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Exposition text

Exposition text devided into 2,

that is :
Hortatory exposition and
analytical exposition
Hortatory exposition
Hortatory exposition is a type of exposition
text that begins with a statement containing
the problem / issue which is used as the theme
of writing, then supported by various arguments
/ statements and supporting evidence that can
direct the reader to the author’s point of view
suggestion or recommendations from the
Analytical exposition
analytical exposition is a type of exposition text
that begins with a statement that shows the
attitudes, opinions, statements or position of the
author of the theme discussed then supported by a
variety of arguments and closed with affirmation
or re-statement about the opinion stated at the
Generic structure of analytical
• Thesis : introducing the topic and
indicating the writer’s point of view.
• Argument : explaining the argument
to support the writer’s position. Each
argument, must be supported by
evidence and explanation.
• Reiteration : restating the writer’s
point of view / to strengthen the
the characteristic / language
feature of analytical exposition
- using relational process
-Using internal conjunction
-Using causal conjunction
-Using simple present tense
-Using compound and complex
-Use word that link argument
in indonesia we are very familiar with the word “tsunami”.
This natural disaster has ever killed thousands of lives in banda
Aceh a few years ago. Indonesia mourned, the world mourned.
Then, how the tsunami happens? Here is a brief explanation of
the process of how the asian tsunami happens.
Tsunami are ocean waves that come suddenly with high
speed toward the coastal area, caused by volcanic activity or
earthquakes under the sea.
Tsunami can occur if there is a phenomenon which
causes the displacement of large amounts of water in the ocean,
such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslide, and meteors
that fall to earth. However, 90% of tsunami is the result of
underwater earthquakes.
Vertical movement in the earth’s crust in the bottom
of the ocean causes a sudden up or down movement of sea
floor which then causes the water balance disorders above it .
this diturbance causes the occurrence of the flow of the
massive sea water energy, that once it reaches the shore, it
becomes huge waves resulting tsunami.
Tsunamis also occur due to volcanic eruptions on
the seabed which result in high movements of sea water or
nearby waters tsunami have greater wave velocity than
ordinary waves. Even up to 700 km / hour and almost the
same speed as the aircraft. Typically tsunami waves are 50
meters high and speread in all directions
The height of the tsunami is also influenced
by the shape is very possible for a tsunami
In fact, the tsunami became one of the
natural events that is very dangerous for humas
because it can cause great dama ge and can
even take thousand of lives at once if occur
suddenly therefore we much be vigilant at all
times and prepare ourselves to face the natural
disasters of the tsunami even though not all
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on the
seabed cause tsunami.
1. What is meant by tsunami ?
2. Explain the reason for the tsunami ?
3. What is the purpose of the text ?
4. What is the result of a tsunami ?
5. Show the part that is included in the thesis ?
6. Show the part included in the argument ?
7. Why the last paragraph of the text is included in reiteration ?
8. The structure of the text is ?
9. The biggest cause of tsunami in the text is ?
10. What language rules can be known from
the text ?

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