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BDA 20103 – LECTURE 6

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Khir B. Mohd Nor

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
New Topics:
Kinetics of Particle
 General Newton’s second law
 x-y rectangular coordinate system
 n-t coordinate system
 r-θ coordinate system

Dynamics 2
Relationships of force and acceleration
When a particle of mass m is acted upon by a force F, the force F
and the acceleration a of the particle must therefore satisfy the

F ma

If a particle (mass m) is subjected to series of forces, the direction of the

motion particle follows the direction of the force

F2 a3

Dynamics 3
Simultaneous forces


F2 a


FR   Fq  ma
q 1

Dynamics 4
x-y coordinate system
 FRx   F1x   F2 x   Fnx   ax 
FR           ...     m  
F1 y  FRy   F1 y   F2 y   Fny  a y 

 n 
 Fqx 
 q 1   ax  x
 n   m   m 
 F  a y   y
q 1
n n
q 1
qx  mx F
q 1
qy  my

Earth system/trajectory n n

(X horizontal, y vertical) F
q 1
qx 0 F
q 1
qy  m g

Dynamics 5
n-t coordinate system

q 1
m at

 Fqn
m an
q 1

 p 
  qt 
 q 1   at  𝑑𝑣
FR   p   m  𝑎𝑡 = 𝑎𝑛
 F  an  𝑑𝑡
 qn
 𝑣 2
 q 1  =
Dynamics 6
r-θ coordinate system

 Fq

 Fqr
m a m ar
q 1
q 1


 p 
 q 

 q1
 a   F   m(r  2r )
FR   p   m  q 1

 F   ar 
 
 qr
q 1 F  m ( r  r 2
q 1

Dynamics 7
Forces to consider
 External forces
These forces are purely given from external to a body resulting a
body motion.
 Forces generated by motion
A moving body may influence another body to move especially
when there is relationships between them.
 Forces generated by gravity
Any object with mass and under influence of earth gravitational
system must undergo internal force, i.e. the weight.
 Forces generated by touching surface
When an object touches another, a normal force will be generated
perpendicular to the surface.
 Forces generated by friction
When an object moves, a friction force is generated due to the rough
Dynamics 8
External Forces

Dynamics 9
Force generated by motion

Dynamics 10
Force generated by gravity

The force due to gravity always in vertical direction

Dynamics 11
Force generated by touching surface


Normal force always perpendicular with the surface to the object

Dynamics 12
Force generated by friction


Dynamics 13
Combine all forces

Fn Fn


N2 Ff2 N

Dynamics 14
Example 1
The 50-kg crate rests on a horizontal plane.
Data Given :
- the coefficient of kinetic friction is μk = 0.3.
- the crate is subjected to a 400-N towing force,
- the velocity of the crate in 3 s starting from rest.

Dynamics 15
Example 1

Free-Body Diagram. The weight

of the crate is W = mg = 50 (9.81)
= 490.5 N. The frictional force has
a magnitude F = μkNC and acts to
the left, since it opposes the
motion of the crate. The
acceleration a is assumed to act
horizontally, in the positive x
direction. There are 2 unknowns,
namely NC and a.
Dynamics 16
Example 1
Equations of Motion.

  Fx  max ; 400 cos 30  0.3 NC  50a
   Fy  ma y ; NC  490.5  400 sin 30  0

Solving for the two equations yields

NC  290.5 N
a  5.19m / s 2

Dynamics 17
Example 1

Kinematics. Acceleration is constant, since

the applied force P is constant. Initial velocity is
zero, the velocity of the crate in 3 s is

v  v0  act
 0  5.19(3)
 15.6m / s 

Dynamics 18
Example 2

The baggage truck A has a weight of 3600 N and tows a

2200 N cart B and a 1300 N cart C. For a short time the
driving frictional force developed at the wheels is FA =
(160t) N where t is in seconds. If the truck starts from rest,
determine its speed in 2 seconds. What is the horizontal
force acting on the coupling between the truck and cart B at
this instant?
Dynamics 19
Example 2

Free-Body Diagram. As shown, it is the frictional

driving force that gives both the truck and carts an
acceleration, we have to consider all 3 vehicles.

Dynamics 20
Example 2

Equations of Motion. Only motion in the horizontal

direction has to be considered.
 3600  2200  1300 
  Fx  max ; 
160t   a
 9.81 
a  0.221t
Kinematics. Since the acceleration is a
function of time, the velocity of the truck is obtained
using a = dv/dt with the initial condition that v0 = 0
at t = 0,
Dynamics 21
Example 2

v 2 22
0 dv  0 (0.221t ) dt; v  0.1105t
 0.442m / s

Free-Body Diagram. Considering the FBD of the

truck, we can “expose” the coupling force T as
external to the FBD.

