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 Pre-production

- Challenging

- I feel very difficult as this is the first time I

interviewed new people for collected the
 While-production
-Facing some problem

- We have never come to this area and it hard for us to get

there on time

- road is too narrow and hilly area.

- not all families come here not agree to interview this

because many are coming for the first time.

- This manager does not know the english language and this
makes it difficult for our group to be forced to transfer
this interview video from Malay to English.
 Post production

-collaboration of our group members, we are able to successfully

complete the assignment

-I get a lot of experiences and new enlightenments on how to make

a good documentary video, as well as improving my english language

 Pre-production
 Challenging
 While-production
 Facing some problems and obstacles
 Interviewees do not want to record in the form of video
 Post-production
 Know a new place
 Learn some new things

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