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Trends in Outdoor Learning and Play in

schools and pre-schools

Total Outdoor Learning child time per pupil per week

2006 2014
Primary 19 minutes 30 minutes

Secondary 13 minutes 16 minutes

Pre-schools: child hours and % outdoors

2006 2014
Outdoor learning hours 3246 3811

Time at establishment 14105 10647

% of time outdoors 23% 36%

“The effect of learning and play within green or natural
places of all kinds through residential and non-residential
experience alike was particularly strong in generating
greater engagement and challenge and enjoyment.”
“provision of education in outdoor places is not equitably
provided to all pupils, nor is it evenly provided across
establishments and sectors for various location or event
types. Schools in areas of deprivation face particular
challenges that need to be further understood and

young-peoples-interaction-natural-heritage-through-outdoor-learning ; @nature_scot
Outdoor learning research

Capturing and sharing data across NNOL

Scottish Research IOL Hub

Scottish OL research meetings

Sharing research information

Check out the Outdoor Learning Directory!

Outdoor Learning Directory - research

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Outdoor Learning Directory - research

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research under
Outdoor Learning Research networks

British Educational Research Association

(BERA) Special Interest Group - Nature,
Outdoor Learning and Play - a forum for
academics, practitioners, and students to
engage critically in debates around nature,
learning and play in outdoor settings….
knowledge development and exchange.’
Outdoor Learning Research networks

Scottish Research IOL Hub/ NNOL

Regional hubs managed by University of Cumbria and

Institute of Outdoor Learning (IOL)

Focus on Learning in Natural Environments (LINE) / aka

Outdoor Learning.
IOL also looking for case studies………..
Scottish Outdoor Learning Research Hub meeting 13th
December 2018 - Agenda & Goal Setting

 What does it take for every school to take up the opportunities available?
 Address school leadership
 Information level is too intellectual – needs analysis by practitioners
 Harmonise approaches to evaluate impact provide ‘toolkit approach’
 Skills Development Scotland provide analysis for 12 outcomes – helps
 Fit to National Performance Framework
 Develop a set of simple images for different audiences
 ELC agenda is moving from prescriptive outcomes to a child led approach
 Widen the research base around outcomes and process
 ITE institutions should form partnerships with schools & new teachers.
A progression model
of place-based
Find the ENFOR Outdoor Learning
progression model on the Outdoor
Learning Directory research pages
Research network in Scotland – what next
for 2020?
Nature and Children's
Health: Current knowledge
and future directions - 22nd
October 2019, the
Lighthouse, Glasgow

Collaborate and follow up?

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