Dynamics 22
Example 2

Equations of Motion. When t = 2 s, then

 3600 
  Fx  max ; 160(2)  T   0.221(2)
 9.81 
T  157.8 N

Dynamics 23
Dynamics - Lecture 7 24
Dynamics - Lecture 7 25
Dynamics - Lecture 7 26
Dynamics - Lecture 7 27
Dynamics - Lecture 7 28
Dynamics - Lecture 7 29
Dynamics - Lecture 7 30
Dynamics - Lecture 7 31
Dynamics - Lecture 7 32
Dynamics - Lecture 7 33
Dynamics - Lecture 7 34
Dynamics - Lecture 7 35
Dynamics - Lecture 7 36
Dynamics - Lecture 7 37
Dynamics - Lecture 7 38
Dynamics - Lecture 7 39
The two blocks shown start from rest. The horizontal plane and the
pulley are frictionless, and the pulley is assumed to be of negligible
mass. Determine the acceleration of each block and the tension in the

Dynamics - Lecture 7 40
• Write the kinematic relationships for the dependent
x motions and accelerations of the blocks.
O y B  12 x A a B  12 a A

• Write equations of motion for blocks and pulley.

 Fx  m A a A :
T1  100 kg a A

 Fy  m B a B :
m B g  T2  m B a B
300 kg 9.81 m s 2  T2  300 kg a B
T2  2940 N - 300 kg a B

 Fy  mC aC  0 :
T2  2T1  0
Dynamics - Lecture 7 41
• Combine kinematic relationships with equations of
motion to solve for accelerations and cord tension.
O y B  12 x A a B  12 a A

y T1  100 kg a A

T2  2940 N - 300 kg a B

 2940 N - 300 kg  12 a A 
T2  2T1  0
2940 N  150 kg a A  2100 kg a A  0

a A  8.40 m s 2
aB  12 a A  4.20 m s 2
T1  100 kg a A  840 N
T2  2T1  1680 N
Dynamics - Lecture 7 42
A smooth 2-kg collar C is attached to
a spring having a stiffness k = 3 N/m
and an unstretched length of 0.75 m.
If the collar is released from rest at A,
determine its acceleration and normal
force of the rod on the collar at the
instant y = 1 m.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 43
Free-Body Diagram.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 44
Equations of Motion.

  Fx  max ;  NC  Fs cos  0
   Fy  ma y ; 19.62  Fs sin   2a

The magnitude of the spring force is a function of

the stretch s of the spring; i.e. Fs = ks. The
unstretched length is AB = 0.75m. Therefore

s  CB  AB  3( y  (0.75)  0.75)
2 2

Dynamics - Lecture 7 45
Since k = 3 N/m,

Fs  ks  3( y  (0.75)  0.75)
2 2

The angle θ is related to y by trigonometry

tan  
For y = 1 m, θ = 53.1 and Fs = 1.50 N. Therefore,
NC = 0.900 N and a = 9.21 m/s2

Dynamics - Lecture 7 46
The 100-kg block A is released from rest. If the
masses of the pulleys and the cord are neglected,
determine the speed of the 20-kg block B in 2 s.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 47
Free-Body Diagrams.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 48
Equations of Motion.
Block A:

  Fy  ma y ; 981  2T  100a A

Block B:

  Fy  ma y ; 196.2  T  20aB

Dynamics - Lecture 7 49
Kinematics. It is seen that

2 s A  sB  l

where l is constant and represents the total vertical

length of cord. Differentiating this expression twice
w.r.t time yield

2a A   aB

Dynamics - Lecture 7 50
Solving the three equations yields

T  327.0 N
a A  3.27 m / s 2

aB  6.54m / s 2

Hence when block A accelerates downward, block

B accelerates upward. Since aB is constant,
velocity in block B in 2 s is

v  v0  aBt  13.1m / s

Dynamics - Lecture 7 51
n-t Coordinate System

 p 
  Fqt  F qt  m r
 q 1   at  q 1
FR   p   m 
 F  an 
 q 1 
 
q 1
Fqn  m
 m r 2

Dynamics - Lecture 7 52

The bob of a 2-m pendulum describes an arc of a circle in a vertical

plane. If the tension in the cord is 2.5 times the weight of the bob for
the position shown, find the velocity and acceleration of the bob in
that position.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 53
• Resolve the equation of motion for the bob into
tangential and normal components.

• Solve the component equations for the normal and

tangential accelerations.
 Ft  mat : mg sin 30  mat
at  g sin 30
at  4.9 m s 2

 Fn  man : 2.5mg  mg cos 30  man

an  g 2.5  cos 30
an  16.03 m s 2
• Solve for velocity in terms of normal acceleration.
an  v  an  (2 m) (16.03 m s 2 )

v  5.66 m s
Dynamics - Lecture 7 54
Determine the rated speed of a highway curve of radius  = 120 m
banked through an angle  = 18o. The rated speed of a banked highway
curve is the speed at which a car should travel if no lateral friction force
is to be exerted at its wheels.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 55
• Resolve the equation of motion for
the car into vertical and normal
 Fy  0 : R cos  W  0
• The car travels in a horizontal circular
path with a normal component of  Fn  man : R sin   an
acceleration directed toward the center g
of the path.The forces acting on the W W v2
car are its weight and a normal sin  
cos g 
reaction from the road surface.
• Solve for the vehicle speed.
v 2  g tan 
 
