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College of International Hospitality Management



Presented by:
Jason P. Ferrer
Shenna Reign L. Lope
Shiela Marie Ann A. Pabico
College of International Hospitality Management
Philippines offer a countless destination for tourist who loves
to explore different activities and experience unforgettable
adventure. Our country, the Philippines is a full tropical island with
white sand beaches, lakes, rivers, mountains, forest, falls, man-
made attractions and friendly artistic, and hard-working people
who are always willing to welcome each and every tourists.
College of International Hospitality Management
Patungan Beach in Maragondon, Cavite is one of the small
fishing villages in Cavite province that has been forgotten by
time. Patungan Beach in Maragondon is far away from
hospitals, police stations or any kind of commercialization. It
has a limited access of electricity they manage to maintain the
nature’s beauty and its surroundings the guests in Patungan
Beach are scared because of their perspectives that one of
these days they fear that the island may be over used by tourist
and other visitor.
College of International Hospitality Management

More known Patungan Beach is a blessed destination with
natural attractions and it is surrounded by two mountains which
is the Mount PalayPalay and the summit of Pico de Loro.
Patungan Beach is ideal for water sports activities like
swimming, snorkeling and island hopping aside of their water
sports activities there are outdoor activities offered in Patungan
Beach like rental of videoke, bonfire and volleyball because of
their activities it is the reason why it is visited every summer.
College of International Hospitality Management
Background of the Study

The importance of tourism promotion is to update the tourist, to

boost a destination with a hidden beauty and is not well known,
to make the tourist product widely known and to make it
attractive in order to encourage many tourist to try it. Promoting
tourism in one’s country to attract tourists is very challenging.
There are various ways on how we can attract tourists to visit in
our country and one of which is through channels.
College of International Hospitality Management
Background of the Study
In fact our department of tourism launches a slogan “It’s more
fun in the Philippines” highlighting the different wonders of
nature in the different parts of the country. With the advent of
technology via internet, this project had been realized easier
and faster. Internet like DOT website and social media like
Facebook and Twitter do help to promote to other tourists the
quality experience of our foreign and local visitors in their
enchanted stay in our country. Uploading their once in a lifetime
experience had never been a burden with just one click of their
social web pages.
College of International Hospitality Management

Conceptual Framework
The diagram depicts the conceptualization of the researchers
of this study. It shows and focus the concept of the study and
tourism promotion
College of International Hospitality Management

Conceptual Framework




College of International Hospitality Management
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of the study is presented in
Figure1. It utilizes the Input-Prcocess-Output model to illustrate
the interplay of the variables.

The Input of the study includes the profile of the

respondents. It also includes the assessment of Patungan
Beach in terms of Accessibility, Tourism Services, Safety and
Security and Promotion.
College of International Hospitality Management

Conceptual Framework
The process in the study includes the evaluation of the Patungan
Beach. It analyze also if significant differences exist in the
evaluation made by the respondents.

The output of the study which is a proposed marketing plan

developed based on the findings of the study.
College of International Hospitality Management


1. Assessment of
Patungan Beach in
Evaluation of the
2. Profile of Patungan Beach
Respondents in Maragondon
3. Assessment of Proposed
respondents in Marketing Plan
terms of
The evaluation
3.1 Accessibility of the Patungan
3.2 Tourism Beach through
Services test of difference

3.3 Safety and


3.4 Promotion

Figure 2. Research Paradigm

College of International Hospitality Management
Paradigm of the Study
The diagram above is called the IPO model for
depicting the research paradigm of the study. It consists of three
parts, namely the input, process and the output. The input part
shows the independent variables of the study. The process
shows how the researchers will complete their study, how will
they collect and analyze their data, while the output shows the
outcomes that can be expected from the study.
College of International Hospitality Management

Paradigm of the Study

As input of the study the researchers have chosen
Patungan Beach in Maragondon Cavite, as the focus of
the researcher’s investigation. The respondents of the
study will be the local tourist of Patungan Beach in
Maragondon Cavite. The demographic profiles of the
respondents are limited to include the name, sex, age,
residency and monthly income and the assessment of
respondents in Patungan Beach in terms of tourism
services, accessibility, promotion and safety and security.
College of International Hospitality Management
Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to determine the assessment of promotion status of

