How To Make A Free Blog: Created by

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How to Make a Free Blog






What Is blog?
• Blogs are websites that provide writing that contains Information
or according to the request of the bloggers. Blog usually contain
commments, tutorials, stories, or other intresting things written by the
bloggers. The most famous blog platform is there are two, namely:
Blogger and Wordpress
• In this tutorial how to create a blog, we will discuss how to create
a blog with blogger platform. First of all there are some things that you
have to prepare before creating a blog, but rather: Gmail account and
internet connection
1. Create a Gmail Account first
• If you don't have an email, please learn how to make
Gmail email first. Why is that? Yes, because when we
are going to log in, we want to start registering to
where to make their blog, namely, it is
required to have a gmail email account (not others
like yahoo, hotmail and others).
2. Enter
After opening the official website address above, you will see the image below
(so when entering the typed one is, but after becoming the final
part of the address is Please fill in the data with the email
address and password you have create before, then click 'Enter':
3. Start creating a new blog
After the next login you will be directed to the page as
shown below, please click the button on the left that
says "New Blog"
4. Give a Name and Select Address
Then a small page will appear which has 4 short steps to create a blog in it, namely:
• Title - In the section on how to create a free blog on blogspot, fill in the title of your
blog, preferably in accordance with the theme to be easily indexed by Google. But
this can be changed at any time after the blog becomes.
• Address - In this column you have to choose a free blog address that has not been
used by others, for example and so on. If someone has
ordered it, you will see an exclamation mark (!) In yellow as seen in the picture or
if no one has used it at all, you will see a correct sign or a blue check mark. If so,
continue to the next step.
• Template - Displaying some of the visible images is the form of your blog's
appearance later. But there's no need to worry because this can still be changed with
a more interesting and cool way by beautifying it through the template files
downloaded on the free provider site. Or if you do not understand, please read How
to Change Blog Templates that we have explained clearly how the steps to have a
look like a professional and paid web.
• Click 'Create Blog' - This is to save the name and appearance that has been selected
and your simple free blog has been created and is ready to be filled with various
articles and business offers in it.
• 5. Filling and Writing Articles

After having a blog, the next step we need to know is how to write articles in it and
what is done so that it can begin to be active and visited by many people. Here's the
A. Enter the writing page

click on the orange color button no. 1) that has the pencil illustrated to start posting the
Or click the small arrow icon to select a number of settings, for example ' Post ' to see all
articles that have been written, ' Pages ' to write menu articles such as profiles, contacts
and so on, ' Comments ' to see who has given a comment, and ' Statistics ' to see the
number of visitors per day, week or month. After entering in that section, you can still see
the post button or create a new article on the left side which is also orange
B. Start posting

1. For the number 1 statement on the side with the article title that you will publish, try not
to be too short and if necessary according to the theme you want to discuss so that it is
easily indexed.
2. Column for typing your blog posts.
3.For article settings and styles, such as bold , italics or enlarge words and more.
4. The label is the same as the name of the article category. This is the point to classify the
types of writing in one category, for example ' WordPress ' which contains everything about
the wordpress tutorial.
5.The yellow button with the word ' Publish ' is what we click after finishing writing so that
the article can be online and read by everyone.

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