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Origin of the state; Introduction

• Why it is known as most acceptable theory?

• Why it is known as historical theory of origin
of the state?
• How does this theory is different from rest of
the theories?
• Explain each factor with contemporary
Evolutionary Theory of Origin of State
• This theory propagates the state is grown gradually and
there are many factors have played .
• There are different part in this evolutionary process.
• This theory propagates the state as an institution
grown naturally- it is evolutionary in nature-
continuous progress or development .
• It means variety of causes played significant role for
the origin and development of state
• Among this variety of causes, some operating in one
place and some in other places
• It is pre-historic to present
The important factors are…
1. Kinship- family, blood relationship, head of the family,
authority or power concept too change the passage of
time. The result is that clan, tribes came into exist
along with that state too emerged. It was one of the
source of origin
2. Religion: the religion is the main force bring the
people together- the worship and priest hood given
the dimensions of leadership- the other aspects like
mastery, obeying and command and order too
contribution of the religion- religions paved the way
for the evolution of state. Now all there are many
states formed and ruled under religious domain.
3. Property and defense system: hunter man, herdsman,
pastoral , family leader etc.. Played important role in
leadership aspect
4. Political Consciousness, forces of nature and
economic interest played important role for
unifying people
5. Force: Military, physical force and conquests
6. Evolution took lot of time to complete. Many
factors like force, religion, social instinct,
temperamental differences, environmental
issues and other circumstances played its own
The good examples are in oriental states where
search for pasture lands settled down in the
fertile valley
• Greek city state- gave conscious thought to
• Roman empire: Force
• Feudal state: force and religion
• Nation-state: based on the bonds of
nationality; political consciousness
• Colonial empires; force, economic factors
• World federation; political consiousness
• Acceptability of the theory

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