Patungan Beach in Maragondon, Cavite toward tourism promotion. In
particular the study aims to answer the following specific research

1)What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of :

1.1 Sex;
1.2 Age;
1.3 Residency;
1.4 Monthly Income?
College of International Hospitality Management

Statement of the Problem

2. What is the level of agreement in the assessment of the

respondents in the present status of Patungan Beach in
terms of;

2.1 Accessibility;
2.2 Tourism Services;
2.3 Safety and Security;
2.4 Promotion?
College of International Hospitality Management

Statement of the Problem

3. Is there any significant difference in the level of

agreement in the assessment of the respondents when
grouped according to profile.
College of International Hospitality Management
Ho1. There is no significant difference in the assessment of
respondents of the Patungan Beach based on 0.05 level of
College of International Hospitality Management
Review of Related Literature

Transportation infrastructure system compose of airport,

railways and roads because of transportation system it will be
easy access to tourist. Tourism transportation is important and
essential for development success. Transportation infrastructure
helps to support and transport people to their destination also it
transport huge amounts of goods. Generally transportation is a
services of goods and moving of people, because of
transportation infrastructure it help the destination to increase
the growth of people in one place and another.
College of International Hospitality Management
Review of Related Literature
Tourism Services

The goal of good tourism industry will develop a community that holds
people together, it developed economic employment to tourism workers, also
tourism hospitality contribute economic growth in the tourism industry.
Researcher's find out that there a large number of impacts in developing a
tourism industry. One of the goal of tourism industry is to improve the quality
of community by attracting new tourism businesses, tourist relate to the
social conditions of the community through socially and culturally in that way
it will easily connect to the tourists but other still relates to the development
of tourism hostility toward tourists activities. Community will experience and
not experience some impact of natural resources features like coral reefs
and mountain or development of special tourist zones (Kraeg 2013).
College of International Hospitality Management
Review of Related Literature
Safety and Security

In tourism industry safety and security is very important,

they’re focusing individual’s safety. Implementing high rules
in security around the village, providing all the need of the
citizens. People and local community living peacefully with
the great community, between the state and individuals
across the border. They’re thinking about each other safety
and security, including social security, health care system
and other well-being services. (Niemisalo 2014)
College of International Hospitality Management
Review of Related Literature

Communication system infrastructure it is made up of different

ways of communicating with people it is also a quick way to get
a message or comment. Because of the communication system
we make easier with our transactions such as paying online bills,
it’s important to our lifestyle because different communication
system help us in our special needs especially in education as
well as in the tourism industry to facilitate the processing of
transactions such as airline operations and others.
College of International Hospitality Management

The review of related studies and literature showed that there
are some certain requirements that Patungan Beach must
satisfy for the needs of tourists and to improve before it can be
fully established and developed. The reason why Patungan
beach recently decline because of lack in development by
means of infrastructures and promotion, this research is
conducted due to the unpopularity of Patungan Beach,
Maragondon, Cavite by actively preserving the remnants and
its culture.
College of International Hospitality Management

This chapter describes the research design, the data and the
variables of the study the instrument to be devised by the
researcher for data gathering and the statistical treatment of
data that will be employed for analysis to arrive at the desired
output of the study.
College of International Hospitality Management
Research Design
The researchers make use of the descriptive research
design. The descriptive method is appropriate for the study
because it helps greatly to describe and interpret what is at the
present time. This study will seek and know more about the
perception of the non – residents and the local resident in the
area by means of tourism promotion, the assessment of the
respondents (non –residents and local residents) gathered
through survey determined how Patungan Beach will one of the
famous destination in the Philippines. This study used the
survey questionnaire in gathering data.
College of International Hospitality Management

Population Sampling

The population of respondents of the study would include tourist

or not resident and resident who have been in Patungan Beach
in Maragondon it is from this group of people that the sample of
respondents who participated in the study shall be taken, and
the researchers employ the use of purposive sampling, that is
only those individuals who have experience with visiting
Patungan Beach, at one point or another, it would include in the
sample of respondents.
College of International Hospitality Management
Respondents/Participant of the Study

Because the study has specific objectives and specific research

questions to answer as indicated in their statement of the
problem, the respondents of the researchers must also possess
specific traits in order to qualify as participants in their study.

