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Health Project

Sofía Arce
Inés Barraguirre
Nicolás Cresta
Nacho De Marco
Luciana Orlando
Smoking is not good for your health because
tobacoo smoke contains a lot of harmful chemicals.
Some of us don’t quite understand the severity of the
problem. Keep on watching so you can know why is
so important.
Cigarette contains nicotine.
Nicotine apart from being an
addictive drug it is a stimulant that
affects the brain and makes the
person feel more alert. As nicotine
is addictive, smokers often find it
very difficult to give up.
Nicotine damages the circulatory
system, making blood vessels get
narrower. This can increase blood
pressure, leading to hypertension.
Smokers have a greater chance of
developing heart disease than non-
Cigarette contains tar, which
contains different chemicals. Some
of which are carcinogens, and can
cause cancer. It causes a disruption
in the cells of the respiratory
passages and the lungs, making
them divide uncontrollably. This
continuous cell division forms a
lump or tumour, that if it's malignant,
Bare in mind that streets are
is cancer. made of tar.
Your lungs can be very badly
affected by smoking. Coughs,
colds, wheezing and asthma are
just the start. Smoking can cause
fatal diseases such as
pneumonia, emphysema and
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD).
Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of health
problems for developing babies, including preterm birth, low
birth weight, and birth defects of the mouth and
lip. Smoking during and after pregnancy also increases the risk
of sudden infant death syndrome.
Some of the effects that may be experienced after smoking
tobacco include:
•initial stimulation, then reduction in activity of brain and nervous
•increased alertness and concentration
•feelings of mild euphoria and relaxation
•increased blood pressure and heart rate
•decreased blood flow to fingers and toes
•decreased skin temperature
•nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting
After you know all these facts,one more thing to
add is that if you smoke, you’re not only harming
yourself but the people around you.

All the dangers that have been

previously mentioned are the
same for non-smokers.
The best way to
keep you and your
family safe, is to
become aware of
the dangers of
We can help
you, you are
not alone! If you need
help, enter a
program to

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