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 An individual or group’s sense of self respect

and self worth, physically and psychological

integrity and empowerment.
 Dignity is a right of a person to be valued and
respected for their own sake, and to be
treated ethically.
 Human dignity is  Human right are
what cant be taken moral principles
away. that describes
human behavior.
 Any human must be  Human rights are
free from slavery, standards on which
manipulation and they are treated.
 Dignity is the quality of being honourable,
nobleexcellent or worthy.
 Human degnity is a sence of self-worth.
 Therefore, dinity is a sence of pride in oneself
that a human being has with them.
Human diginiy can be violated in multiple ways
some of them are
 Humiliation
 Instrumentalization/ objectification
 Degradation
 dehumanization
 Human diginity is a central consideration of
christian philosophy
 catholic (dignity of the human person is
rooted in his or her creation in the image
and likeness of god
 Islamic (the right course is that on which one
keeps his attitude, ambitions and
requirements subjected to the divine laws)

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