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(Dr. H. Darmawan, Ir, MSc.)

Materi Kuliah

1. Pengelolaan Infrastruktur
2. Social Impact (SI)
3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
4. Sustainable Development (SD)
Pengelolaan Infrastruktur

Definisi Infrastruktur
 The American Heritage Dictionary, defines the term
infrastructure” as The basic facilities, services, and
installations needed for the functioning of a community
or society, such as transportation and communications
systems, water and power lines, and public institutions
including schools, post offices, and prisons.
 Sedangkan menurut the Associated Generel Contractor
of America (AGCA), the nation’s infrastructure is its
system of public facilities, both publicly or privately
funded which provide for the delivery of essential
services and a sustained standard of living.
Definisi Infrastruktur…

• (, Infrastructure is the basic physical and

organizational structures needed for the operation of a
society, or the services and facilities necessary for an
economy to function. The term typically refers to the
technical structures that support a society, such as roads,
water supply, sewers, power grids, telecommunications,
and so forth.
• Infrastruktur: fasilitas dasar, aset fisik, jaringan kontruksi
fisik terstruktur, fungsi pelayanan dasar yang diperlukan
bagi kegiatan manusia/komunitas untuk berjalannya
aktivitas ekonomi.
Critical Infrastructure
• The term critical infrastructure are those infrastructure
elements that, if significantly damaged or destroyed,
would cause serious disruption of the dependent system
or organization.
• Dalam CRS report (2004) Moteff Parfomak stated that
certain national infrastructures are so vital that their
incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating
impact on the defense or economic security of the United
• Critical infrastructure: istilah yang digunakan untuk
menjelaskan aset yang harus dijaga dan dilindungi karena
fungsinya sangat esensial atau vital untuk berfungsinya
kegiatan masyarakat dan berlangsungnya aktivitas
Critical Infrastructure…

Secara umum critical infrastuctur meliputi:

• telecommunications,
• electrical power systems,
• gas and oil storage and transportation,
• banking and finance,
• transportation,
• water supply systems,
• emergency services (medical, police, fire, and rescue),
• continuity of government.
Kelompok Infrastruktur
(Types of infrastructure)

Infrastruktur Transportasi
• Transportasi darat: jalan, jalan kereta api,
• Transportasi udara: bandara, heliport, air traffic
• Transportasi air: pelabuhan, dry docks, main
• Mass transit: subway, bus transit, stations
• Fasilitas intermodal: truck/rail/port terminals,
rail/airport terminals
Infrastruktur Gedung

• Public buildings: Schools, hospitals, government

offices, police stations, parking structure,
• Multipurpose complexes: convention centers,
religious congregation buildings,
• Sport complexes: indoor, stadiums, golf courses,
• Hotel/commercial properties: hotels, inns, clubs,
• Housing facilities: public/private housings
Infrastruktur Komunikasi

• Telecommunications network: telephone exchange

stations, cable distribution, power supplies, data
processing centers, transmission towers, buildings,
• Television/cable network: production stations,
transmission facilities, cable distributions, power
supplies, buildings,
• Satellite/wireless network: satellities, gound control
centers, communication systems, receivers, buildings,
services and maintenace facilities,
• Information highway network: computer network, cable
distribution, data processing, on line and off line systems,
information sources, backup and recording mediums,
Infrastruktur Energi

• Electric power production: hydro electric power

stations, coal fueled power generation, gas, oil,
• Electric power distribution: high voltage power
transmission lines, substations, distribution systems,
energy control centers, service and maintenance
• Gas pipeline: gas production, pipeline, control enters,
storage tanks, service and maintenance facilities,
• Petroleum/oil production: pumping stations, oil/gas
separation plans, road,
Infrastruktur Energi...