First, the respondents is anyone selected at random who has

experience visiting Patungan Beach, at one point or another.
College of International Hospitality Management
Respondents/Participant of the Study
Secondly, the respondents of the study are tourists who haved
been to Patungan Beach. Moreover the tourist can be local
tourists, who have come to Patungan Beach from some other
areas in Metro Manila or regions in the Philippines.

Thirdly, the respondent is able to read and write to answer the

survey form that distributed.
College of International Hospitality Management
Research Instrument
The researchers used self - made survey questionnaire as
their research instrument to be devised by the researchers
themselves so that it fulfill their specific needs and provide them
with the data necessary for them to answer the problems they
have posed in their statement of the problem with clarity. The
researchers decide to use questionnaire since they need factual
information on the tourism promotion of Patungan Beach as a
newer and updated tourist destination as perceived by the
College of International Hospitality Management
Research Instrument
The survey questionnaire is the most appropriate research
instrument to use for the study of the researchers that require
factual data. The questionnaire of the researchers has two
parts. The first part of the researcher’s questionnaire would
pertain to demographic profile if the respondents which included
sex, age, residency and monthly income of the respondents.
College of International Hospitality Management
Research Instrument
The second part of the survey questionnaire pertain to the
tourism promotion of the Patungan Beach as a newer and
updated tourist destination. In this part of the questionnaire
there are items pertaining to the services offers in Patungan
Beach, amenities available for local tourist who visit
Patungan Beach, safety and security, accessibility and items
on tourism services of Patungan Beach.
College of International Hospitality Management
Research Instrument
In the second part of the questionnaire, the
respondents would rate each item in accordance to the
following rating scale: 1 for ‘Strongly Disagree’, 2 for
‘Disagree’, a 3 for ‘Agree’ and 4for ‘Strongly Agree’.
College of International Hospitality Management
Validation of Instrument
The survey instrument to be devised by the researchers
would be submitted to a grammarian, and to a professor from
the College of International Hospitality Management who
handles tourism management subjects for validation.
College of International Hospitality Management

Validation of Instrument

The researchers’ questionnaire has to pass two types of

instrument validation. Namely, face validation and content
validation, Firstly, the grammarian has to check the research
instrument for grammatical errors in the construction of the
directions and items in the questionnaire and check the same
research instrument for errors in the use of punctuation marks.
The grammarian had to check the format of the questionnaire
and the clarity of the directions.
College of International Hospitality Management

Validation of Instrument
Secondly, the professor from the College of International
Hospitality Management would check the same questionnaire
for content validation to ensure that the items in the
questionnaire will answer the questions posed by the
researchers as specified in their statement of the problem.
College of International Hospitality Management

Validation of Instrument
After revising the research instrument to make all the
necessary corrections, the researchers have to make a dry
run of the questionnaire. As part of pilot testing of the
instrument, the researchers administered the questionnaire
to at least five individuals to check the consistency of the
respondents’ responses. If answers to an item become
extremes, then the item has to be re-phrased, change, or
cancel altogether. The reliability of the Instrument would be
computed by the statistician.
College of International Hospitality Management
Data Gathering Procedure
First and for all before the dissemination of the
questioners, the researchers give a letter of permission to the
four council’s and to the president of the association in
Barangay Sta. Mercedes Patungan Beach after securing the
approval the questionnaire are ready for the distribution.
College of International Hospitality Management
Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering procedure that the researchers follow
the following steps in order to gather data they need for statistical
analysis and to answer the question in the statement of the
The researchers initially inquire about the best time to go
to Patungan Beach, this also make it easier for the researchers to
find their respondents.
The survey questionnaires would be distributed to the non
- resident and resident of Patungan Beach they would be given an
adequate time to answer the questionnaire.
College of International Hospitality Management

Data Gathering Procedure

The survey questionnaire is collected back from the
respondents. The researchers need carefully check if all
the items have been filled out and rated correctly by the
respondents in order to minimize errors in data analysis,
thereby making the results to be obtained accurate,
reliable, and valid to summarize the data collected, the
researchers will make a tally in excel.
College of International Hospitality Management
Statistical Analysis Data
Data will be classified, tabulated, and coded for analysis using
statistics once all survey questionnaires have been collected.

