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Kepaniteraan Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas
Defense Mechanisms are psychological
strategies that are unconsciously used to
protect a person from anxiety arising from
unacceptable thoughts of feelings.
Mechanism • To protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt
because we feel threatened or because our id or
superego becomes too demanding
• When defense mechanisms get out of proportion,
neuroses develop
Narcissistic-Psychotic Defenses

Immature Defenses

Neurotic Defenses

Mature Defenses
Usually found as part of a psychotic process, may occur in
young children and adult dreams or fantasies. = Avoiding,
negating, or distorting reality.


Perceiving and reacting to unacceptable inner impulses and
their derivatives as though they were outside the self.

-Psychotic Contoh: Prestasi pada saat pertandingan olah raga bulu tangkis
yang kurang baik dengan alasan sedang sakit flu

Defenses • 2.DENIAL

Psychotic denial of external reality, affects perception of

external reality more than perception of internal reality.

• Contoh: seseorang menentang keras ketika seorang dokter menyatakan

bahwa setelah dilakukan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik pasien akhirnya
didiagnosis dengan kanker.
Grossly reshaping the experience of external
Narcissistic- reality to suit inner needs, including unrealistic
megalomanic beliefs, hallucinations, wish-
Psychotic fulfilling delusions, and employing sustained
feelings of delusional grandiosity, superiority, or
Defenses entitlement.
Contoh : Ketika seseorang murid
mengatakan pada gurunya mengenai pr
nya yang belum selesai dikerjakan karena
ia diminta oleh Merry Riana menjadi
pembicara penting disalah satu talkshow
2.Imature Defense

Common in preadolescent years and in adult

character disorders. Often mobilized by
anxieties related to intimacy or its loss. Often
moderate with improvement in interpersonal
relationships or with increase personal maturity
Imature Defense
The direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in action to avoid being
conscious of the accompanying affect. The unconscious fantasy is lived out and
impulsively enacted in behaviour.
contoh: seorang anak akan rewel apabila tidak diberikan sesuatu yang diinginkannya
untuk menarik perhatian orang tua

An inhibition of affects especially, but possibly also thinking and impulses.
Contoh: ketika dokter bertanya mengenai penyebab pasien bercerai dengan suami
pasien, pasien kemudian akan terdiam dan tidak ingin membahasnya.

Transformation of reproach toward others arising from bereavement, loneliness, or
unacceptable aggressive impulses, into self-approach in the form of somatic complaints
of pain, illness, and so forth. Real illness may be exaggerated.
Contoh: seseorang merasa bahwa dirinya sakit jantung namun dari pemeriksaan fisik dan
penunjang tidak didapatkan adanya penyakit
Imature Defense
The internalization of characteristics of a loved object with the goal of ensuring closeness to and
constant presence of the object.
contoh: seorang anak terlambat masuk ke sekolah pada hari pertama, kemudian ia dihukum oleh gurunya.
Keesokan harinya anak tersebut akan mengantisipasi agar kejadian tersebut tidak terulang agar ia tidak
mendapat hukuman
Aggression toward an object expressed indirectly and ineffectively through passivity, masochism, and turning
against the self.
contoh: suka menunda-nunda, tidak menerima permintaan untuk kinerja yang optimal, tidak bersedia
meminta maaf, dan cenderung untuk mencari kesalahan pada diri orang lain.
Attributing one’s own unacknowledged feelings to others.
Contoh: Seseorang membenci orang tertentu, tetapi superego orang terasebut akan memberi tahu ia bahwa
perasaan seperti itu tidak dapat diterima, sehingga orang tersebut cenderung untuk menyelesaikan masalah
dengan percaya bahwa orang yang ia benci itulah yang justru membencinya.
Imature Defense

A return to a previous stage of development or functioning to avoid the anxieties or hostilities involved in
later stages.
Contoh: takut menjadi tua, akhirnya berperilaku seperti anak-anak

The tendency to use fantasy and to indulge in autistic retreat for the purpose of conflict resolution and
Contoh: pasien penyendiri yang tidak menyukai teman kerjanya dan berfantasi menyiksa teman kerjanya

The defensive conversion of psychic derivatives into bodily symptoms
Contoh: mengeluh nyeri panggul dan ingin di histerektomi padahal tidak ada indikasi untuk di histerektomi.
(biasanya terdapat riwayat pelecehan seksual dimasa lalunya)
3.Neurotic Defense
Common in apparently normal and healthy individuals and neurotic disorders. Function in the alleviation of
distressing affects and may be expressed in neurotic forms of behaviour. They can also have an adaptive or
socially acceptable aspect.

