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Logo + Any Slogan or Catch Phrase.

Team Members

1. Who in the team does what?


1. General Beginning description on who you are and what you do.
2. What’s the genre of your startup idea?
3. Your product/services?
4. What’s the country’s situation regarding acceptance of your idea? Some
statistics would be nice.
Problem Statement

1. What problem are you aiming at solving?

2. How far reached are the affects of the problem you’re aiming at solving?
3. Again, statistics will do great.
Your Proposed Solution

1. What are you doing to solve the problem?

2. How will your solution impact the problem?
3. What success stats are you looking at?
Market & Marketing Plan

1. What market are you potentially looking at grabbing?

2. What’s your plan for achieving your market grabbing goals?
3. What techniques will you be using for that? Any specifics?
4. Statistics and facts backing your plans.

1. Competition Identification (similar products/companies)

2. Competitive advantage over others (detailed)
Financial Details

1. If you’re beyond Idea Stage (revenue stage) then how have you
progressed along the time? What was the graph and the numbers?
2. If you’re in Idea stage or Development Stage, how do you see your
finance management in the coming years? What do you plan about it?
Projections and Timeline

1. How you see your idea growing in different variables like

a. Time
b. Finance
c. Market Coverage etc.
The Future

1. The long run future plans.

2. Growth with market trends and speed.
You can add 2 more slides for
1. Images
2. Beginnings/ Thank Yous/ Questions etc.

The Background of the template is fixed. Kindly Do Not change that.

How much investment do
you need
Add how much equity you are ready to give up against investment.

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