1. Relatively Frequency has used to express a number of the

population or sample having the same trait or characteristics as a
percentage of the population size or sample size. The relative
frequency in computed using the following formula:
𝑟𝑓 = × 100%
Where 𝑓 is the frequency and 𝑛 is the sample size relatively
frequencies would be used in summarizing in frequency distribution
College of International Hospitality Management
Statistical Analysis Data

2. Mean has been obtained by adding the observed values

and dividing by the number of observed values. The mean
is calculated using the following formula:
𝑥ҧ =
Where 𝑥 is the observed value and 𝑛 is the sample size.
The following table was used for the verbal interpretations
of means:
College of International Hospitality Management
Statistical Analysis Data
Verbal Interpretations of Means
Mean Interpretation
Mean Interpretation
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
2.50 – 3.49 Agree
1.00 – 1.49
3.50 – 4.00 Strongly
Strongly Agree Disagree

1.50 – 2.49 Disagree

2.50 – 3.49 Agree

3.50 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

College of International Hospitality Management
Statistical Analysis Data

3. Percentage this will be used to be able to determine the magnitude

of respondents to the survey questionnaire. To calculate the survey
percentage you need to use basic division. Then you have to divide
affirmative responses by total responses to find your percentage.

Percentage % = 𝑛/𝑁 × 100

𝑛- No. of respondents
College of International Hospitality Management
Statistical Analysis Data
4. T-test it compares two averages (means) and tells you if they are
different from each other. T-test also determine how significant the
differences are it lets you know if those differences could have
happened by chance.

ΣD: Sum of the differences

ΣD2: Sum of the squared differences
(ΣD)2: Sum of the differences
College of International Hospitality Management
Statistical Analysis Data
5. ANOVA is used to show difference between two or more means
or components through significance tests. It also shows us a way to
make multiple comparisons of several population means.

F = Anova Coefficient
MST = Mean sum of squares due to treatment
MSE = Mean sum of squares due to error.
College of International Hospitality Management


This chapter presents the data gathered by the researchers and

the results of the analysis of the data using the statistical tool
which provided the researcher with answers their specific
research objectives.
College of International Hospitality Management
Distribution of Respondents by Sex

Sex Frequency Percent

Male 57 57.0

Female 43 43.0

Total 100 100.0

College of International Hospitality Management

Majority of the one hundred (100) respondents are male. That is,
there were fifty-seven (57) respondents, representing 57% of the
sample of one hundred (100) respondents, who are male. There
are forty-three (43) female respondents, and they represent 43%
of the sample of one hundred (100) respondents. Furthermore it
shows that male is the highest number of percentages in
answering the survey questionnaire.
College of International Hospitality Management
Distribution of Respondents by Age

Age Frequency Percentage

15-17 years old 4 4.0

18-25 years old 51 51.0

26-30 years old 19 19.0
30 years old and above 26 26.0
Total 100 100.0
College of International Hospitality Management
Table 2 shows the most of one hundred (100) respondents belong to the
second age bracket with ages of at most 18-25 years old, that is there were
fifty-one respondents, representing 51% of the sample of one hundred
respondents. There are 26 respondent whose ages are 30 years and above and
they represent 26% of the sample of one hundred (100) respondents. While
there are 19 respondents whose ages 26-30 years old represents 19% and
there are 4 respondents who ages 15-17 years old and they represent 4% of
the sample of one hundred respondents.

Overall it shows the statistically percentage of age 18-25 years old peak the
highest as people within this age bracket appear to be more attracted spend
some time at the place for leisure and pleasure purposes with or without
College of International Hospitality Management
Distribution of Respondents by Residency

Residency Frequency Percentage

Non-Resident 86 86.0

Resident 14 14.0

Total 100 100.0

College of International Hospitality Management

Table 3 shown that majority of one hundred (100) respondents are

non-residents or tourist. That is, there were 86 respondents,
representing 86% of the sample of one hundred. While the
remaining 14 respondents are pertaining to the residents and they
represent 14% of the sample of one hundred.

