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Cellular Adaptation,

Cellular Injury & Cell Death

Cellular Injury & Adaptation:
• Normal cell is in a steady state “homeostasis”
• Injury is any stimulus bringing changes in cell physiology and or
• Injury can be : Reversible / Irreversible
• Adaptation is the changes in a cell due to reversible Injury,
– Hyperplasia,
– Hypertropy,
– Atrophy,
– Metaplasia

Shashi Feb-02 2
Stages In the cellular response to stress and injurious stimuli

Normal Cell

Stress, increased demand Injurious stimulus

Adaptation Cell Injury  Cell Death

Inability to adapt

Shashi Feb-02 3
Cell injury and cell death
• Reversible injury : Pathologic cell changes that can be restored to
normal if the stimulus is removed or if the cause of injury is mild

• Irreversible injury : Stressors exceed the capacity of the cell to

adapt and denotes permanent pathological changes that cause cell

• The two morphologic and mechanism pattern of cell death are

necrosis and apoptosis

Shashi Feb-02 4
Response to Injury:
 Adaptations (reversible)
 Hydropic degeneration
 Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Atrophy

 Cell death / Necrosis (irreversible)

 Coagulative ex Infarction - Heart (sel nekrotik bentuknya
tetap, akibat sel litik dihambat kondisi lokal pada
 Liquifactive ex Brain, abscess (sel nekrotik mengalami
pencairan akibat kerja enzim pada otak dan medullla spinalis)
 Caseous ex Tuberculosis /nekrosis kaseosa : sel nekrotik
hancur tetapi pecahnya tetap berada disekitar paru.
 Gangrene ex With infection – limbs.
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 Hyperplasia is on excess proliferation of cells.

 It should be distinguished from the normal proliferation of
cells which occurs in repair and in certain physiological states
e.g. pregnancy causing increase in breast tissue.

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 The main causes are :
(a) Chronic irritation e.g.
chronic inflammation
of skin.
(b) Imbalance of
hormonal activity e.g.
the irregular
enlargement of the
prostate in old age is
due to hyperplasia of
the component

Shashi Feb-02 7
 The main causes are :
(a) Chronic irritation e.g.
chronic inflammation
of skin.
(b) Imbalance of
hormonal activity e.g.
the irregular
enlargement of the
prostate in old age is
due to hyperplasia of
the component

Shashi Feb-02 8

 Increase in the size of cells resulting in enlargement of a

tissue or organ without any change in the number of cells.
 It is the result of increased functional requirements e.g.
changes in myocardium in high blood pressure.

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Shashi Feb-02 10
 Hypertrophy is increase in cell size

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

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 Reduction in size of individual cells resulting in a diminution

in size and function of an organ.
 Its main causes are lack of use and disturbances in nutrition.

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Renal Artery stenosis - Atrophy

Nephrosclerosis Atrophic Kidney

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Muscle - ischemic atrophy:

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 Hyperplasia is increase in number of cells

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• Metaplasia is a change from one type of differentiated tissue

to another
• The change is commonly seen in lining epithelium but occurs
also in connective tissues and lining of serous cavities.

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e.g. (a) Change from mucus-secreting epithelium to stratified
squamous epithelium as in the bronchial irritation associated
with smoking.

Shashi Feb-02 17
Causes of cell Injury:
• Reduced oxygen - Ischemia, infarction
• Physical agents: Trauma, heat, cold, radiation, electric shock
• Chemical agents & drugs: Therapeutic drugs, poisons, environmental
pollutants, alcohol
• Toxins
• Biological agents :Viruses, Bacteria, fungi, parasites
• Immune reaction – autoimmune & hypersensitivity
• Nutritional deficiencies.

Shashi Feb-02 18
 Morphologic changes that follow cell death in living tissue
or organs.
 Two processes underlie the basic morphologic changes:
1. Denaturation of proteins
2. Enzymatic digestion of organelles and other cytosolic

 Nuclear changes in necrosis including : Pyknosis, karyolysis

and karyorrhexis

Shashi Feb-02 19
Patterns of necrosis
 Coagulative necrosis which is predominate by protein
 Liquefactive necrosis occurs when autolysis predominates
over protein denaturation
 Caseous necrosis is characteristic of tuberculous lesions
 Fat necrosis is seen in adipose tissue.(nekrosis akibat enzim
pankreas mengalir di luar duktus pada pankreas)

Shashi Feb-02 20
Renal Infarction - Coagulative

Shashi Feb-02 21
Caseous necrosis
(Lung tuberculosis)

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Stroke- Liquifactive necrosis

Shashi Feb-02 23
 Definisi: kematian jaringan yang luas dan disertai invasi
kuman saprovit.
 Terjadi pada bagian-bagian yang telah nekrotik dan tempat
kuman dapat sampai

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 Terjadi pada alat yang berhubungan dengan dunia luar:
 Kulit
 Lambung
 Usus
 Mulut
 Paru-paru
 Cervix,dll
 Tidak terjadi pada jantung, limpa, dan hati

Shashi Feb-02 25
1. Gangren basah
• Pada alat tubuh yang mengandung cairan, akibat obstruksi vena, pada
tempat-tempat yang tidak memungkinkan terjadinya penguapan.
• Contoh: lambung, paru-paru

2. Gangren kering
• Pada jaringan yang sedikit cairan dan mudah terjadi penguapan atau
drainase yang baik
• Contoh: Ekstremitas
• Contoh : pada aterosklerosis /penyumbatan lumen arteri

• Penyebab :
– Hilangnya perbekalan darah
– Terdapat infeksi bakteri

Shashi Feb-02 26
Gangrene Intestine - Thrombosis.

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Gangrene - Diabetic foot

Shashi Feb-02 28
Gangrene - Amputated Diabetic foot

Shashi Feb-02 29
 Programmed cell death occurs when a cell dies trough
activation of a tightly regulated internal “suicide program”
 Function of apoptosis is to eliminate unwanted cells
selectively with minimal disturbance to surrounding cells and

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Shashi Feb-02 31
 Causes of apoptotic are physiologic and pathologic
 Physiologic causes:
 Programmed destruction of cells during embryogenesis
 Hormone-dependent involution of tissue in adult
 Death of cells that have served their useful purpose

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 Pathologic causes:
 Cell death by variety of injurious stimuli
 Cell death in certain viral infections ex. Hepatitis
 Pathologic atrophy in parenchymal organs after duct
obstruction ex pancreas
 Cell death in tumors

Shashi Feb-02 33

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