• Petroleum/oil distribution: marine & ground

tanker terminals, pipeline, pumping stations,
maintenance facilities, storage tanks,
• Nuclear power station: nuclear reactors, power
generation stations, nuclear waste disposal
facilities, emergency equipment & facilities,
Infrastruktur Fasilitas Rekreasi

Park & playground: roads, parking areas,

Recreasional fasilities, office buildings, restrooms,
swimming pools, picnic areas,
Lake & water sports: roads, parking areas, picnic
areas, marinas,
Theme parks/casinos: access roads, buildings,
restaurants, security fasilities, structures.
Infrastruktur Air

Water supply: pumping stations, treatment plants,

main water lines, wells, mechanical/electrical
Structure: dams, diversions, structures, tunnels,
Agricultural water distributions: canals, rivers,
weirs, gates, dikes,
Sewer: main sewer lines, septic tanks, treatment
plants, storm water drains,
Infrastruktur Pengelolaan Limbah

Structure: landfills, treatment plants, recycling

Waste: solid waste, hazardous waste, nuclear
Proses Pengelolaan Infrastruktur

 Perencanaan dan penetapan program

(planning & programming)
 Perancangan (design)
 Pelaksanaan (construction)
 Operasi dan pemeliharaan (operation &
 Evaluasi dan pemantauan (evaluation &
control plan)
Studi Dampak Lingkungan

Terdapat empat kelompok faktor utama dalam

evaluasi dampak lingkungan pembangunan
 Faktor polusi
 Faktor ekologi
 Faktor sosial
 Faktor engineering
Sedangkan kajian AMDAL meliputi 3 aspek: Ekonomi,
Sosial dan Lingkungan.
Pullution factors:
air quality, water quality, noise, construction impacts on
surface and subsurface soil contamination, waste water
Ecological factors:
wetlands, coastal zones, wildlife, water flow, endangered
species, animal and bird habitats, flora and fauna,
landscape and drainage, ecosystem dirturbance,
Social factors: displacement and relocation of residence and
business, parkland and recreational areas, historical and
archeological sites, cultural and religious places, natural
and scenic beauty,
Engineering factors: storm water drainage, flood hazards, use
of energy and natural resources, cost and benefit
Infrastructure Financing

• Investasi bidang infrastruktur perannya sangat penting

sebagai pengungkit (leverage) pertumbuhan. Target
pertumbuhan (Economic growth) 7 % pada 2009 dan
rata 6.6 % pada 5 tahun kedepan, yang diharapkan
tercapai melalui investasi dan eksport.
• Guna memenuhi target ambisius pertumbuhan 6-8 % per
tahun untuk 5 tahun kedepan diperlukan investasi dalam
bidang infrastruktur sebasar 145 billion USD. Kontribusi
pemerintah diperkirakan pada kisaran 20-40 %, sisanya
disediakan untuk sektor swasta.
Infrastructure Financing…
National infrastructure investment strategy:
1. Making infrastructure investment more commercially
viable (financially viable), involve: power sector,
transport and toll roads, water and sanitation, ports, and
2. Infrastructure investment on sectors which are not
commercially viable (economically viable) – such as rural
roads and specific investments to fight poverty.
3. bridging the gap between the public and private
provision of infrastructure by supporting public-private
partnerships in infrastructure services and by removing
all bureaucratic bottlenecks which currently inhibit
private sector involvement.
Infrastructure Financing…

Implementasi Strategi
• Strategi 1: private sector, prinsipnya low risk high return
melalui skema public-private partnerships (PPP) atau salah
satunya lazim dikenal istilah Built Operate Transfer (BOT).
• Strategi 2: Kontribusi pemerintah melalui intervensi
APBN/APBD, dari sudut pandang ekonomi sangat penting
bagi pertumbuhan tapi return atau pay back period dari
sisi bisnis kurang menguntungkan.
• Strategi 3: reformasi regulasi yang lebih aplikatif, jelas,
transparan, dan rentang birokrasi yang lebih pendek,
mudah dan cepat baik di pusat maupun daerah.
CRS Report for Congress, 2004, Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets:
Definition and Identification,, Congressional Research Service , USA.
FTSL ITB, 2006, Konsep Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Materi Kuliah SL-1101,
Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Hudson, W. R., Hass, R., and Uddin, W., 1997, Infrastructure Management:
Integrating Design, Construction, Maintenance, Rehabilitation, Renovation,
McGraw Hill, New York.
Indrawati, Sri Mulyani, 2005, Strategic Initiatives to Accelerate
Infrastructure Development in Indonesia, Speech presented at the Indonesia
Infrastructure Summit, Jakarta.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1996, Guidelines for
Infrastructure Development through Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Projects,

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