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A business report defined as an organized statement of facts or events

or any situation relating to business or commercial interests prepared
after an investigation and presented to the interested persons with or
without recommendations. It facilitates the evaluation of progress and
decision making process for business purpose. A business report is
usually a type of upward communication in which communication
process starts from lower level to upper level.
Basic business research proceeds as follow :
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Background
 Research Methods
 Results
 Discussion
 Conclusions
 References
 Appendices

* The abstract concise synopsis the motivation
for having the design and effectiveness. The
author should assume that the reader has some
knowledge of the subject , but has not read
the report. For that reason, the summary
should provide enough background that it stand
on its own. Usually expected to target a
technical audience in the summary.

* The introduction of a report identifies the
problem , the objective , the assumptions , the
design alternatives and the selection of the
being reported . Also included for transition is
a mapping of the entire report .

Literature review

Literature review: Harrold and Wayland reported

that increasing stress affected morale, productivity,
organizational efficiency, absenteeism, and
profitability for both individuals and the
Hypotheses: A hypothesis is a tentative statement
or explanation of some problems .

*Source of data
*Sample selection
*Statistical methods

* Report are prepared for readers. So who are
readers of the made report should be
considered carefully before making the report.
For example: report for cost, volume and profit
analysis is required for higher level

Future research

* The conclusions selection summarizes the
design and testing work completed and
assesses how well the design meets the
objectives presented in the introduction.

* Barden , Nancy Ray . “Wellness programs : Everyone Wins”
Commerce and Health , November 2001,28-42.

* In a design report , appendices often are
included. One type of appendix that appears in
design reports presents information that is too
detailed to be placed into the reports text.

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