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Gesture Controlled Bot is a robot which can be controlled by your normal hand gesture. The
accelerometer controls the movement of the robot. Accelerometers are used to measure the angular
displacement of human hand motion. It consists of mainly two parts, one is transmitter part and another
is receiver part.The transmitter will transmit the signal according to the position of accelerometer
attached on your hand and the receiver will receive the signal and make the robot move in respective
direction. Here, the program is designed by using Arduino.
• The code is uploaded on the Arduino. In this case we have used 2 Arduinos, one for
transmitter and one for receiver.
• The Arduino sends the signals to RF transmitter. These signals are then transmitted to the RF
receiver using radio frequencies (433Mhz).
• From this receiver, the signals are transmitted to the Arduino connected to the motor and
chassis through L293D motor driver.
• So, as the accelerator moves in different directions, the robot also moves according to the
values set in the accelerometer.
• The outcome of this will be a robot which can be controlled by your hand movements. The
image shown below tells the various possible movements of the bot.

The applications of the accelerometer based gesture controlled robot include

• These robots are used in military applications to operate robots
• These robots are used in medical applications for the purpose of surgery
• These robotics are used in the construction field
• These robotics are used in industries to control trolley and lift.

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