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Session Objectives

Define community and community

Identify the composes of the community
Understand the change in the community
will affect the individual’s career choice
Importance of choosing future career

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True or False?
Changes in the previous years of the community
has nothing to do in the future.
A cemetery is a group of people therefore,
consider an example of a community.
Community action is any activity that increases the
understanding, engagement and empowerment
of communities of local services.
Personal career choice doesn’t matter.

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A group of people
living in the
same defined
area sharing the
same basic
organization and
interests (Rifkin
et al, 1988)

A community is a group of people united through

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a common struggle with the same stories
is a social unit (a group of living things) which
commonality of norms, religion, values,
customs, or identity.

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Composes of Community
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Community Dynamics
1. Historical Factors
· population and settlement 3. Economical Factors
history; and
· differences or similarities in
· conflict history
livelihood strategies; and.
2. Social factors · the degree of economic
stratification in the
· ethnicity and language;
· family structure;
· caste and other social 4. Cultural factors
divisions; and
forest resources
· gender relations
social cohesion

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it
is the only thing that ever has.”
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Activity 1

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