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Water Scenario of Pakistan

“It is not the strongest of the species that

survives, or the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change.”
Charles Darwin (1859)
Global Fresh Water Availability
Picture 1 : Freshwater availability (m3 per person per year, 2007)

Pakistan falls
in the water

20 % of the World’s population lives in water-scarce regions, and as many as 45 % of the

World Population could experience water scarcity by 2025
Water Availability: Surface Water
Picture 3 :Tibet Plateau Picture 4:Tibet Plateau and major rivers

•The sources of Indus and Sutlej is in the Chinese-held Tibetan Plateau

•Tibet has a unique triple role of Asia’s water repository, water supplier, and rainmaker
•The sources of Indus and Sutlej is in the Chinese-held Tibetan Plateau
• Problems and Challenges of Water
Management in Pakistan
1 2 3

Poor Agriculture Inadequate

Policy Constraints
Practices Infrastructure

4 5 6

Degradation of Water
Increase in Water Demand Politics
Picture 7: Flood 2010 Picture 8: Flood 2014

The volume of flood water was more than 4 times of •Flood in the Chenab River played havoc in the country
Pakistan's annual reservoirs’ capacity •It caused over 200 deaths and over 700 villages washed away

Short Term Recommendations (Within 1 Year)

• Lining of Water Course & Distributaries

• Floodwater Harvesting-New Lakes
• Rainwater Harvesting
• Artificial Rain
• Importing Water-Intensive Products
• Efficient Water Resource Management
• Hydroponics
• Grey Water Harvesting
• Barrier
• Restrictions
• Large dams
Purpose of Dams
• Irrigation
• Power Generation’
• Water Supply
• Flood control
• Water Storage
• Many more
Types of Dams
• Structure based
• Use & Function
• Construction & Material
Dams in Pakistan
• Mangla (Jhelum River)
• Tarbela (Indus River)
• Khanpur ( Haro River, KPK)
• Warsak (Kabul River, KPK)
• Hub (Hub River, Lasbela)
• Mirani (Dasht River, Makran)
• Many more
• Can you differentiate a Barrage and a Dam?
Sources of Electricity
• Major sources of electricity generation are
• Total existing installed power capacity as of
March, 2017 was 29,944 MW.
• thermal (68.4% of Pakistan's Capacity),
• hydro (23.8%),
• renewable (4.1%)
• nuclear power plants (3.6%).

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