Rome History: Members Jorge Bastidas Claudia Trejo Angie Ponce Álvaro Portilla Teacher: Katherine Guerrero

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Jorge Bastidas
Claudia Trejo
Angie Ponce
Álvaro Portilla

Katherine Guerrero

• Rome was founded by Romulus in 753 B.C

• Rome will be an impressive historical center

that reflects its past.
• Rome were already the most powerful city in

• Rome will have the most political buildings

in the country

The government rested on the balance of

powers, which was achieved with mutual
control by the different political classes:
senators, magistrates and the people.
The Roman Empire

At the death of Caesar, his nephew Octavio was the one who prevailed.
Allied to Marco Antonio, César's officer, and Lépido, cavalry master, they
divided the Roman world. Deposed Lepidus in 38 B.C., Octavio was king.
The First Empire, Nero and the Christian Era

Octavio managed to unify and pacify the empire and was named "Augustus."
During its 47 years of government, the so-called "century of Augustus" meant
the development of classical Latin literature: Virgil, Tibulo, Ovid, Tito-Livio ...
It was also the time when Roman art was defined.
The development of Christianity
and the Church to power

Constantine I was elected the first Christian emperor for his

legions in Germania in 306.
The Renaissance

Rome was living a moment of flowering of the forms of

expression, for so many numb centuries. It was the
"Renaissance", which would later spread throughout Europe.
Dreams of freedom

• Napoleon Bonaparte were the one who occupied Rome after

the French Revolution.
• The ancient papal authority was ridiculed
That feeling intensified when Italy passed to
Austria in 1814, by the Treaty of Paris. The true
protagonists of the struggle for the unification of
Italy were Cavour and Garibaldi. Thus, with the
help of Napoleon III's troops, Garibaldi
reclaimed land from the Austrians in exchange
for giving some to France.

The city expands beyond its walls.

20th century

Benito Mussolini, with the agreement of Lateran, proposed to the

pope an act known as the Papal Guarantees Law. Italy would
recognize the idea of ​a free Church in a free state, the figure of
the pope as sacred, he would allocate an annual sum of money,
granted him the Vatican, the Lateran Palace and the city of
Castel Gandolfo. Rome was hit hard after the assault of the
English and the Americans
Rome is probably one of the most important empires that
have existed on earth. With a clear civilizing mission, or Rome in the future
so they believed, it caused all of Europe to receive
(regardless of the way) its way of life, as well as its
discoveries, infrastructure, forms of entertainment,
among others. With a form of government, which always
had expansionism as its main objective, the Roman
Empire stood out for its implacable army and its more
civilized society than the other barbarian tribes.

Rome will be the heiress of another city to a new

space in which a political entity is constituted that
tries to restore the mythical virtues of that

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