Manuscript Speech

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Other Kinds of Speech

Manuscript Speech
Impromptu Speech
Speaker Introduction
Team Presentation
Manuscript Speech
The most formal kind of business speaking is a
manuscript speech.
In manuscript speech we read word for word. We
can’t made any addition by ourselves.


 Business Presentation
 Business Meeting
Situations for Manuscript Speech

 Company Rules
 Company Policies
 Company Mission
 Legal Matters
 To Introduce Someone
Guidance to Write Manuscript Speech

 Establish the Object

 Analyze the Audience
 Structure the Message
 Rhythm
 7c’s of Business Communication
Establish the Object
What do you want to achieve from this
manuscript speech

 Provide Information
 To Introduce Someone
 To define Something
Analyze the Audience
You should make a speech according to the level
of your audience (you centered approach)

We can analyze our audience according to these


 Knowledge
 Personality
 Perception
 Attitude
 Behavior
Structure the Message
In structuring the message we can noted on
these points for getting better results

 Effective Opening
 Effective Closing
 Supporting Details
 Audience Interests
 Length of Message
Rhythm means flow of the words, sentences and
It is most important for the writing manuscript speech


“Give me liberty or give me death” (Rhythm)

“Give me liberty or death” (Unrhythmic)

7 C’s of Business Communication
If we are writing or speaking we must follow the 7 C’s
of business communication

1. Completeness 5. Concreteness
2. Clarity 6. Consideration
3. Conciseness 7. Correctness
4. Courtesy
Main Problems in Manuscript Speech

The main problem in manuscript speech is the


We used the writing style instead of speaking style

Suggestion to help Manuscript Speech
Page and Margin (1/3 of page)
Never break the sentence between two pages
Never staple the pages
Underline the keywords
Audience the interaction
Non-Verbal Communication
Speak with out break for 50 minutes
Length of Manuscript Speech
The most important thing in manuscript speech is the
length of the speech
For a 10 minutes speech you must have a speech on
20 pages
Impromptu Speech
Impromptu speech is talking on the spur of the
moment with out advance preparation

A customer may ask you to explain a certain
Your boss suddenly says “Bing up-to-date on
a certain project”
Suggestions to help Impromptu Speech

Keep it short
Organize as well as you can
Relate to experience
Speaker Introduction
When you are asked to make an introduction for
someone who is about to speak, your job is to
make the audience want to listen. You want to
interest them in topic and increase their respect
for the speaker.
Important things in Introduction

Start with greetings or welcome

Certainly no longer than 5 minutes
Maintain effective eye contact
Control on facial expressions
Team Presentation
In team presentation instead of one person delivering
the entire presentation, a series of people deliver it.
Team presentation is fairly common in business.

Group Presentations
Problems in Team Presentation

Each member focus only on his own task

Lack of coordination
No Rehearsal
Different slide styles
Different languages
Lack of communication
How to get ride on these problems
Sharing of Information
Respect for each other
Hard work
Rehearsal (at least 2 times)

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