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Presented By

Amey B. Bodke

 The first element on the periodic table.
 The lightest, most explosive and most abundant element
on earth.
 Cleanest fuel (zero emission of CO2).
 Hydrogen has the highest energy content per unit mass.
 About 95% of hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels.
 Hydrogen produce from biomass is sustainable energy
carrier for promising alternative to fossil fuel.
 Hydrogen production from biomass also generates
valuable co-product.
Parameters Unit value

Molecular weight 2.016

Density Kg/m3 0.0838

Boiling temperature K 20.3

Density as liquid Kg/m3 70.8

Critical point temperature K 32.94

Critical point pressure Bar 12.84

Critical point density Kg/m3 31.40

Self ignition temperature K 858

Ignition limits in air (Vol. %) 4-75

Stoichiometric mix in air (Vol. %) 29.53

Diffusion coefficient Cm2/S 0.61

Flame temperature in air K 2,318

Specific heat (Cp) KJ/(Kg.K) 14.89

Production method
 Thermochemical
1. Pyrolysis
2. Gasification
3. Steam reforming
4. Supercritical water gasification
5. Electrolysis
 Biological
1. Microbial conversion
2. Photobiologoical
 Pyrolysis can be defined as the process in which organic
matter is heated in the absence of air/oxygen
 Pyrolysis yield mainly bio char at low temperature at
below 500°C
 At intermediate temperature and under relatively high
rating rates the main product is bio oil
 The products are mainly gases at temperature upto 800°C
and high heating rates
 The gasification is a thermal treatment which
decomposes biomass to produce gaseous product.
 Temperature range for this process is 875-1275K.
 Gasification plants for bio-fuel are being built and
operated and can provide best practices and lessons
learned for hydrogen production.
1. Simplified reaction:
Biomass + O₂ + H₂O → H₂ + CO + CO₂ + (other species)
2. Water gas shift:
CO + H₂O → H₂ + CO₂
Steam reforming
 Steam reforming is method for producing H₂, CO and
other product from hydrocarbon such as bio-oil.
 In recent year hydrogen production via steam reforming
from bio-oil with the help of catalyst has attracted more
and more attraction.
 Temperature range for this process 1025-1125K.
 Reaction:
 Bio-oil + H₂O → H₂ + CO₂ + (CHs)
 Promising method for producing H₂.
 World wide 4% of hydrogen produce by this method.
 Simple and efficient but expensive technology.
 Breaking of chemical bonds present in water into
hydrogen and oxygen.
 Electricity needed for this process can be obtained from
Supercritical water gasification
 Wet biomass is converted to hydrogen.
 Mechanism to produce hydrogen depends upon the
composition of biomass (lignin, hemicellulose and
 SCW is at high temperature 374°C and pressure of 22.1
MPa is used.
 SCW produces high conversion rate of hydrogen with CO₂
CO and C1-C4 hydrocarbon.
Microbial conversion of biomass by
 Microorganisms consumes and digest biomass to release
 Anaerobic bacteria are responsible for biochemical
transformation of a wide variety of waste material
 Valuable co product methane is produced
 New type of technology and research in going on to
improve many aspects of system.
Photo biological process
 This process uses microorganisms and sunlight to turn
water and organic waste matter in hydrogen
 Micro-organisms such as green microalgae or
Cyanobacteria use sunlight to spilt water into oxygen and
 Reaction:
2H⁺ + Fdred + 4ATP →H₂ + 2Fdox + 4ADP + Pi
Research focus
 Pyrolysis
1. Research is going on to achieve desired composition of
condensable vapour (bio-oil)
 Biomass gasification
1. Replacing new membrane technologies to better separate
and purify Hydrogen from gas stream produce
2. Intensifying of the process
3. Improved agricultural practices and breeding efforts
should result in low and feedstock cost
 Reforming
1. Hydrogen reforming technology.
2. Research is needed to identify better catalyst to
improve yield and selectivity.
 Microbial conversion
1. Improving the rates and yield of H₂ production from
fermentation process.
2. Intensification of process.
 Photo biological process
1. Improving the activity of enzyme.
2. Developing strain that efficiently use the sun light
and other input to increase H₂ production.
Liquid Hydrogen
 NASA has used hydrogen as rocket fuel since 1940's
 Production of liquid Hydrogen requires use of liquefiers
 The conventional liquefiers used are Linde-Hampson
liquefiers, Linde Dual-pressure liquefiers, Claude
Hydrogen safety & storage
 Hydrogen has the highest rating on flammability scale
 The storage and use of hydrogen posses unique challenge
due ease of leaking as a gaseous fuel.
 Underground storage of hydrogen in caves, depleted
petroleum fields, caverns resulting from mining activites.
 Hydrogen produce from biomass is sustainable energy carrier for
promising alternative to fossil fuels. The use of renewable
biomass as major feedstock of hydrogen production has received
considerable attention in recent years. Biomass can be valuable
resource for producing hydrogen if used in an integrated process
that also generates higher value co-product. These technologies
need further development and research. Various types of micro-
organisms and enzyme are need to research with the process
intensification so that these technologies can compete with
conventional technologies for the production of hydrogen.
Thank you

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