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WRE 2334 – WATER &

Lesson 4
Mr. Osimbo Moses
• Are the physical factors of the surroundings of
human beings including land, water,
atmosphere, climate, sound, odour, taste, the
biological factors of animals and plants and
the social factor of aesthetics and includes
both the natural and the built environment;
Environmental Law
• Environmental law momentum after world
war II, during that period, reconstruction
programs were taking place due to extreme
damage effects on environment
• The demand for legal protection on the
environment was motivated by two interest
– Demand to protect scenic resources for both the
present and future generations
– Protection of public health
Environmental Law cont’d
• Environmental declaration consequences began
to default that is pollution, radiation, global
warming and depletion of ozone layer
• According to 1987 world commission
environment development WCED report, it
called for immediate action to be taken towards
the environment to ensure sustainable
• As recorded, more than 6million ha of arable
lands are dying up while more than 11million
ha of forest land was destroyed annually
Environmental Law cont’d
• In 1947, United National Economic & Social
Council appointed 32 part which asserted
World National Resources were important for
the reconstruction of the economics
• In 1972, the United Nations Conference on
Human Environment held in Stockhon found an
agency properly manage environment
• The Stockhorn declaration was adopted with
asserted human beings entitled to a happy
environment of which it is their duty to protect
and improve for future generations
Role of Law in Environmental
• Law has a facilitative functions in both National
decision making and implementation
• In environmental management, law assumes 3D
– Provide for allocation of Natural resource
– Provide self standard for effective resource
– Establish institutional mechanism for controlling the
impact of development projects of human activities
in the environment
The National Environment Council
• the Minister who shall be the chairman;
• the Permanent Secretaries in the Ministries
• two representatives of public universities - appointed by
the Minister;
• two representatives of specialized research institutions -
appointed by the Minister;
• (e) three representatives of the business community -
appointed by the Minister,
• (f) two representatives of NGO active in the
environmental field - appointed by the Minister;
• (g) the Director-General who shall be the secretary; and
Functions of the NEC
The Council shall—
• (a) be responsible for policy formulation and
directions for purposes of this Act;
• (b) set national goals and objectives and determine
policies and priorities for the protection of the
• (c) promote co-operation among public
departments, local authorities, private sector, NGOs
• (d) perform such other functions as are assigned
under this Act.
National Environment Management
Authority (NEMA)
NEMA shall comprise of;
• Chairman - appointed by the President;
• The Permanent Secretary
• Director-General - appointed by the President;
• Three Directors who shall be officers of the
• Seven members, not being public officers,
appointed by the Minister in consultation with the
Council; and
• Secretary to the Board - appointed by the
Functions of NEMA
• co-ordinate the various environmental management
activities being undertaken by the lead agencies
• take stock of the natural resources in Kenya and their
utilisation and conservation;
• establish and review land use guidelines;
• examine land use patterns to determine their impact on
the quality and quantity of natural resources;
• carry out surveys which will assist in the proper
management and conservation of the environment;
• advise the Government on legislative and other
measures for the management of the environment
• advise the Government on regional and international
environmental conventions, treaties and agreement
• undertake and co-ordinate research,
investigation and surveys in the field of
• mobilize and monitor the use of financial and
human resources for environmental
• initiate and evolve procedures and safeguards
for environmental degradation
• monitor and assess activities on the
environment (m) undertake programmes
intended to enhance environmental education
and public awareness
• identify projects and programmes, plans and
policies for which environmental audit &
monitoring must be conducted
• (n) publish and disseminate manuals, codes or
guidelines relating to environmental
• (o) render advice and technical support,
where possible, to entities engaged in natural
resources management and environmental
National Environment Trust Fund
• NETF facilitates research intended to further
the requirements of environmental
management, capacity building,
environmental awards, environmental
publications, scholarships and grants.
• NETF is administered by a Board of five
Trustees to be appointed by the Minister by a
notice in the Gazette on such terms and
conditions as he deems fit.
National Environment Trust Fund
The Trust Fund shall consist of—
• (a) such sums of money as may be received by
the Trust Fund in the form of donations,
endowments, grants and gifts from whatever
source and specifically designated for the
Trust Fund;
• (b) such sums of money or other assets as
may be specifically designated to the Trust
Fund by the Authority out of its general fund.
Provincial and District Environment
• The Cabinet Secretary, by notice in the
Gazette, appoints Provincial and District
Environment Committees of the Authority in
respect of every province and district
• The committee consists of;
• Chairman
• Secretary
• 9 representatives
Functions of Provincial and District
Environment Committees
• (a) be responsible for the proper management
of the environment within the province or
district in respect of which they are
• (b) perform such additional functions as are
prescribed by the Act or as may, from time to
time, be assigned by the Minister by notice in
the Gazette.
Public Complaints Committees PCC

• Chairman
• 4 representatives
• 2 members appointed by CS
Functions of the Complaints
The functions of the Complaints Committee shall be—
• (a) to investigate—
– (i) any allegations or complaints against any person or against
the Authority in relation to the condition of the environment in
– (ii) on its own motion, any suspected case of environmental
• (b) to prepare and submit to the Council, periodic reports
of its activities which report shall form part of the annual
report on the state of the environment under section 9(3);
• (c) to perform such other functions and exercise such
powers as may be assigned to it by the Council.
Standards and Enforcement Review
• The Standards and Enforcement Review Committee
shall, in consultation with the relevant lead agencies
– advise the Authority on how to establish criteria and
procedures for the measurement of water quality;
– recommend to the Authority minimum water quality
standards for all the waters of Kenya and for different uses
– analyse and submit to the Director-General conditions for
discharge of effluents into the environment;
– prepare and recommend to the Director-General guidelines
or regulations for the preservation of fishing area, aquatic
areas, water sources and reservoirs
Functions cont’d
• identify and recommend to the Authority areas of
research on the effects of water pollution on the
environment, human beings, flora and fauna;
• advise the Authority to carry out investigations of
actual or suspected water pollution including the
collection of data;
• submit to the Director-General all such
recommendations as may appear necessary for
the monitoring and control of water pollution

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