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Assalamualaikum .

Wr . Wb .
2. Greeting card
Greeting card is a card that we send to
say something on other people
Greeting cards are usually given a picture
and interesting article.
Greeting card atau kartu ucapan adalah kartu yang kita kirimkan
untuk mengucapkan sesuatu pada orang lain .
kartu ucapan biasanya diberi gambar dan tulisan yang menarik
 Birthday Card : contain a birthday greeting and given to someone the birthday.
berisi ucapan uang tahun dan diberikan kepada seseorang yang sedang berulang
tahun .

 Thank-you Card : contain of greeting thanks

berisi ucapan terima kasih .

 Get-well Card : contain hope get well soon and given to someone who is
berisi harapan agar lekas sembuh dan diberikan kepada seseorang
yang sedang sakit .

 Congratulation Card : contain congratulations to someone on the

achievements that have been achieved.
berisi ucapan selamat kepada seseorang atas prestasi yang telah diraihnya .
 Holiday card : given to someone who is on holiday
diberikan kepada seseorang yang sedang berlibur .
Dear Kartika
Our sincere Congratulations on your success as The Best Washington
City Journalist 2009. This will support you to write more articles.

The manager and staff of

Moonlight Publisher
3. What does Kartika do ? She is a …....................
A. Staff
B. Manager
C. Journalist
D. Publisher

4. The text is written in order to …..............

A. Congratulate Kartika on her success.
B. Inform people about the best Journalist.
C. Tell people to congratulate Kartika.
D. Invite people to come to the Moonlight Publisher.
For exercises,
Please you do number
1 to 15
To our beloved mother .

Happy 40th Birthday .

Have a healthy and happy life , mom .

Love ,
Sean And Charlotte’s

1 . What is their wish for their mother ?

A .Have a healthy life .
B .Have a wealthy life .
C .Have a prosper life .
D .Have a spirited life .
Read The Text And Answer The Question .

To our beloved mother .

Happy 40th Birthday .

Have a healthy and happy life , mom .

Love ,
Sean And Charlotte’s

2 . If Sean and charlotte send this card in 2010 , it means

that their was born in ..
A . 1950 .
B . 1960 .
C . 1970 .
D . 1980 .
Dear Kendra ,
Happy 13th Birthday

Hopefully this birthday give you spirit and

happiness to enjoy your life .

Friends forever
Rose & Gwen

3 . What is Rose and gwen’s wish for kendra ?

A . To be happy .
B . To be healthy .
C . To remember them .
D . To get well .
Dear Kendra ,

Happy 13th Birthday

Hopefully this birthday give you spirit and happiness to

enjoy your life .

Friends forever
Rose & Gwen

4 . If Kendra celebrates her 13th birthday in 2010 , when

was she born ?
A . In 1997 .
B . In 1998 .
C . In 1999 .
D . In 2000 .
Dear Euis Chantika,
Congratulations on your graduation from the Junior High School. I know how long
and hard you have worked and studied. But, your dedication and perseverance has
paid off, and your parents should be very happy. Besides, they must be very proud of
your achievement.
I wish you all the best in pursuing your ambitions to study in the best Senior High
School in town. May your dreams come true.
Well done! You will always be my inspiration.
From your friend who misses you so much


5.What is the text above … .

A.expresses his pleasure on Euis’s achievement
B.invite Euis to attend a special school activity
C.informs Euis on her ambitions to be the best
D.reminds Euis of her good attitude in learning
Dear Euis Chantika,
Congratulations on your graduation from the Junior High School. I know
how long and hard you have worked and studied. But, your dedication and
perseverance has paid off, and your parents should be very happy. Besides,
they must be very proud of your achievement.
I wish you all the best in pursuing your ambitions to study in the best
Senior High School in town. May your dreams come true.
Well done! You will always be my inspiration.
From your friend who misses you so much


6.Who misses Euis so much?

A. Euis does.
B. Euis’ friends do.
C. Euis’ school does.
D. Euis’ friend does
Dear Grandma ,

Mom said you were bored at the hospital

and had nothing to read . Look what we have for
you . Hope you enjoy it . Get well soon . We miss
you !

Coleen and Gayle


7 . What is given by Coleen and Gayle to their grandmother ?

A .A bunch of flowers .
B .A basket of fruits .
C .A book .
D .A CD .
Dear Grandma ,

Mom said you were bored at the hospital

and had nothing to read . Look what we have for
you . Hope you enjoy it . Get well soon . We miss
you !

Coleen and Gayle .

8 . What is given by Coleen and Gayle to their grandmother ?

A . A bunch of flowers .
B . A basket of fruits .
C . A book .
D . A CD .
Dear Grandma ,

Mom said you were bored at the hospital

and had nothing to read . Look what we have for
you . Hope you enjoy it . Get well soon . We miss
you !

Coleen and Gayle .

9 . What do Coleen and Gayle wish their grandmother for ?

A . They want her to read the book .
B . They want her to see the doctor .
C . They want her to visit them .
D . They want her to get well .
Dear Mom and Dad ,

Happy 15th Anniversary !

hope you love each other forever and be the

best parents we ever had .

Sam,Lucy, Kimberley .

10 . What do Sam , Lucy and Kimberley congratulate about ?

A . Their anniversary .
B . Their birthday .
C . Their parent’s marriage .
D . Their parent’s birthday .
Read The Text And Answer The Question

Dear Mr, Idris

Welcome to this school . We are happy to

have you as our new English teacher . Hope
you will be successful here and we can
cooperate well .

11 . What is the text about ?

A . Welcoming a new teacher .
B . Announcing a new teacher .
C . Congratulating a new teacher .
D . Wishing a new teacher a good luck .
Dear Michael ,
A new star has born . Congratulations on your
success in this World Tour . Hopefully you and the
band will always be healthy . Call us as soon as
you get back . We miss you !
Mom & Dad .

12 . Whom does Michael have this card from ?

A . His friends .
B . His siblings .
C . His bands .
D . His parents .
To : Christie
Merry Christmas and Happy New year .
Your best friend ,
Agnes .

13 . What is the form of the text ?

A . A greeting card .
B . A short message .
C . A letter .
D . An announcemenet .
Dear Juliette ,

All the hard work you have put , all the sacrifice you
have made , have finally paid off .
Congratulations on your success to be winner of the
speech contest for Junior High School Level 2012 . We are
proud of you .

Student Union Organizer .

14. Student Union Organizer congratulates Juliette on ...

A . Her sacrifice to be a Junior High School student .
B . Her hard work to join contest .
C . Her winning to speech contest .
D . Her final goal tohave a high level .
Happy 13th Birthday

Hopefully this birthday give you spirit and

happiness to enjoy your life .

Friens forever !
Rose & Gwen

15 . Why do Rose and Gwen send this card ?

A . They want Kendra to remember their birthday .
B . They invite Kendra to attend thei 13th birthday party .
C . They want to congratulate Kendra on her 13th birthday .
D . They want to remind Kendra of their 13th birthday .
For homework
Please you find one text and
four questions from Other
sources about Greeting card
Thanks for your attention
Wassalamualaikum . wr . wb .

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