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Biotechnology is a field that merges concepts from biology with concepts of

 It is the use of biology to develop technologies and products for the
welfare of human beings.
 It has various applications in different fields such as Therapeutics,
Diagnostics, Processed food, Waste Management, Energy Production, and
Genetically Modified Crops etc. It is also the use of living system to
develop or make useful products or any technological application that
uses biological system, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or
modify products or processes for specific use.
 Traditional Biotechnology
 Modern Biotechnology
Types of Biotechnology:
 Medical biotechnology is the use of living cells and other cell materials for the
purpose of bettering the health of humans. E.g. Vaccines and Antibiotics
 Agricultural biotechnology focuses on developing genetically modified plants for
the purpose of increasing crop yields or introducing characteristics to those plants that
provide them with an advantage growing in regions that place some kind of stress
factor on the plant namely weather and pests.
E.g. Pest Resistant Crops and Plant and Animal Breeding
Applications of Biotechnology:
 Nutrient Supplementation
 Abiotic Stress Resistance
 Industrial Biotechnology
 Biofuels
 Healthcare
 Strength Fibers
Advantages of Biotechnology:
 It can improve health and reduce hunger
 It creates flexibility within the food chain.
 It offers medical advancement opportunities.
 It allow as us preserve resources.
 It help us minimize or eliminate waste products.
 It can educe infectious disease rates.
Disadvantages of Biotechnology:
 It creates an all or nothing approach.
 It is field of research with many unknowns.
 It could ruin croplands.
 It turns human life into a commodity.
 It can be used for destruction.
Examples of Biotechnology:
 Genetically Modified Foods(GMO)
 Are something we've all likely eaten at least once.

1. GMO’s can improve the quality of food that is grown.
2. Easier for farmers to grow.
3. It increases the food yields that we can produce in existing croplands.
1. May contribute to an increase in food-related allergies.
2. Cancer
3. Antibacterial Resistance
In Vitro Fertilization:
 is a method of assisted reproduction in which a mans sperm and woman's egg are
combined in a laboratory dish, where fertilization occurs.
1. Helps patients who would be otherwise unable to conceive.
2. has been used for a long time and has a safe tract record.
3. Help single woman and same sex couples.
1. An IVF may be unsuccessful.
2. There may be associated side effects and risks.
3. Multiple pregnancy.
4. Slightly higher chance of ectopic pregnancy.

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