Seafarer'S Welfare CONVENTION, 1987: Satyam Verma UG2016-42

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• In the twenty-first session of the General Conference of the International

Labour Organisation the governing body decided to adopt certain proposals
with regard to promotion of seamen’s welfare in port, and these proposals
were taken in a form of recommendation, and cited as Seamen’s Welfare in
Ports Recommendation,1936.
• In the light of changing dynamics of the shipping industry, the need of
provision of welfare facilities arises for both in port and on board ship. Thus
the Seafarer’s Welfare Recommendtion,19702 was adopted which is in regard
to welfare to seafarer’s at sea and in port. Later, in the 74th meeting of the
governing body, recalling the provisions of the Seafarer’s Welfare
Recommendation, 1970 and the Seamen’s Welfare in Ports Recommendation
1936 the Governing Body adopted the Seafarer’s Welfare Convention,
1987(ILO Convention 163).

Convention 163 and recommendation 173 were adopted in 1987 as a

response to the needs of welfare facilities on board vessels and in port.
All the countries which have ratified it, assume the responsibility for
taking care of the welfare of any seafarer on board any vessel in their
ports and on board their own national ships. Welfare facilities are
sometimes still seen by many ship- owners, port authorities and
administrations, as something generous, philanthropic, but less as a
necessary condition for keeping healthy, efficient and safe crew. Later,
An International Committee on Seafarer’s Welfare was created as an
international umbrella organization dedicated for the implementation of
the International Labour Organisation instruments on Seafarers’ Welfare.

Seafarers’ welfare should be considered a real duty of governs, local

authorities, shipowners, etc. Welfare committees should be organised in
all the important ports and even if some services could be provided by
welfare organisations, governs should control and guarantee that they are
proper to the needs of seafarers. This requires an active attitude and the
development of a proper culture regarding welfare, safety, health and
elementary work conditions. It is necessary an effort in front of
shipowners, shipagents, port authorities, local and national authorities to
remember the acquired compromises after ratifying an ILO convention,
the importance that welfare and health has for the work of seafarers, who
are the ones who develop the maritime transport. This convention made a
significant mark for the welfare of seamen’s.

Eighteen countries have adopted the convention, and the convention is in

fore in only 13 countries. At the moment ICSW has 31 members, which
are private and public welfare organisations. The International Transport
Federation and the International Labour Office are observers. The
Seafarer’s Welfare Convention 1987 is not ratified by India but the
Seamen’s Welfare in Ports Recommendation,1936 has an effect on the
laws made by Ministry of Shipping such as Merchant Shipping Act,1958
which have exclusive provisions for the welfare of seafarer. A tripartite
committee headed by Union Minster of Shipping and consisting of
representations from all stakeholders viz the Government ship owners
and seafarers decides and monitor the welfare issues of Indian seafarers

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