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Role of imagination in the

production of knowledge in the arts

Real life situation
• Camille Saint-Saëns composed a musical suite
called carnival of the animals.
• The Swan is the 13th movement of the
musical suite
• By using his imagination he was able to create
a piece that resembles swan gliding through
Knowledge question

What is the role of imagination in the

production of knowledge in the arts?
• Camille used imagination in order to create a
musical piece that would resemble movement
of the swan.
• Through imagination he tried to showcase
grace and beauty using soft tones in order to
mirror gesture of the swan itself.
Imagination as WOK
In what way does imagination contribute to the
production of knowledge in the arts?
Claim:Sabre dance by Aram Khachaturian
Counterclaim:Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
being a Self-Portrait
Arts as AOK
In what way do emotions influence imagination
in the production of knowledge in the arts?
Claim:Franck: Piano Quintet
Counter claim:The Laundress by Jean-Baptiste

General conclusion
Implication to conclusion to the real-life
Implication to another RLS

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