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Diseases of the Nervous System

Chapter 27
Nester 5th. Ed.
Components of the Nervous
 Central Nervous System(Figure 27.1 and 2)
• Brain
• Spinal cord
• Protective coverings
– Bones
– Meninges
– CSF in the Subarachnoid Space
 Peripheral Nervous System
Figure 26.1, Page
CNS Environment
 Well protected
• totally internal
 Organisms have trouble getting in
• probably by accident
• infect other areas much more easily
 No normal flora at all
Figure 26.2,
26.2 26.2,
Page 665
Page 664
Routes into the CNS
 Blood stream
• blood-brain barrier
– single layer of tightly packed capillary cells
– keeps out organisms, viruses or drugs
– can be breached by high concentrations of pathogen
or drug
• Infections of the face above the mouth
– infections of veins which communicate directly to
veins of the CNS
Routes into the CNS
 Nerves
– pathogens travel up nerve bundles
– axoplasmic flow
 Bones
• bones surround CNS particularly the brain
• pathogen must penetrate periosteum
• pathogen must get through the bone
• pathogens can get through from
– sinuses
– mastoids
– middle ear
Routes into the CNS
• Skull fractures
– non-healing injuries lead to recurring infections
– Fracture across the floor of the skull producing either
otorrhea or rhinorrhea

 Penetrating injuries
Types of Infections of the CNS
 Meningitis
 Encephalitis
 Localized brain abscess
Types of Meningitis
 Acute bacterial meningitis

 Acute viral meningitis

 Chronic meningitis
Acute Bacterial Meningitis
 Causative agents
• Varies with age (Figure 27.5)

• Recent changes due to immunizations (Figure

Figure 26.3, Page 666

Rates of serious Haemophilus influenzae disease per 100,000

children less than five US 1987 to 1998
Acute Bacterial Meningitis
 Common symptoms
• Begins with a mild cold
• Severe throbbing headache, nausea and
• Fever
• Meningism
– Stiffness and pain in the neck and back
Acute Bacterial Meningitis
 Characteristics of CSF
• Pressure is increased
• CSF is cloudy (contains pus)
• Increased protein
• Decreased glucose
• Neutrophils present
• Bacteria can be found on staining the CSF
• Bacteria can be cultured
Acute Bacterial Meningitis-
Meningococcal Meningitis

 Organism - Neisseria meningitides

• 12 antigenic groups
– A, B, C, Y and W135
– diagnosis by Immunological techniques
• Gram (-) diplococci (Figure 26.7)
• Oxidase (+)
• Grows on ordinary blood agar or chocolate
Figure 26.7, Page 667
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Mild cold followed by sudden onset of
• severe throbbing headache
• fever
• marked pain and stiffness of back and neck
 Progression to
• deafness
• altered consciousness
• coma
Acute Bacterial Meningitis
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Petechial rash - Figure 26.6
• purplish spots
• from small hemorrhages
Meningococcal Meningitis -

 Shock
• leads to death within 24 hours
• usually progression is slower
– can still treat
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Inflammation
• pus & clots cause brain swelling & infarcts
• flow of CSF obstructed
– pushes brain against skull
• damage to
– auditory nerves
– optic nerves
– motor nerves - paralysis
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Endotoxin
• decreases blood pressure - shock
• hemorrhages - rash
• released in “showers” from meninges into
– a reason why this disease can be rapidly fatal
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Usually in epidemics
 Occurs commonly in infants age 6-11 mths
 Also, often in children and adults
• especially at military bases and colleges
High incidence during WW II in military
recruits crowded in barracks

Meningococcal disease in the US 1935 to 1998

Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Usually in epidemics
 Occurs commonly in infants age 6-11 mths
 Also, often in children and adults
• especially at military bases and colleges
Meningococcal Meningitis -

