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- Catherine Guerrero.

- Jhonatan Alexander Yaqueno
- Darwin Luna
- Mateo Cajigas
- 1835520
New York

• The first explorer to observe the island of Manhattan in 1524

was the navigator Giovanni da Verrazzano. That in the future
the city will be called Nueva Angulema.
• In 1614 the European settlement in the region began. In the
future, it was the Dutch who founded a city they called New
• Peter Minuit bought the Manhattan island from the
Canarsee tribe. but in 1626 the FUERTE AMSTERDAN will be
• In 1645 there were war clashes. In the future a peace treaty
was signed, many natives died.
• In 1652 the colony had its own government. And in the
future the city in 1653 will be elevated to the rank of city.
English conquest

• The English conquered the place in 1664. and the name

of the city will be changed to New York.
• In 1673, the Dutch reconquered the city for a short
period of time and called it New Orange.
• in 1674 they completely ceded the colony to the English,
who changed the name to New York.
• The Dutch finally left the region in 1667, after the Second
Anglo-Dutch War.
• The native population decreased dramatically as did the
number of slaves.
independence of the
United States
• Between 1775 and 1778 the War of Independence between
Great Britain and the United States was fought.
• which will officially end in September 1783 with the signing
of the Treaty of Paris.
• The country began to be called, from that moment, United
States of America. The first session of the Congress was held
in 1785.
• The great expansion of New York began in 1811. but in the
future strong European immigration will be established in
the city.
• In 1835 it was already the largest city in the United States. in
1898 it was divided into five communes or districts
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