The distribution of one hundred respondents by residency are

summarized and presented in the following table above.
College of International Hospitality Management
Distribution of Respondents by Monthly Income

Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

Less than 15 K 63 63.0
15-25 K 28 28.0
25-35 K 5 5.0
35-45 K 1 1.0
45-60 K 2 2.0
More than 60 K 1 1.0
Total 100 100.0
College of International Hospitality Management

Majority one the one hundred (100) respondents have less than 15 thousand to travel in

one point or another that is there are 63 respondents, representing 63% of the sample of one

hundred, there are 28 respondents who says that they can travel for 15-25 thousand and they

represent 28%. One out of one hundred (100) respondents, five answer that they can travel for

35—45 thousand and they represent 5%, while there one respondent can travel for 35-45

thousand and they represent 1%, two respondents can travel for 45-60 thousand and they

represent 2% and one remaining respondent say they can travel for more than 60 thousand and

they represent 1% of the sample of one hundred respondents.

College of International Hospitality Management
Assessment of Respondents of the Patungan Beach in
Maragondon Cavite toward Tourism Promotion

The following tables below summarize and present the

assessment of respondents in Maragondon, Cavite toward
Tourism Promotion. The first table summarizes and presents the
assessment of respondents in Maragondon, Cavite toward
Tourism Promotion in terms of Accessibility.
College of International Hospitality Management
Assessment of Respondents in Maragondon,
Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in terms of “Accessibility”
Indicator Mean Standard Interpretation
1. There are complete roadways network 2.80 .67 Agree
2. Patungan Beach is easy to access and to 2.64 .88 Agree
locate by public.
3. There are available private and public vehicle 2.64 .69 Agree
in the area.
4. The number of boat is enough to 2.72 .71 Agree
accommodate the passengers.

5. The number of parking space is provided 2.47 .73 Disagree

enough for the public and private vehicles.

Overall Mean 2.65

College of International Hospitality Management
In terms of “Accessibility” the indicator ‘There are complete roadways
network information’ has the highest average of 2.80 which means
respondents of Patungan Beach has “Agree” that there are complete
roadways and network information in Maragondon, Cavite.

The indicator ‘The number of boat is enough to accommodate the

passengers’ has the second highest average of 2.72 which mean that for
the respondents of Patungan Beach “Agree” that the boat are enough to
accommodate all tourists.

The third and fourth indicator has the same average of 2.64 which mean
respondents of Patungan Beach has “Agree” that the said destination is
easy to locate and there are public and private vehicle available.
College of International Hospitality Management

On the other hand, the indicator ‘The number of parking space is

provided enough for the public and private vehicles’ has the lowest
average of 2.47 which means that for the respondents of Patungan
Beach has “Disagree” that the parking space is not enough provided for
the public and private vehicles.

The overall average of 2.65 means that, generally, for respondents of

Patungan Beach “Agree” in terms of “Accessibility
The next table below summarizes and presents the assessment of the
Patungan Beach in Maragondon, Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in
terms of “Tourism Services.”
College of International Hospitality Management
Assessment of Respondents in Maragondon,
Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in terms of “Tourism Services”
Indicator Mean Standard Interpretation
1. The number of cottages are enough to 3.00 .72 Agree
accommodate the tourists.
2. Outdoor activities are provided in the area 2.96 .89 Agree
such as island hopping, bonfire and videoke.
3.The number of comfort rooms are sufficient 2.54 .69 Agree
to accommodate the tourists.
4. There are food store or convenient store 2.73 .80 Agree
available within the area.
5. Cottages are provided enough for 2.84 .75 Agree
comfortable use and stay to meet the needs of
College of International Hospitality Management
In terms of “Tourism Services” the indicator from 1 to 5 which means for the
respondents of Patungan Beach has “Agree” the highest average is 3.00 that there are
enough number of cottages provided for tourists, 2.96 that there outdoor activities
provided for tourists, 2.84 that there are enough cottages provided for comfortable
use to meet the needs of tourist, 2.73 that there are available food store or convenient
store within the area. On the other hand, the indicator number 3 has the lowest
average of 2.54 which means for the respondents the number of comfort rooms are
insufficient to accommodate tourists.