 Humans = reservoir and carrier

• isolated from 5-15% of normal people
 Most infections are of the nose and throat
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Frequency by different strains varies a lot
 Factors
• immunity of population to previously
encountered strains
• wide use of sulfa drugs producing resistance
– B & C were resistant to sulfa drugs before they were
used in 1935
• crowding
• transfer of virulence by transformation
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Opsonins to group antigens are protective
 Vaccine - capsule polysaccharide
• used to control epidemics
• people of high risk
 Vaccine for Group B polysaccharide is
being developed
• this is a poor antigen
Meningococcal Meningitis -
 Prophylactic treatment
• rifampin
• strains from patients are more virulent
– treat close contacts
 Early cases before shock and brain injury
• penicillin
• chloramphenicol
 Mortality <10% with treatment
Other Bacterial Causes of Acute
Bacterial Meningitis
 Haemophilus influenzae
• before immunizations was the leading cause of
meningitis in infants 6-12 months of age
• 6 antigenic types (a-f)
– b is involved in the most serious cases
– antibody to the types is protective
Other Bacterial Causes of Acute
Bacterial Meningitis
 Haemophilus influenzae
• 1985 Vaccine
– b capsule polysaccharide
– for children >24 months
• 1987 Vaccine
– conjugate of b and diphtheria toxoid
– for children >18 months
• 1990 Vaccine
– newer conjugate
– for infants 2 months or greater
Other Bacterial Causes of Acute
Bacterial Meningitis- Listeriosis
 Organism- Listeria monocytogenes
 Foodborne disease that causes a small percentage
of meningitis
 Sometimes occurs in epidemics
 Details about the infection see Table 26.2
Acute viral meningitis
 More common cause of meningitis than
 Usually a benign, self-limited condition
 Does not require specific treatment
 Patients usually recover with no sequelae
 Infection often looks like bacterial
meningitis initially
 Other signs and symptoms depending on the
Acute viral meningitis
 Characteristics of the CSF
• Pressure increased
• CSF is clear
• Mild increase in protein
• Glucose is normal
• Few cells present mainly monocytes
• No bacteria on staining and culturing
(abacterial, or aseptic meningitis)
Acute viral meningitis
 Causative organisms
• Coxsackie viruses
• Echoviruses
• Mumps
• Enteroviruses
 See Table 26.5 for details on this condition
Chronic Granulomatous
 Symptoms are insidious in onset
 Slight fever, intermittent headache,
dizziness and difficulty in thinking
 Symptoms get worse over weeks or months
 Vomiting, weight loss, stupor, seizures and
cranial nerve impairments occur
Chronic Granulomatous
 People who are most susceptible are the
 May end up dying
 Causative agents
• Fungal diseases such as the Cryptococcus
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Treponema pallidum
 Cryptococcus neoformans - old name
 Filobacidella neoformans - new name
• sexual reproductive form resembles a group of
pathogenic Basidiomycota
• small encapsulated yeast
• large capsule = virulence factor
– decreases phagocytosis
– decreases migration of leukocytes
– diffuses from yeast and binds to opsonins
Figure 26.16, Page 677
 Pathogenesis
• fungal spores are airborne in dust
• inhaled
• lung
– lung macrophages usually eliminate fungus
– no disease
– inefficient killing by macrophages leads to fungemia
– fungus disseminated via blood
 Pathogenesis
• Dissemination
– more likely when cellular immunity is depressed
– meninges and brain -
– most common sites
– skin
– bone
– etc.
 Pathogenesis
• meningoencephalitis
– inflammation of brain and meninges
– meninges thicken
– decreases flow of CSF
– increases pressure on the brain
– brain abscesses
 Epidemiology
• worldwide
• fungus in the soil, particularly associated with
pigeon droppings
• 0.2-0.9/100,000 of the population in healthy
• 2 to 4 cases/1000 AIDS patients, one of the top
4 indicators of AIDS
• usually a first indicator of AIDS
 Treatment
• Amphotericin B
– doesn’t cross blood brain barrier
– can put tube through skull to lateral ventricle
• and Flucytosine
• or Itraconazole
• treatment succeeds 70% of the time, except in
AIDS patients because they lack T cell action
• without treatment death is almost 100%
Chronic Granulomatous Meningitis

 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Slender, rod –shaped bacterium that is acid fast. Gram
positive cell wall with addition of mycolic acid.
• Strict aerobe with a very long generation time
• Two phases of tuberculosis infection
– Primary infection
– Secondary or reactivation tuberculois
• Usually confined to the lungs, but may spread to other
Figure 23-17,
Page 582
Chronic Granulomatous Meningitis

