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The Existence of Belief Adherents in

Civil Administration
(Study Case Adherents of Aluk Todolo

Amaliyah, SH, MH
Aditya Spadiya Putra (Law)
Fadya Indira Alfatih (Law)
Fifi Efrilia Defi (Political Science)
Research Objectives

1. Examine the civil and social status

of the Aluk Todolo community in
Tana Toraja Regency
2. Increase efforts to provide legal
protection towards the adherents
of Aluk Todolo in Tana Toraja
Regency in order to realize
equality before the law
State of the Art
• Human Rights Journal (Volume 7 No.1, July 2016)
Implementation of Human Rights Respect for the belief
adherents in Bandung
• Registrar and Secretariat General of the Constitutional
Implementation of Constitutional Court Decision
No.97/PUU-XIV/2016 Against the Lom People of Mapur
Tribe in Bangka Belitung Islands
The Existence of Believers of Aluk Todolo Toraja Post
the Decision of Constitutional Court No. 97/PUU-
Research Methods
1. Type of Research

2. Data Collection
In-depth Interview, FGD, Observation
and Documentation

3. Data Analysis
Reduction, Display, Verification and
Withdrawal of Conclusions

Research time: April - June 2019


1. Head of the Population and Civil Registry

2. Aluk Todolo Community
3. Legislative Drafting Section and Human
Rights Section of the South Sulawesi
Ministry of Law and Human Rights
4. Public Relations Section of the Ministry
of Religion of South Sulawesi
Population of Tana Toraja Regency
According to Religion

• Catholicism (Katholik)
• Islam
• Christianity (Kristen)
• Confucianism (Khong Hu Chu)
• Hinduism (Hindu)
• Buddhism (Buddha)
• Beliefs (Kepercayaan)

Source: Disdukcapil Kabupaten Tana Toraja, 2018

Decision of Constitutional Court
No. 97/PUU-XIV/2016

Before After
Interview results in the identity card’s column for the
adherents of ALUK TODOLO

• Catholicism (Katholik)
• Islam
• Christianity (Kristen)
• Confucianism (Khong Hu Chu)
• Hinduism (Hindu)
• Buddhism (Buddha)
• Beliefs (Kepercayaan)

In the past: Discrimination

Recent: The negative social stigma against

Aluk Todolo has diminished due to Aluk
Todolo entering Hinduism even though the
teachings of Hinduism and Aluk Todolo are
clearly very different.
Factors why Aluk Todolo is still
under the auspices of Hinduism

1. Concern that if they change their religious status into a
belief, it will cause a form of intolerance between the
recognized religion and the belief adherents;
2. The adherent’s willingness for their belief to be
specifically written as Aluk Todolo

1. Not knowing the decision of the Constitutional Court
2. Long administrative process at the Department of
Population and Civil Registration

Any legal instrument (legislation) that includes religious

phrases needs to be paired with the phrase belief adherent

1. Inclusion of the belief adherent by adding the explicit
type of their belief in the identity card column
2. Establishment of Community Guidance regarding
The belief adherent in the Ministry of Education and
3. Socialization of the recognition of the belief adherent
in civil administration carried out by the Office of
Population and Civil Registration
1. For the Central Government
particularly the Ministry of Home Affairs and the
Ministry of Education and Culture, the research
results can be used as a reference in determining
the direction of policies and legal rules based on
Human Rights
2. For Society
Sources of information regarding fulfilling the right
to belief adherent in Indonesia
3. For Researcher
As a reference material for conducting studies on
population administration and human rights

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