The excessive attempt to manage or regulate events or objects in the environment in the interest of
minimizing anxiety and solving internal conflicts.
Contoh: merapihkan seisi rumah atau merapikan barang2 orang karena merasa stress terhadap masalah

Involves a purposeful, unconscious shifting of impulses or affective investment from one object to another
in the interest of solving a conflict.
Contoh: seseorang yang merasa tidak nyaman dengan hasrat seksualnya untuk orang
sungguhan dapat menggantikan jimat, atau seseorang yang merasa frustrasi terhadap
atasannya mungkin pulang dan memukuli anggota keluarga, menendang anjing atau
melakukan persilangan. pembakaran.
Neurotic Defense

A temporary but drastic modification of character or sense of personal identity to avoid emotional distress; it
includes fugue states and hysterical conversion reactions.
Contoh : seorang perempuan yang diperkosa merasa dirinya melayang dan melihat dirinya diperkosa. Seorang
yang selamat dari kecelakaan, merasa seperti mimpi dan semua terasa berjalan lambat.

The tendency to perceive in the external world and in external objects components of one’s own personality,
including instinctual impulses, conflicts, moods, attitudes, and styles of thinking.
Contoh: seorang yang terlalu argumentatif mungkin malah menganggap orang lain sebagai argumentatif dan
dirinya sendiri tidak bersalah

The unconsciously determined limitation or renunciation of specific ego functions, singly or in combination,
to avoid anxiety arising out of conflict with instinctual impulses, superego, or environmental forces or figures.
Contoh : seorang perempuan yang tanpa sadar makan kue ketika sedang diet (?)
Neurotic Defense

The control of affects and impulses by way of thinking about them instead of experiencing them.
Contoh : seseorang yang telah didiagnosis menderita penyakit terminal berfokus mencari informasi detail
tentang penyakitnya agar tidak merasa sedih dan tertekan

The intrapsychic splitting or separation of affect from content resulting in repression of either idea or affect or
the displacement of affect to a different or substitute content.
Contoh : menceritakan tentang pengalaman buruk tanpa terbawa emosi, seorang mahasiswa kedokteran yang
melalukan bedah mayat tanpa memikirkan tentang kematiana

A justification of attitudes, beliefs, or behaviour that might otherwise be unacceptable by an incorrect
application of justifying reasons or the invention of a convincing fallacy.
Contoh : Seorang pencuri yang terpaksa mencuri untuk membiayai keluarganya yang dirawat di rumah sakit,
seorang yang tidak lulus ujian mengaku tidak lulus karena soalnya lebih susah dari tahun tahun sebelumnya
Neurotic Defense


The management of unacceptable impulses by permitting expression of the impulse in antithetical form.
Expression of the impulse in the negative.
Contoh : seorang anak yang iri hati terhadap adiknya, ia memperlihatkan sikap yang sebaliknya, yaitu sangat
menyayangi secara berlebihan

The expelling and withholding from conscious awareness of an idea or feeling, by excluding from awareness
what once experienced on a conscious level or it may curb ideas and feelings before they have reached

The endowing of an object or function with sexual significance that it did not previously have, or possesses to
a lesser degree, to ward off anxieties connected with prohibited impulses.
4. Mature Defense

These mechanisms are healthy and adaptive throughout the life cycle. They are socially adaptive and useful in
the integration of personal needs and motives, social demands, and interpersonal relations. They can underlie
admirable and virtuous patterns of behaviour.

The vicarious but constructive and instinctually gratifying service to others, even to the detriment of the self.

The realistic anticipation of or planning for future inner discomfort: Implies overly concerned planning,
worrying, and anticipation of dire and dreadful possible outcomes.
4. Mature Defense

The elimination of directly pleasurable affects attributable to an experience. Directed against all
“base” pleasures perceived consciously, and gratification is derived from the renunciation.

The overt expression of feelings without personal or immobilization and without unpleasant effect
on others. Allows one to bear, and yet focus on, what is too terrible to be borne, in contrast to wit,
which always involves distraction or displacement away from the affective issue.
4. Mature Defense

The gratification of an impulse whose goal is retained but whose aim or object is
changed from a socially objectionable on to a socially valued one. Allows instincts to be
channelled rather than dammed up or diverted. Thus, feelings are acknowledge,
modified and diverted toward a relatively significant person or goal so that modest
instinctual satisfaction results.

The conscious decision to postpone attention to a conscious or conflict.
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