 Syphilis
• Causative agent is Treponema Pallidum
• Stages of the disease
– Primary – chancre at site of infection
– Secondary – associated with a spirochetemia,
Patient has a skin rash, fever and may have swollen
regional lymph nodes
– Tertiary- spirochetes are everywhere in nervous
system produce neurosyphilis which can include a
meningitis. (Meningovascular syphilis)
 Majority of causes of a diffuse involvement
of the brain substance are viruses
 Unlike viral meningitis, viral encephalitis is
a serious infection that often leads to death
 Those who survive are often left with
permanent neurological deficits, because the
viruses infect the cells of the CNS
Viral Encephalitis - all types
 Symptoms
• fever
• Headache and photophobia
• stiff neck
• disorientation
• seizures
• coma
• impairment of 1 or more motor or sensory
Viral Encephalitis
 Symptoms
• most people recover but are left with permanent
– epilepsy
– paralysis
– deafness
– difficulty thinking
Viral Encephalitis
 Casesof viral encephalitis fall into one of
two groups
• Sporadic viral encephalitis
• Epidemic viral encephalitis
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Sporadic disease - a disease that occurs at a
fairly constant low frequency in a given
 Encephalitis - inflammation of the brain
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Causes
• Herpes simplex viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2
– most common cause
– 1/2 cases are primary infections
– 1/2 cases are recurrences
• Mumps virus
• Measles virus
• Epstein-Barr virus - HHV-4
• Varicella-zoster - HHV-3
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Causes
• Herpes simplex viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2
– most common cause
– 1/2 cases are primary infections
– 1/2 cases are recurrences
• Mumps virus
• Measles virus
• Epstein-Barr virus - HHV-4
• Varicella-zoster - HHV-3
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Causes
• Herpes simplex viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2
– most common cause
– 1/2 cases are primary infections
– 1/2 cases are recurrences
• Mumps virus
• Measles virus
• Epstein-Barr virus - HHV-4
• Varicella-zoster - HHV-3
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Causes
• Herpes simplex viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2
– most common cause
– 1/2 cases are primary infections
– 1/2 cases are recurrences
• Mumps virus
• Measles virus
• Epstein-Barr virus - HHV-4
• Varicella-zoster - HHV-3
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Causes
• Herpes simplex viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2
– most common cause
– 1/2 cases are primary infections
– 1/2 cases are recurrences
• Mumps virus
• Measles virus
• Epstein-Barr virus - HHV-4
• Varicella-zoster - HHV-3
Sporadic Viral Encephalitis
 Causes
• Herpes simplex viruses - HSV-1 and HSV-2
– most common cause
– 1/2 cases are primary infections
– 1/2 cases are recurrences
• Mumps virus
• Measles virus
• Epstein-Barr virus - HHV-4
• Varicella-zoster - HHV-3
Epidemic Viral Encephalitis
 Arboviruses-ARthropod BOrne viruses
 Vectorsinsects
 Reservoirs are birds or animals
 Humans are infected accidentally
• when the natural host is reduced in number
• when the number of mosquitoes is high
Epidemic Viral Encephalitis
 All are enveloped, single-stranded RNA
 St. Louis, LaCrosse, EEE, JE, West Nile.
 See Table 26.6 for summary
Epidemic Viral Encephalitis
 Bunyavirus
• LaCrosse encephalitis virus
• California encephalitis virus
• vector = Aedes mosquito
– mosquitoes pass virus in their eggs to future
• natural host = chipmunks, squirrels
• accidental host = human
• occurs in kids 4-14 years old
Epidemic Viral Encephalitis
 St. Louis encephalitis virus
• Flavi virus
• vector = Culex mosquito
• natural host = birds and mammals
• accidental host = human
• occurs in people over 45 years old
Epidemic Viral Encephalitis
 West Nile Virus
• Vector – several types of mosquitoes in US
• Of people bitten 20% get neurological symptoms –
some are unusual
• Vision loss, muscle tremors, numbness
– Similar to stroke, polio and Parkinson’s symptoms
• In 2004, there were 2539 cases in the US & 100 deaths
• Currently in 2006, 1 confirmed human case in
Mississippi as of May 2
• Present in mosquitoes in 22 counties in Texas
• Most mild cases have fever as only symptom
West Nile Virus p 663 TEM
West Nile Virus - 1999
West Nile Virus 2000
West Nile Virus 2001
West Nile Virus 2002
West Nile Virus 2003
West Nile Virus 2004
West Nile Virus 2005
 Picornaviridae
 Enterovirus
 Polio viruses 1, 2, 3
• small RNA viruses
 Pathogenesis
• fecal oral transmission
• oral cavity cells infected including tonsils
• passes through stomach acid intact
• intestinal cells infected
• blood
• motor nerves infected based on receptors
 Abortive polio
• most common
• sore throat
• fever, malaise
• drowsiness, headache
• nausea, vomiting, constipation
• recover in a few days
 Non-paralytic polio
• same symptoms as abortive
• plus stiffness and pain in neck and back
• aseptic meningitis
• lasts 2-10 days
• recover completely
 Paralytic polio- spinal type
• may follow abortive or non-paralytic polio or
may occur alone
• pain and muscle spasms precede paralysis
• flaccid paralysis
• neuron damage and death
• muscles shrink
• bone development is impaired
 Paralytic polio- bulbar type
• most serious
• involves medulla and the muscles for breathing
• some recovery occurs if the person survives the
acute disease
 Epidemiology
• greatest impact on economically advanced
– more epidemics with more paralytic polio
– affects all ages
– virus spreads in the population much later
• worldwide
– 450,000 cases/year
– 5-10 % mortality
 Epidemiology
• underdeveloped countries
– poor sanitation
– almost everyone gets the virus early in life
– babies with maternal Ab get mild disease
– still become immune
– even 2-3 months after birth the cases are mild
 Southeast Asia(especially India) still has
out breaks of wild type polioviruses
 Prevention
• pasteurization
• proper chlorination of drinking water
• vaccines
– Salk - original inactivated vaccine - 90% effective
– Sabin - oral live attenuated vaccine - 99% effective
– Problem - reversion
– polio occurs after first dose
– 1978 - killed purified vaccine - >90% effective
Polio cases for 06 September 2005 :
Global cases of poliovirus: 1163

