as the simple past in English,
since it is difficult to avoid making reference to past events for very long in
a course.
 Frequency: The frequency of occurrence of structures and grammatical
items in the target language may also affect the order in which they
appear in a syllabus, although as we noted, little information of this sort is
available to syllabus planners.
Overview of Language Curriculum

Systematic Approach to Designing and Maintaining

Language Curriculum (Adapted from Brown 1989)



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