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Identification of Semen

What is semen?
 Semifluid mixture of:
 Cells
 Enzymes
 Other organic and inorganic materials

 Sperm cells are most important component as

these are specific to semen.
Identification of Semen

What is semen?
 Ejaculate volume = 2 – 6 mL
 100 – 150 million sperm cells per mL
 Sperm count may be much lower

 Disease  Drugs/Alcohol
 Genetics  Vasectomy
Identification of Semen

Sperm Cells
Identification of Semen

Sperm Cells
 Sperm cell = spermatozoan
 Head contains DNA
 Tail (flagella) for movement
 Acrosome – structure at front of head
 Contains enzymes to penetrate egg
Semen Analysis
VIABILITY; Determining
whether the non-motile
sperm is viable or not is
important in establishing
the cause of infertility.
The membranes of dead
sperms are damaged and
can easily take up eosin
The viable sperms do not
allow the stain to penetrate
leaving a colorless sperm.
Identification of Semen

Why is semen important in an investigation?

 Evidence in sexual assault cases

 Can help prove a crime was
 Can identify the perpetrator

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