Yemen (importation) 440

Nigeria (endemic) 389
Indonesia (importation) 231
India (endemic) 27
Sudan (re-established transmission) 26
Pakistan (endemic) 15
Ethiopia (importation) 15
Angola (importation) 7
Afghanistan (endemic) 4
Mali (importation) 3
Niger (endemic) 3
Chad (re-established transmission) 1
 Prevention
• vaccines
– recommendations to avoid problem
– use the 1978 inactivated vaccine for the first dose
– follow this with the live attenuated
– non-immune parents get the 1978 inactivated vaccine
before the children get the oral vaccine
 Post-polio syndrome
• 300,000 survivors in the U.S.
• occurs 15-50 years after polio
• no evidence for latent or persistent virus
• muscle pain, weakness and degeneration and
loss of function
• worst in those with most nerve damage
• neurons branched out to take over for killed
neurons - wear out from extra duty
 Rhabdoviridae
• Rabies virus
– bullet shaped
– enveloped
– ss RNA
 Incubation period
• usually 1-2 months
• can be a year or more
• depends on:
– dose of virus
– proximity of portal of entry to the brain
– virus strain
– concentration of virus receptors on host cells
– severity of wounds
 Pathogenesis
• virus in saliva of rabid animal
– animal bites human
– local replication in muscle cells
– virus crosses neuromuscular junction
– attachment and penetration
– virus travels by axoplasmic flow
– eventually reaches the brain and replicates
 Pathogenesis
– virus in brain travels through nerves to:
– salivary glands
– eyes
– fatty tissue under skin
– heart
– other organs
• virus in aerosols (of bat feces)
– enter lungs and move to the nerves and brain
– then out to other areas
 Pathogenesis
• person to person transmission
– corneal transplants
– not an issue now since transplants are tested for
infectious agents
 Symptoms
• earliest:
– headache, muscle aches, fatigue
– fever, sore throat, nausea
– tingling or twitching at the site of viral entry
• rapidly progress to:
– agitation, confusion, hallucinations
– encephalitis, seizures, increased sensitivity to light,
sound, and touch
 Symptoms
– fever increases
– increased salivation
– hydrophobia
– painful muscle spasms of the throat and respiratory tract
are induced by swallowing or just seeing liquids
– seen in 1/2 of the cases
– coma
– death
– time from first symptoms to death is 4 days
 Epidemiology
• widespread in animals
• U.S. - skunks, raccoons, bats, wolves, foxes,
coyotes, domestic animals
• dogs and cats not a problem since vaccine
• 1,000,000 dog bites a year - rabies is rare
• dog rabies is a problem in other countries
• immigrants come in with rabies from a dog
Primary Amoebic
 Protozoan
• Naegleria fowleri
– one of few free living human pathogens
– 3 forms
– amoeba
– flagellate
– cyst
Primary Amoebic
 Pathogenesis
• org from soil contaminates warm fresh water
– with or without chlorine
• protozoan gets in the nose
– usually while swimming
• olfactory nerve
• across cribiform plate
• brain
Primary Amoebic
 Pathogenesis
• Nests of amoebas form in brain tissue
• Amoebas cause extensive hemorrhage
• Severe damage to cerebrum and cerebellum
• death occurs in about one week
Primary Amoebic
 Epidemiology
• usually in a hot dry summer
• water levels drop - tend to be muddy
• most often in children
– swim in shallow soil contaminated water
• states reporting cases frequently
– Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona
• amoeba can be in water tanks, wells and
refrigerator filters
 Africansleeping sickness
 Protozoan
 Mastigophoran - moves with flagella
 Trypanosoma brucei
• rhodesiense - east Africa
• gambiense - central and west Africa
• vector = tsetse fly
 Pathogenesis
• protozoan in tsetse fly saliva
• fly bites human
• protozoan multiplies at skin bite site
• lymphatic vessels
• blood - parasitemia
• fever
• IgM produced
Lesion at the bite site
 Pathogenesis
