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Observation of PMKS in Simpang Market Dago


Ibu Tumini
■ On Monday, November 11, 2019 At the Simpang market, we observed one of the 26
kinds of pmks, it is an old woman beggar, poor people, and bummer. Beggar it is people who
earn income begging in public in various ways, with the reason to expect the mercy of others.
Poor people are very miserable people. Against the Poor, we must not hurt the needy poor. To
the poor, we must give part of our wealth. Bummer are people who live in conditions that are
not in accordance with the norms of decent living in the local community, and do not have a
permanent livelihood and residence and wander in public places.

The name of his grandmother, Tumini, who is more or less sixty five years old.
Her is condition looked apprehensive and was having headaches. She is begging by moving
around where her has been living in the Simpang Dago Market for three days and she sleeps
in the shop in front of her. Tumini has three children but one child has died and her child has
never looked at her. Actually, She lives with her husband. Her husband is a beggar and likes
to beg at the Serang Market. She has never received help from anywhere such as from the
government or dinsos. In social welfare there are potentials and sources of social welfare
(PSKS) are the potential and resources that exist in humans, nature and social institutions
that can be used for social welfare efforts. There are six types of PSKS, suitable for this
problem are one of them, namely:
■ 1. Community Social Workers (PSM) are citizens who are based on social awareness and
responsibility and are driven by a sense of togetherness, kinship and social solidarity
voluntarily serving in the field of social welfare.
The Solution

■ From the results of our interview, grandma Tumini really needs

attention from the government, not in fostered, but more towards
providing financial assistance and shelter because of age that is not
possible and disturbed health conditions.
thank you

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