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Business Administration

Combination Strategy
Internalizations Strategy
Restructuring Strategy
Cooperative Strategy
Making use of the other grand strategies
 Stability strategies
- Adopted when the organization attempts to
maintain its current position and focuses only on the
incremental improvement.
 Expansion strategies
-When the firm seeks to achieve faster growth,
compete, achieve higher profits, have greater impact or
occupy a larger market share.
 Retrenchment strategies
- Adopted when an organization aims at
reducing its one or more business operations with the
view to cut expenses.

These Grand strategies are used to achieve long term



New variety of “Decorative


Adding new entirely product
“Automotive Paint”


Eliminate “Painting Contract”
 Occurs when a transaction is handled by an entity
itself rather than routing it out to someone else.
 Export marketing is the practice by which a
company sells products or services to a foreign
country. Products are produced or distributed from
the company's home country to buyers
in international locations.
 Multidomestic Strategy-an international marketing
approach that chooses to focus advertising
and commercial efforts on the needs of a local
market rather than taking a more universal or global
 Global Strategy- is one that a company takes when it
wants to compete and expand in the global market.
 Transnational Strategy-
an international business structure where a
company's global business activities are coordinated
via cooperation and interdependence between its head
office, operational divisions and internationally located
subsidiaries or retail outlets.
 Coca Cola is a great example of a brand using
international marketing efforts. Though a large
corporation, Coca Cola focuses on small
Community Programs and Invest a lot of time and
money in small- scale charity efforts.
 Restructuring strategy is the corporate
management term for the act of partially
dismantling and recognizing a company for the
purpose of making it more efficient and therefore
more profitable.
 Mergers and acquisitions- integrating administration,
operations, technology and/or products of two firms.
 Legal- changing the legal structure of a firm such as
ownership structure.
 Financial- a change to a firm’s capital structure such as debt
restructuring designed to allow a firm in financial distress to
continue to operate.
 Turnaround- restructuring its administration, operations and
products of an organization that is performing poorly.
1. 5. Repositioning- a strategy designed to move a firm or
business unit to a new business or operational model.
2. 6. Cost restructuring- cutting administrative and
operational costs in response to a downturn or
anticipated downturn in revenue or margins.
3. 7. Divestment- selling or closing a business unit that is
unprofitable, nonstrategic or problematic in some way.
4. 8. Spin-off – restructuring a business unit to be its own
company while retaining some ownership.
 Types
 1. Downsizing- reduction in the number of firms
 Example: Procter & gumble’s cutting of its
worldwide workforce by 15,000 employees
 2. Down scoping- Eliminating businesses that are
unrelated to a firms core businesses.
A leveraged buyout- A party buys all of firms
assets in order to take the firm private

Example: in 2007 Blackstone Group purchased

Hilton Hotels for $26 billion in an LBO, financed
through $5.5 billion in cash and $20.5 billion in
 It refers to a planning strategy in which two or
more firms work together in order to achieve
common objective.
 This strategy gives to the company the possibility
to fulfill the lack of competitiveness.
 Collusive strategy – illegal agreement between
 2 types:
 1. Explicit collusion- is when two or more firms
negotiate directly with the intention of jointly
agreeing about the amount to produce and the price
of the products that are produced.
 2. Tacit collusion- occurs where firms undergo
actions that are likely to minimize a response from
another firm, avoiding the opportunity to price cut an
 Strategic alliances - cooperative strategy in which
firm combine resources and capabilities to create a
competitive advantage.
 3 types of strategic alliances

 1. Joint venture - is a business agreement that is

actively engaged by two companies who make a
concerted decision to work together to achieve a
specific set of goals.
 2. Equity strategy alliance- is created when one
company purchases a certain equity percentage of
the other company.
 3. Non-equity strategic alliance- when two or more
businesses agree to share resources and capabilities
to gain a competitive advantage without forming a joint
venture and without an equity exchange.

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