• symptoms improve due to immune response
• protozoan changes its protein antigens
• new multiplication by changed organism
• parasitemia
• symptoms
• new immune response
• cycle - org can make hundreds of new Ags
Trypanosomes in the blood
 Pathogenesis
• rhodesiense
– rapid progression of disease
– heart and brain invaded in 6 weeks
– death due to heart failure occurs in six month
• gambiense
– slower progression
– years before death
– damage also from immune complexes
 Symptoms
• incubation period is one week from bite
• tender nodule forms at bite site
• fever
• regional lymph nodes swell
• all resolves spontaneously
• recurrent fevers develop weeks to years later
– recurrences occur for months to years
 Symptoms
• CNS involvement
– gradual loss of interest in everything
– decreased activity
– indifference to food
– slurred speech
– coma
– death
 Epidemiology
• where tsetse fly is found
– within 15 degrees of the equator
• 10-20,000 new cases each year
– includes tourists
• reservoir
– rhodesiense - wild animals
– gambiense - humans
Epidemiology of African
 Prevention
• insect repellants
• protective clothing
• insecticides
• clearing brush (breeding)
 Treatment
• suramin works before CNS involvement
– I.V.
– itching, vomiting, nerve damage
• melarsoprol crosses blood brain barrier
– arsenic compound
– toxic
• difluoromethylornithine - new drug
American Trypanosomiasis
 Chagas’ disease
 Protozoan
 Mastigophoran- flagella
 Trypanosoma cruzi
American Trypanosomiasis
 Epidemiology
• Central and South America
• reservoir
– humans
– dogs and cats
– opossums
– armadillos
– animals are infected up to California and Maryland
South american
American Trypanosomiasis
 Epidemiology
• vector
– reduviid bugs - assassin bugs
– triatomine bugs - bed bugs, kissing bugs
• leading cause of heart disease where the
organism is endemic
 Treatment
• none
Slow Virus Diseases
 ALL are eventually fatal
• Sub-acute Sclerosing PanEncephalitis
• 2-10 years after a symptomatic measles
• demyelination may be immunological
• virus also infects neurons
• may be due to a defective measles virus
Slow Virus Diseases
 SSPE (continued)
• Patients present with personality changes,
cognitive disorders and involuntary myoclonic-
type movements
• Death is within 1-2 years of onset of symptoms
• This has become rare in the United States due
to a decrease in measles infections, but it is
seen in other parts of the world where measles
infections are still common
Slow Virus Diseases
 Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
• Known as PML for short
• Papovaviruses - JC and BK
• rare CNS complication of:
– AIDS due to HIV infection
– chronic leukemia
– Hodgkin’s disease
– lymphosarcoma
– other immunosuppressions
Slow Virus Diseases
 Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
• Virus is common - 70-80 % of humans have Ab
• Characterized by virus infection of oligodendrocytes
with the presence of large atypical astrocytes
• Widespread focal demyelination of the white matter of
the brain
• Presents as an acute, rapidly progressive illness
associated with multiple neurological dysfunctions
• Mortality rate is high
Sub-acute Spongiform
 Unconventional infectious agents
• prions only contain protein, no genetic material
• confined to CNS
• fatal
• no inflammation
• no immune response
 Sporadic, but can be transmitted from an
infected individual
Sub-acute Spongiform
 Neuronal loss, demyelination and
spongiform change within the brain
 Animal forms of the disease
• Scrapie in sheep and goats
• Bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cows
(Mad cow disease)
• Wasting disease in deer and elk
Sub-acute Spongiform Viral
 In humans
• Usually seen in people > 50 years old
 Known diseases
• Kuru
• Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
• Gerstman-Straussler-Scheinker disease
Sub-acute Spongiform Viral