The overall average of 2.81 means that, generally, for respondents of Patungan Beach
“Agree” in terms of “Tourism Services”.

The next table below summarizes and presents the assessment of the Patungan Beach
in Maragondon, Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in terms of “Safety and Security”
College of International Hospitality Management
Assessment of Respondents in Maragondon,
Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in terms of “Safety and Security”
Indicator Mean Standard Interpretation
1.There are life guard for safety of tourists. 2.02 .83 Disagree

2.There are local police and barangay officials 2.33 .85 Disagree
monitor peace and order.

3.Signage is present in the different location 2.39 .84 Disagree

within the destination.

4.Availability of healthcare center of nearby 2.20 .89 Disagree

5.Staff monitors parking areas, sidewalks and 2.62 .75 Agree
Overall Mean 2.31
College of International Hospitality Management

In terms of “Safety and Security” the indicator from 1 to 4 which

means for the respondents of Patungan Beach has “Disagree” the
highest disagree average is 2.39 it means that the signage is not
enough to inform the tourists, 2.33 it means that local police and
barangay officials are not regularly monitoring the peace and
order, 2.20 it means that the availability of healthcare centers are
far from the area, 2.02 it means that there are insufficient
lifeguards for safety of tourists.
College of International Hospitality Management

On the other hand, the indicator number 5 has the highest average of
2.62 which means for the respondents the staffs are always monitoring
the parking areas, sidewalks and cottages.

The overall average of 2.31 means that, generally, for respondents of

Patungan Beach “Disagree” in terms of “Safety and Security”.

The next table below summarizes and presents the assessment of the
Patungan Beach in Maragondon, Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in
terms of “Promotion”.
College of International Hospitality Management
Assessment of Respondents in Maragondon,
Cavite toward Tourism Promotion in terms of “Promotion”
Indicator Mean Standard Interpretation
1.The destination is promoted through social 2.67 .78 Agree
2. Brochures are given to tourists to promote 2.61 .83 Agree
the area.
3. Natural beauty of the destination is 2.48 .85 Disagree
4. Promotes the destination as one of the 2.48 .83 Disagree
beautiful beaches around Metro Manila

5.Good packages to offered during lean season. 2.86 .73 Agree

Overall Mean 2.62

College of International Hospitality Management

In terms of “Promotion” the indicator 1,2 and 5 which means for the
respondents of Patungan Beach has “Agree” the highest agree average is
2.86 it means good package during lean season are offered, 2.67 it
means Patungan Beach is promoted through social media and 2.61
brochures are given to tourists. On the other hand indicator number 3
and 4 has the same lowest average of 2.48 which means for the
respondents natural beauty is not promoted and Patungan Beach is not
promoted as one of the beautiful beaches around Metro Manila.

The overall average of 2.62 means that, generally, for respondents of

Patungan Beach “Agree and Disagree” in terms of “Promotion”.
College of International Hospitality Management
A1 F Sig Interpretation

Between Groups 6.483 .000 Significant Difference

Within Groups

There is a significant difference between 15-17 years old. Majority of

the 18-25 years old, 26-30 years old and 30 years old above respondents
agreed than the 15-17 years old respondents.
College of International Hospitality Management
B4 F sig Interpretation

Between Groups 4.020 .002 Significant Difference

Within Groups

There are significant difference between 25-35K, 35-45K, 45-60K and

more than 60K.Majority of less than 15K and 15-25K agreed than the
other monthly incomes stated above.
College of International Hospitality Management


This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the

researchers in the study, the conclusions that have been drawn
from these findings, and the recommendation of the researchers.
College of International Hospitality Management
Summary of Findings
The researchers made the following summary of their findings in the study on the
basis of the results of the statistical analysis of data which were presented and
summarized in the preceeding chapter.

More of the sample of one hundred (100) respondents, Fifty-seven of them

representing 57% of the sample are male, majority of fifty-one respondents
representing 51% of the sample between 18-25 years old. Majority of the sample
eighty-six of them, representing 86% of the sample are non-resident. Most of the
sample sixty-three of them, representing 63% of the sample for monthly income is less
than 15 thousand.

