Types of Diet: Submitted by

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Submitted by :
M.Sc. 3 rd sem.
Factors affecting consumption of diet
• People’s culture ,location ,customs and traditions strongly influence diet
and cuisine and the manner in which they prepared their meals. For
example, in the Middle East, wheat was a staple grain and was used to
make flatbread and porridge, while halfway around the world in
Mesoamerica, maize was the staple crop and was used to make tortillas
and tamales.
• diet will vary depending on
• individual characteristics (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle and degree of physical
• cultural context
• locally available food
• dietary customs
General guidelines for healthy diet (acc. To WHO)
• total fat should not exceed 30% of total energy intake.
• Intake of saturated fats should be less than 10% of total energy
intake, and intake of trans-fats less than 1% of total energy intake.
• Limiting intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake is
part of a healthy diet.
• Keeping salt intake to less than 5 g per day (equivalent to sodium
intake of less than 2 g per day) helps to prevent hypertension, and
reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke in the adult population
Mediterranean diet
• The Mediterranean diet is Southern European, and more specifically
focuses on the nutritional habits of the people of Crete, Greece, and
southern Italy. Nowadays, Spain, southern France, and Portugal are
also included, even though Portugal does not touch the
Mediterranean Sea.
• The emphasis is on lots of plant foods, fresh fruits as dessert, beans,
nuts, whole grains, seeds, olive oil as the main source of dietary fats.
Cheese and yogurts are the main dairy foods. The diet also includes
moderate amounts of fish and poultry, up to about four eggs per
week, small amounts of red meat, and low to moderate amounts of
Blood group based diet

• Naturopath Peter J D’Adamo says that the foods you eat react
chemically with your blood type.
• Type Os must eat foods high in protein and go light on grains and
• Type As should enjoy a meat-free diet rich in legumes, whole grains
and fruit and veg.
• while Type Bs should focus on green veg, eggs and low-fat dairy. It is
said that through this diet your body will digest food better, you’ll lose
weight and have more energy.
Ketogenic diet
• The latest low-carb diet on the block, the ketogenic diet is a high-fat
and moderate protein plan that encourages you to restrict your carb
intake to just 20 to 50g a day.
Paleo diet
• The Palaeolithic diet (also called the Caveman diet) works on the
principle that the human body should eat the same diet as our hunter
gatherer ancestors. This includes meat, fish, birds, roots, nuts, wild
fruits and veg. Foods that are the products of agriculture such as
grains, legumes, dairy products, oils, salt and sugar are all excluded
from the regime
Alkaline Diet

• Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics

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