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The Significant Need To Have A

Nutritious And Healthy

 1. Breakfast decreases appetite.
Studies have shown that consuming breakfast greatly decreases hunger and
cravings throughout the day. Weird right?

2. You Eat Less.

 3. You can prevent type 2 diabetes.
You read that right. A possible explanation for this is that skipping breakfast can
cause insulin resistance, which is a feature of Type 2 Diabetes.
 4. You will have a low risk of obesity.
A study conducted in Europe conducted in 2010, showed that those who ate
breakfast had a reduced risk of obesity.
5. Cognitive function.
Breakfast also restores glucose levels. It can also make us happier as it can improve
mood and lower stress levels.
6. Energy needs.
People's energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically
men require more energy than women.
7. Sharper Focus.
Whether you are in class or on the job, the last thing you want on your mind is food,

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