 Kuru
• Found particularly in Papua, New Guinea
• Transmitted by eating the infected brains
• No longer occurs since cannibalism has ended
• Particularly affects the cerebellum presenting
first with a shivering tremor and unsteadiness
then with progressive dementia
Sub-acute Spongiform
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - CJD
• Most common of these diseases in humans
• World-wide has an incidence of 1 per million
• 2 types of CJD
– Sporadic form most common
– Variant form is associated with transmission from
mad cow disease
Sub-acute Spongiform

• Sporadic form of CJD

– Can be transmitted to surgeons, transplant and brain
surgery patients, human growth hormone
– Once symptoms develop the survival time is about 7
– Age of patient at presentation is usually over the age
of 50 years.
Sub-acute Spongiform

 Variant form of CJD

• Age at presentation is usually in the mid
• Associated with transmission from “Mad cow
• Progression of the disease is slower
Sub-acute Spongiform

 Gerstman-Straussler-Scheinker disease
• same as the sporadic form of CJD with a more
protracted course
Infections of the Peripheral
Nervous System
 Leprosy
 Botulinism
Leprosy - Hansen’s Disease
 1868 - first causal link of a bacterium to
human disease
 Aerobic, acid-fast rod
 Cannot grow on artificial media
 Use foot pad of mice , armadillos, monkeys
 Generation time of 12 days - very slow
 Only organism that likes the cooler
peripheral nerves
 Skin
• increased or decreased sensation
• increased or decreased pigmentation
• these lesions:
– increase in size and thicken
– lose hair
– lose sweating ability
– lose sensation
Types of Leprosy
 Twomajor types of leprosy depending on
whether the patient can produce cell-
mediated immunity or not
• Tuberculoid leprosy- patient has good cell
mediated immunity and produces localixed
• Lepromatous leprosy the lesions are more
diffuse due to a lack of cell mediated immunity
Tuberculoid Leprosy -
 Skin lesions
• localized, flat and red
• become larger with an irregular shape
• become indurated and elevated
• become hyper-pigmented at the rim and pale in
the center
Tuberculoid leprosy
Tuberculoid Leprosy -
 Major neuronal involvement
• granulomas form around nerves
– small nerves die
• nerve degeneration - Figure 26.9
– anesthesias
– skin ulcers and muscle atrophy
– trauma likely
– contractures, paralysis, auto-amputation
– paralysis of eyelid, keratitis, corneal ulceration
Tuberculoid Leprosy -
 People are usually non-infectious
• delayed type hypersensitivity
 Lepromin skin test positive
 Langhans cells
• giant cells
• nuclei in a circle or horseshoe shape
• in granulomas similar to those seen in TB
Lepromatous leprosy
Lepromatous Leprosy -
 Skin,peripheral nerves, anterior eye,upper
airways, testes, hands and feet
 Lepra cells (lipid laden macrophages)
• filled with acid-fast bacilli - Figure 27.10
 Skin lesion - hypo or hyper-anesthetic
• macular, papular, nodular
• face, ears, wrists, elbows, knees
• coalesce to form a leonine face
Lepramatous Leprosy -
 People are very infectious
• due to little to no immune response
• T-suppressor cells are in the lesions
• nasal secretions contain organisms
– secretions are transmitted
 Lepromin skin test negative
Lepromatous vs Tuberculoid leprosy
Leprosy - Epidemiology
 Person to person spread but usually needs
multiple exposures
 Mucous membranes or skin abrasions
 Very few exposed people get leprosy
 No animal reservoir
• although the 9 banded armadillo of LA has
organism that resembles very closely the human
Leprosy - Treatment
 No vaccine yet
 Tuberculoid
• dapsone and rifampin together
• 6 months
 Lepromatous
• dapsone, rifampin, and clofazimine together
• 2 years
 Causative agent is Clostridium botulinum
• Anerobic, gram positive, spore-forming rod found in
• Found in contaminated food often home-canned foods
or sausages.
• Endospores germinate in food and produce an exotoxin
which affects the nervous system
• Incubation period is usually 12 to 36 hours
• Symptoms include blurred or double vision, weakness,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and skeletal muscle
• Problem of honey and infants
Tetanus AKA “Lock Jaw”
 Causative agent is Clostridium tetani
• Anaerobic, spore-forming, Gram-positive rod
 Can be found in contaminated wounds if the area
is anaerobic enough
 Pathological effects are due to the action of the
exotoxin produced by the vegetative cells
 Average incidence of tetanus by age in the
population (Figure 27.11)

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