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Dyslexia, dyscalculia &

mathematics difficulties
Dr Fiona Simmons
Liverpool John Moores University
• The association between mathematics
difficulties and dyslexia
• The cognitive underpinnings of maths
• Assessment implications
Maths difficulties & dyslexia
• Early studies suggested that only a proportion of dyslexic
children had maths difficulties
– Joffe (1981) 10% of dyslexic children scored well
above expectations, 60% scored well below
expectations on a test of written arithmetic

• Frequent co-morbidity of dyslexia and mathematics

difficulties (Dirks, Spyer, Van Lieshout, & de Sonneville,
2008; Miles, Haslum, & Wheeler, 2001; Von Aster, 2000)

• However, the extent that maths difficulties coexist with

dyslexia depends on what maths measures are used
– Miles (1983) found that difficulty recalling
multiplication facts was characteristic of dyslexia
Investigating maths profiles of
dyslexic children
• Simmons & Singleton (2009)
• On average dyslexic children were …
– Slower and less accurate at recalling arithmetic
– Slower counters
– Performing at a similar level to their peers at a
magnitude comparison task
• Suggests that typically dyslexic children have an
‘unbalanced’ profile of mathematical skills
• Recent study replicates difficulty with arithmetic
facts (Boets & De Smedt, 2010)
Cognitive underpinnings
Domain general
explanations Visual memory


Domain specific Number

explanations module
Phonological processing
Biological Functional disconnection of the left
angular gyrus
Cognitive Weak phonological representations
Slow RAN
Poor phonological loop function
Poor phonological awareness
Behavioural Slow & inaccurate reading &
Circumscribed mathematics
difficulties particularly with
number facts
Simmons & Singleton (2008)
Support for role of phonological
• Neuropsychological studies indicate 3 areas for
mathematical processing (Dehaene et al., 1999, 2003)
• Independent predictors of arithmetic development
– Phonological loop function (Hecht et al., 2001; Noel et
al, 2004; Rasmussen & Bisanz, 2005)
– Rapid Automatic Naming (Hecht et al.,2001)
– Phonological awareness (DeSmedt et al., in
press;Fuchs et al., 2005; Hecht et al., 2001; Simmons
et al., 2008)
• Recent evidence that phonological processing is more
closely related to mental arithmetic (DeSmedt et al, in
press; Holmes & Adams, 2006)
Coexisting domain general
• Phonological processing isn’t the only or even
the most influential domain general cognitive
precursor of maths
– The role of phonological processes are however
particularly important for dyslexic children
• Visual memory (e. g. LeFevre et al., in press;
Simmons et al., under review)
• Central executive processing (e. g. Bull et al.,
2008; Simmons et al., under review)
Importance of mental arithmetic
• Central place in primary curriculum
– Daily oral/mental starter in the daily mathematics
– ‘The revised Framework places an emphasis in Key
Stage 1 and the first two years of Key Stage 2 on
securing children's knowledge of number facts and
mental calculation strategies’ (Department for
Children, Schools and families, n. d., p. 4).
• Influence on
– Motivation and attitude in maths lessons
– Teachers’ perceptions of mathematical ability
Impaired number module

Biological Impairment intraparietal sulcus

Cognitive Impaired number module

Slow and inaccurate subitising
Difficulty identify quantity ‘at a glance’

Behavioural Severe mathematics difficulties

Butterworth (2005)
Assessing the number module
• Subitising speed

• Number
comparison speed

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Support for the role of the number
• Landerl et al. (2004)
• Compared basic numerical skills
– Children with reading difficulties in the
absence of severe mathematics difficulties
– Children with severe mathematics difficulties
in the absence of reading difficulties
– Children with severe mathematics difficulties
and reading difficulties
– Typically developing children
Support for the role of the number
• Landerl et al. (2004)
• Key finding – only the children with severe
mathematical difficulties showed impairments on
the basic tests of numerical skill
• Concluded that an impaired number module
leads to severe mathematics difficulties
• More recent support (Landerl, Fussenegger,
Moll, Willburger, 2009)
• The need for more longitudinal data (LeFevre et
al., in press)
Defining dyscalculia
• ‘A condition that affects the ability to
acquire arithmetical skills. Dyscalculic
learners may have difficulty understanding
simple number concepts, lack an intuitive
grasp of numbers, and have problems
learning number facts and procedures’
(DfES, 2001)
Possible subtypes
Phonological Impaired number
processing module

Dyslexia with Dyslexia with

circumscribed severe
mathematics mathematics Severe mathematics
difficulties difficulties. difficulties without
(particularly dyslexia.
‘Dyslexia &
number facts) Dyscalculia’ ‘Dyscalculia’
Understanding the Guide
nature & severity of teaching &
mathematics learning

Insight in
Assessment weaknesses &

Understanding the
cognitive underpinnings
of maths difficulties May influence
teaching strategy,
but need for
Standardised tests
• Can be used to identify the severity of the
difficulty, but performance can be
influenced by type of test
– Written tests (e. g. BAS II, WRAT, Progress in
– WIAT- IIIUK – numerical operations/reasoning
– Mental arithmetic (e. g. Arithmetic subscale
from Wechsler Intelligence Scales)
• Is it possible (and useful) to distinguish
dyscalculic children?
• Magnitude comparison tasks are
suggested as a method of assessing the
efficacy of the number module and
therefore distinguishing dyscalculic
– Consistent with DfES definition
Dyscalculia Screener
• Butterworth (2003)
• Simple reaction time – press a key when
you see a dot
• Dot enumeration (1-9)
• Number comparison
• Addition & multiplication verification

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Issues with interpretation
Impaired number
Impaired number facts & module
impaired basic numerical
Domain general cognitive weakness?


Impaired number facts & Inappropriate

unimpaired basic teaching
numerical abilities
Domain general
Considerations for assessment
• Mathematics difficulties may be subtle and
circumscribed or more profound
– Maths assessment may therefore be
appropriate even if it isn’t the primary
presenting problem
Considerations for assessment
• Tests of basic numerical abilities may be
useful in identifying profound domain-
specific difficulty (but bear in mind the
issues with interpretation)
• Weak phonological processing may
underpin arithmetic fact difficulties
• Other domain general explanations of
mathematics difficulties are possible e. g.
visual memory or central executive

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