Gaya Gesek

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New Topic: Friction

 What does it do?

It opposes motion!

 How do we characterize this in terms we have learned?

Friction results in a force in the direction opposite to the
direction of motion!

N j



Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 1


 Friction is caused by the “microscopic” interactions

between the two surfaces:

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 2


 Force of friction acts to oppose motion:

Parallel to surface.
Perpendicular to Normal force.

N j

F i


Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 3

Model for Sliding Friction Suitcase

 The direction of the frictional force vector is perpendicular

to the normal force vector N.

 The magnitude of the frictional force vector |fF| is

proportional to the magnitude of the normal force |N |.

 |fF| = K | N | ( = K | mg | in the previous example)

The “heavier” something is, the greater the friction will

be...makes sense!

 The constant K is called the “coefficient of kinetic friction.”

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 4


 Dynamics:
i: F  KN = ma
j: N = mg

so F  Kmg = ma

N j

F i

K mg

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 5

Lecture 7, Act 1
Forces and Motion
 A box of mass m1 = 1.5 kg is being pulled by a horizontal
string having tension T = 90 N. It slides with friction (k = 0.51)
on top of a second box having mass m2 = 3 kg, which in turn
slides on a frictionless floor.
What is the acceleration of the second box ?
(a) a = 0 m/s2 (b) a = 2.5 m/s2 (c) a = 3.0 m/s2

T m1 slides with friction (k=0.51 )

a=? m2 slides without friction

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 6

Lecture 7, Act 1
 First draw FBD of the top box:


T m1 f = KN1 = Km1g


Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 7

Lecture 7, Act 1
 Newtons 3rd law says the force box 2 exerts on box 1 is
equal and opposite to the force box 1 exerts on box 2.

 As we just saw, this force is due to friction:

m1 f1,2 = Km1g

f2,1 m2

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 8

Lecture 7, Act 1
 Now consider the FBD of box 2:

f2,1 = km1g m2


Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 9

Lecture 7, Act 1
 Finally, solve F = ma in the horizontal direction:

m1 1.5 kg
Km1g = m2a a k g   0.51  9.81 m s 2
m2 3 kg

a = 2.5 m/s2

f2,1 = Km1g m2

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 10

Inclined Plane with Friction:

 Draw free-body diagram:


j N 

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 11

Inclined plane...

 Consider i and j components of FNET = ma :

i mg sin  KN = ma
j N = mg cos 
mg sin  Kmg cos  = ma
j N 

a / g = sin Kcos 
mg 
mg cos 
mg sin 

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 12

Static Friction...

 So far we have considered friction acting when something moves.

We also know that it acts in un-moving “static” systems:

 In these cases, the force provided by friction will depend on the

forces applied on the system.

N j

F i


Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 13

Static Friction...

 Just like in the sliding case except a = 0.

i: F fF = 0
j: N = mg

 While the block is static: fF  F

N j

F i

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 14
Static Friction...

 The maximum possible force that the friction between two

objects can provide is fMAX = SN, where s is the
“coefficient of static friction.”
So fF  S N.
As one increases F, fF gets bigger until fF = SN and the
object starts to move.

N j

F i

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 15
Static Friction... Suitcase

 S is discovered by increasing F until the block starts to

i: FMAX SN = 0
j: N = mg

S  FMAX / mg

N j



Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 16

Lecture 7, Act 2
Forces and Motion
 A box of mass m =10.21 kg is at rest on a floor. The coefficient
of static friction between the floor and the box is s = 0.4.
 A rope is attached to the box and pulled at an angle of  = 30o
above horizontal with tension T = 40 N.
Does the box move?

(a) yes (b) no (c) too close to call

m 
static friction (s = 0.4 )

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 17

Lecture 7, Act 2 y
 Pick axes & draw FBD of box: x

 Apply FNET = ma

y: N + T sin  - mg = maY = 0
N = mg - T sin  = 80 N

x: T cos  - fFR = maX

The box will move fFR m 

if T cos  - fFR > 0


Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 18

Lecture 7, Act 2 y
y: N = 80 N x

x: T cos  - fFR = maX

The box will move

if T cos  - fFR > 0 N

T cos  = 34.6 N T
fMAX = sN = (.4)(80N) = 32 N fMAX = sN
m 

So T cos  > fMAX and the box does move


Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 19

Static Friction:

 We can also consider S on an inclined plane.

 In this case, the force provided by friction will depend on the

angle  of the plane.

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 20

Static Friction...

 The force provided by friction, fF , depends on .

ma = 0 (block is not moving)

mg sin ff 

j N 
(Newton’s 2nd Law along x-axis)

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 21

Static Friction...
 We can find s by increasing the ramp angle until the block

mg sin ff 

In this case:
ff SN  Smg cos M
j mg sin MSmg cos M 

M mg
 S  tan M

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 22

Problem: Box on Truck

 A box with mass m sits in the back of a truck. The coefficient

of static friction between the box and the truck is S.
What is the maximum acceleration a that the truck can
have without the box slipping?

m S

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 23

Problem: Box on Truck

 Draw Free Body Diagram for box:

Consider case where fF is max...

(i.e. if the acceleration were any
larger, the box would slip).

fF = SN mg

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 24

Problem: Box on Truck

 Use FNET = ma for both i and j components

i SN = maMAX
j N = mg

aMAX = S g N


fF = SN mg

Physics 111: Lecture 7, Pg 25

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