 9.81 m/s 2 120 m tan 18

v  19.6 m s  70.6 km hr
Dynamics - Lecture 7 56
The 3-kg disk D is attached to the end of a cord. The
other end is attached to ball and socket joint located at
the center of platform. If the platform is rotating rapidly,
and the disk is placed on it and released from rest,
determine the time it takes for the disk to reach a speed
great enough to break the cord. The max tension the
cord can sustain is 100 N, and the coefficient of kinetic
friction between disk and platform is μk = 0.1

Dynamics - Lecture 7 57

Dynamics - Lecture 7 58
The weight of the disk is W = 3(9.81) = 29.43 N.
Since an can be related to v, the unknowns are ND,
at and v.
Equations of Motion.

 v2 
 Fn  man ; T  3 
 Ft  mat ; 0.1N D  3at

 Fb  0; N D  29.43  0

Dynamics - Lecture 7 59
Setting T = 100 N, the critical speed vcr of the disk
needed to break the card can be solved. Solving
for all three equations, we obtain

N D  29.43 N
at  0.981m / s 2

vcr  5.77 m / s

Dynamics - Lecture 7 60
Kinematics. Since at is constant, the time
needed to break the cord is

vcr  v0  at t
t  5.89 s

Dynamics - Lecture 7 61

Design of the ski requires

knowing the type of forces that
will be exerted on the skier and
his approximate trajectory. In the
case as shown, determine the
normal force and acceleration
on the 600-N skier the instant he
arrives at the end of jump, A,
where his velocity is 9 m/s.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 62
Free-Body Diagram.

Equations of Motions.

 2
   Fn  man ;
600  9 
N A  600 
9.81  

 Ft  mat ; 0 at
 9.81
Dynamics - Lecture 7 63
The radius of curvature ρ for the path must be
determined at point A(0, -15 m). Here

1 2
y  x  15
dy 1
 x
dx 30
d2y 1

dx 2 30

Dynamics - Lecture 7 64
So at x = 0,


1  (dy / dx) 
2 3/ 2

d 2 y / dx 2

 30m

Solving for NA, NA = 765 N

Dynamics - Lecture 7 65
Kinematics. With at = 0

an   2.7 m / s 2

a A  an  2.7 m / s 2 

Dynamics - Lecture 7 66

Packages, each of mass 2-kg, are delivered from a

conveyor to a smooth circular ramp with a velocity of
v0 = 1 m/s. If the effective radius of the ramp is 0.5 m,
determine the angle θ = θmax at which each package
begins to leave the surface.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 67
Free-Body Diagram.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 68
Equations of Motion.

+  Fn  man ;  N B  19.62 cos  2

+  Ft  mat ; 19.62 sin   2at (2)

At the instant θ = θmax, the package leaves the

surface of the ramp as that NB = 0. Therefore the
three unknowns, v, at, and θ.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 69
Kinematics.Noting that the magnitude of tangential
acceleration at may be related to the speed of the
package v and the angle θ. Since at ds = v dv and
ds = r dθ = 0.5 dθ

v dv
at  (3)
0.5 d

Subst Eq. 3 into Eq. 2 and separate the variables,

v dv  4.905 sin  d

Dynamics - Lecture 7 70
Integrate both sides, realizing that when θ = 0°,
v0 = 1 m/s
v 
 v dv  4.905
1 0 
sin  d
v 2  9.81(1  cos  )  1
Subst into Eq. 1 with NB = 0 and solving for cos θmax

19.62 cos  max 

9.81(1  cos max )  1
 max  42.7 

Dynamics - Lecture 7 71
r-θ Coordinate System

 Fq

 Fqr
m a m ar
q 1
q 1


 p 
 Fq 
a 
 F   m(r  2r )
 q1  q 1
FR   p   m 
 F   ar 
 
 qr   
qr 2
q 1 F m ( r r )
q 1

Dynamics - Lecture 7 72
A block B of mass m can slide freely on
a frictionless arm OA which rotates in a
horizontal plane at a constant rate 0 .

Knowing that B is released at a distance

r0 from O, express as a function of r

a) the component vr of the velocity of B

along OA, and
b) the magnitude of the horizontal force
exerted on B by the arm OA.

Dynamics - Lecture 7 73
Component vr of the velocity.

• Write the radial and transverse
equations of motion for the block.
 Fr  m ar : 0  mr  r 2  (1)

 F   m a : F  mr  2r  (2)

Since vr  r, we have

dvr dvr dr dvr
r  vr    vr
dt dr dt dr

Dynamics - Lecture 7 74
Subst rinto (1),   o
 
v dv  r dr  r dr
2 2
r r 0
vr r

 r r 0
v dv   2 r dr
vr2   02 (r 2  r02 )
v   (r 2  r 2 )1/ 2
r 0 0

Horizontal Force F .
Making   0 ,   0, r  vr in eqn (2)

F  2m 02 r 2  r02  12

Dynamics - Lecture 7 75
See you again in Lecture 7

Dynamics 76

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