Platos 5 Forms of Govt - EwJ 2

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Plato’s 5 forms of government

Each reflects the temper of the people

and the virtues they honour
Each arises as a reform movement in response to the decline of the previous
Freedom and democracy are often the promise but unstable and tyranny the result
Modern advocates of democracy do not talk about the aristocratic, timocratic and
oligarchic institutions in the British parliamentary model that has made it durable.

Rule of ‘the best’ Timocracy
Virtues: wisdom, reason
Rule of honour
Currency: gift
Virtues: duty, allegiance, courage Oligarchy
chief is first among equals Rule of the (wealthy) few
Currency: service Virtues: efficiency,
Rule of ‘the people’, the many
celebrity, pleasure-seeking
Currency: money
Virtues: good intentions, freedom,
Currency: twitter?
Rule of force
fear, whim
Corrupting Virtues: order
influence or
declining phase Spirit of
Secret desire for
Judges not kings. Guardians
having no personal Military values. City states Class war
possessions. Consult the (often at war with each Anarchy
wise, prophets. other). Death or glory. Rise of the merchant class, Rise of a charismatic
Non-materialistic therefore 2 class state: aristocracy and industrialists, bankers, figure from the army
leave little record behind? yeomen. Master and servant. bourgeoisie, trade.
In decline: serfdom, Institution building. Demagogy. Politicians must
Alfred? Philanthropy. Free trade. please the people and follow Personal rule of tyrant. Fear
feudalism, mercantilism.
Chief Seattle? Novels of aristocrats ‘marrying their whims. Public opinion governs. Tyrant lives in fear.
beneath them’ because they swings from one extreme to Ministers fear to pass on bad
William the Conqueror
need money the other. Universal suffrage, news. People live in fear and do
Age of economics trades unions, utilitarianism not stand up for minorities and
(greatest number), mass neighbours being dragged
Victorian Britain media, bread and circuses. away. Police state. Informers.
anything goes, every opinion Disappearances. Gulags.
is valid, instability, sentiment. If 10%? of nation would stand
Referendum. (and fall) for justice it cannot

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