In general, respondents of Patungan Beach has “Agree” in terms of Accessibility with

an overall average of 2.65. In particular, the indicator ‘there are complete roadways
network information ‘ has the highest rating of 2.80; while the indicator ‘the number
of parking space is provided enough for the public and private vehicles’ has the lowest
average of 2.47.
College of International Hospitality Management
Generally for respondents of Patungan Beach has “Agree” in terms of Tourism Services
with an overall average of 2.81. In particular, ‘the indicator the number of cottages are
enough to accommodate the tourists has the highest rating of 3.00; while the indicator
‘the number of Comfort Rooms are sufficient to accommodate the tourists has the
lowest average of 2.54.

Generally for respondents of Patungan Beach has “1 Agree” and “4 Disagree” in terms
of Safety and Security with an overall average of 2.31. In particular, the indicator ‘Staff
monitor parking areas, sidewalks and cottages has the highest rating of 2.62; while the
indicator ‘There are life guards for safety of tourists’ has the lowest average of 2.02.

Over-all respondents of Patungan Beach has “ 3 Agree and “ 2 Disagree” in terms of

promotion with an overall average of 2.62 the indicator ‘Good packages to offered
during lean season has the highest rating of 2.86; while the indicator number 3 and 4
has the same average of 2.48.
College of International Hospitality Management

The researchers make the following conclusions based on the findings of the study
which were summarized and presented above.

1) The researchers conclude that under “accessibility” Patungan Beach has not
provided enough parking space for public and private vehicle for tourists. The
researchers conclude that the complete roadways network information help the
tourist to locate the destination in easy access.

2) The researchers conclude that Patungan Beach do not provide sufficient “services”
such as comfort rooms to accommodate tourists and visitors. However, the
researchers conclude that the cottages have provided enough to accommodate and it
is fit for their comfortable use and needs.
College of International Hospitality Management
3) The researchers conclude that under “safety and security” in the area is not
provided by the management. Researchers conclude that there is no life guard and
the researchers conclude that barangay and local officials are not regularly
monitoring the peace and order in the area.

4) The researchers conclude that under promotion Patungan Beach cannot promote
the natural beauty as one of the beautiful beaches around Metro Manila also they do
not have enough souvenir or freebies sold in the destination. The only thing that the
visitors could have are the photos that they take. The researchers conclude that some
tourist can help to promote the destination by doing a simple blog in the internet or
social media.
College of International Hospitality Management

In the light of the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researchers offer the

1. To the management of Patungan Beach, the researchers recommend to build or

improve enough space or add more parking space for public and private vehicle to
accommodate to all tourists / visitors.

2. To the management of Patungan Beach the researchers recommend that they

should provide enough comfort rooms to accommodate tourists.
College of International Hospitality Management

3. To the barangay officials, the researchers recommend that they should implement
peace and order in the area, also they should hire a life guard for the safety of

4. To the Tourism Promotions Board, the researchers recommend that the Tourism
Promotions Board to promote and focus on the said destination so that the place will
be known as the best destination in the province and also for the management of
Patungan Beach it is recommended that they use of internet, social media and
brochures to promote the place.
College of International Hospitality Management

In this picture it is one of the Cottages

When we first arrived in Ptungan Cove,
offer in the resort.It is good for 10-20
we are amazed to see the beauty of
persons and it has own room for
nature and we can say that this
tourist to relax.
destination has a potential to improve
and develop to make it one of the best
destination in the provice.
College of International Hospitality Management

In this picture there is a boat which is

In this picture it is the majestic view of ocean one of the transportation that they use
with its fined sand and crystal clear water of going to the resort. It is good for 10
the sea. persons and it took 3 minutes going to
the resort.
College of International Hospitality Management

We are conducting our survey regarding This picture was a group of tourists
Patungan Beach as part our study. which is riders coming from the different
places in Luzon.
College of International Hospitality Management

Another picture to the other group which is Our group picture which was taken
also a rider. after we finished conducting our survey.
College of International Hospitality Management

Thank You

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