Lesson 6: Communication For Various Purposes

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Lesson 6: Communication for

Various Purposes
Communication becomes so part of us
that it is a passport in understanding and
conveying our needs and ideas to others.
Communication begins with our self and to
other people, in various events as well.
Messages relayed will vary depending on
the communication situation. Not to be
mistakenly judged, we use communication
ethics and principles as we interact with
family members, friends, and strangers.
1. Informative Communication

2. Persuasive Communication

3. Argumentative Communication
Informative Communication
“Information Glut”
Types of Informative Communication

1. By Content

A. Information about Objects

B. Information about Processes

C. Information about Events

D. Information about Concepts

Informative Communication
“Information Glut”
Types of Informative Communication

2. By Purpose

A. Information on Description

B. Information on Explanation

C. Information on Instruction
Persuasive Communication
• This is an art of convincing viewers or
readers to believe and accept a
controversial issue by presenting the
benefits of the topic.
• Adler and Rodman (2006) express,
“Persuasion is the process of motivating
someone, through communication, to
change a particular belief, attitude, or
Characteristics of Persuasive
1. Persuasion is not coercive
1. It allows the viewers and readers to think
constructively and to act differently. It does not
force individuals to accept the issue or situation
right away but gives the individual free will.
2. Persuasion is usually Incremental
1. The attitudes do not instantly change. Likewise it
is a process where individual presenting has to
establish goals and expectations.
Types of Persuasion
1. By Types of Proposition
A. Proposition of Fact
B. A Proposition of Value
C. A Proposition of Policy
2. By Desired Outcome
A. Convincing
B. Actuating
3. By Direct Approach
A. Direct Persuasion
B. Indirect Persuasion
Argumentative Communication
It is stating a position of an issue reflecting
views, needs, and beliefs accompanied with
reason and logic. Being argumentative allows
people to express themselves. Being assertive is
constructive since it employs dominant and
forceful but whose objective is to win through the
controversial topic for approval.
Assertive people stand up for their rights
and express their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in
appropriate ways that are direct and honest, and
do not violate another person’s rights.
Argumentative Communication
Assertiveness also includes behaviors of
openness, refusal of unreasonable requests, and
refusal to be intimidated, as well as absence of
interpersonal anxiety, initiation of requests,
spontaneous feelings and expressions, being
outgoing, willingness to take initiative, and
disagreeing actively, rather than passively.
Sample Written Text
1. Inquiry Letter
 Getting an information not known to the concerned
individual, except when data are confidential.
 Must have the following: (1) Contact information of
the addressee, (2) The first paragraph should
express the main point
2. Police Report
> Contains a detailed history of every specific event
that happened from car accidents, burglar raped,
murder, and other unfortunate circumstances.
3. Letters of Appreciation
Sample Written Text
1. Inquiry Letter
 Getting an information not known to the concerned
individual, except when data are confidential.
 Must have the following: (1) Contact information of
the addressee, (2) The first paragraph should
express the main point
2. Police Report
> Contains a detailed history of every specific event
that happened from car accidents, burglar raped,
murder, and other unfortunate circumstances.
3. Letters of Appreciation
Sample Written Text
3. Letters of Appreciation
Written communication showing gratitude for
what they have done to you. It can be thanking
the former superior for reference letter, a job
referral, a network for an information interview.
Giving a letter is a best way to express sincerity
and strong relationship with the people
surrounding you.
Political Speech
• Read a sample political speech during the
inaugural address of the President Rodrigo
Duterte, oath-taking of the President of the
Philippines, Malacañang Palace on June 20,

I. Write a Letter Of Inquiry.

II. Rewrite a Police Blotter

III. Write a Letter of Appreciation

I. Writing a Letter of Inquiry
• Clip a newspaper of magazine advertisement. Write
a letter of inquiry in 250-300 words.
 Focus, Purpose, Thesis (Controlling Idea) -5
 Ideas, Support & Development (Evidence) - 5
 Structure and Organization -5
 Audience, Tone, and Point of view -5
 Sentence Structure -5
 Mechanics and Presentation -5
 Vocabulary and Word Usage -5
 Punctuality of beating he writing deadlines -5
 Total Score -40
II. Rewriting the Police Blotter
Bring a sample police blotter and rewrite the text to
make more manageable in 250-300 words
 Focus, Purpose, Thesis (Controlling Idea) -5
 Ideas, Support & Development (Evidence) - 5
 Structure and Organization -5
 Audience, Tone, and Point of view -5
 Sentence Structure -5
 Mechanics and Presentation -5
 Vocabulary and Word Usage -5
 Punctuality of beating he writing deadlines -5
 Total Score -40
III. Writing a Letter of Appreciation
Write a letter of appreciation to someone you wish to
thank for in 250-300 words.
 Focus, Purpose, Thesis (Controlling Idea) -5
 Ideas, Support & Development (Evidence) - 5
 Structure and Organization -5
 Audience, Tone, and Point of view -5
 Sentence Structure -5
 Mechanics and Presentation -5
 Vocabulary and Word Usage -5
 Punctuality of beating he writing deadlines -5
 Total Score -40

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