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Ridhoyanti Hidayah

 Self-concept is an individual’s perception

of self and is what helps make each
individual unique
 Positive and negative self-assessments
in the physical, emotional, intellectual,
and functional dimensions change over
 Self-concept affects the ability to function
and greatly influences health status.
Components of Self-Concept

 Body image
 Self identity
 Self ideal
 Role performance
 Self esteem
Rentang Respon

Adaptif Maladaptif
Aktualisasi diri Konsep diri positif HDR Kerancuan identitas Depersonaliasi

Body Image

 Body image is an attitude about

one’s physical attributes and
characteristics, appearance, and
 Body image is dynamic because
any change in body structure or
function, including the normal
changes of growth and
development, can affect it
Self Identity

 A sense of personal identity is what

sets one person apart as a unique
 Identity includes a person’s name,
gender, ethnic identity, family status,
occupation, and roles
 One’s personal identity begins to
develop during childhood and is
constantly reinforced and modified
throughout life
 Affected factor: parents mistrust, peer
group’s pressure, social structure
Self Ideal

 Self-Ideal is the perception

of behavior based on
personal standards and
 Self-ideal serves as an
internal regulator to support
self-respect and self-
Role Performance

 Role refers to a set of expected behaviors

determined by familial, cultural, and social
 Stressors Affecting Role Performance
- Role overload (tuntutan peran
- Role conflict (stereotip peran
gender, harapan peran budaya)
 Whenever a person is unable to fulfill role
responsibilities, self-concept is impaired

 The emotional appraisal of self

 How do you regard yourself?
 Feel about self?
 Sense of worth or value??
 This appraisal is an on-going
process so…levels of self-esteem
can change
 Affected factor: unrealistic parents
hope, repetitive failure, parents
denial, less of personal
responsibility, others dependent,
unrealistic self ideal
High self-esteem vs Low self-esteem

 Assertive  Passive “who cares attitude”

 Self-directed  Excessively Dependent
 Makes  Hesitant to express views
decisions  Overly Critical of self
 Praises self  Monotone voice – lack of
 Speaks clearly emotion & energy
 Attends to  Neglects own needs
needs  Difficulty making decisions
 Overly apologetic
 Avoidance of eye contact
Components of Self-Concept

 Self-esteem is the judgment of personal

performance compared with the self-ideal.
 Self-esteem is derived from a sense of giving
and receiving love, and being respected by
 The level of self-esteem is dependent upon the
self-perception of adequate role performance
in these various social roles.
Development of Self-Concept

 Self-concept evolves throughout life and

depends to an extent on an individual’s
developmental level
Development of Self-Concept

 Childhood
• A child’s sense of self is shaped by
interactions with parents and siblings,
through shared experiences with extended
family members, and relationships with
• Their sense of self changes as they move
through each developmental stage.
Development of Self-Concept

 Adolescence
• The numerous changes in physical,
emotional, and psychosocial status during
the adolescent years bring about rapid and
often continuous changes in self-concept.
Development of Self-Concept

 Adulthood
• The adult’s perception of self continues to
develop and change as an individual
progresses through the adult years.
• Periods of relative stability may be
interspersed with realizations of physical
changes, as well as changes in roles and
Factors Affecting Self-Concept

 Altered Health Status

 Developmental Transitions
 Experience

 Consider both the client’s developmental

level and chronological age when
assessing self-concept
 Determine the client’s perception of self-
concept and the factors affecting it

 Assess the client’s strengths to be used

as a foundation on which to build
therapeutic interventions.
• Maintain appropriate relationships
• Care for self in order to meet basic needs
• Adapt to stressors in a positive manner
Nursing Diagnoses

 Disturbed Body Image

 Parental Role Conflict
 Disturbed Personal Identity
 Ineffective Role Performance
 Chronic Low Self-Esteem
 Situational Low Self-Esteem
 etc
Nursing Diagnoses

 Disturbed Personal Identity

 Anxiety
 Social Isolation
 Hopelessness
 Powerlessness
Outcome Identification and Planning

 Outcome statements reflect specific behavior that is

measurable and that has an appropriate time frame for
 The nurse and client develop mutually established
objectives. This encourages the client to assume an
active role in recovery.
Nursing goals and interventions

Level 1: expand the

patient’s self-awareness
 listen to the patient and
develop a trusting
 Identify the patient’s
ego strength
 Increase pt’s
participation in the
Nursing goals and interventions
Level 2: encourage the patient’s self-
 Encourage the patient to express
emotions and thoughts
 Help patient clarify his concept of self
 Respond empathically not
sympathetically to patient
Nursing goals and interventions

Level 3: assist the patient’s self-evaluation

 Help the patient define the problem clearly.

 Explore the patient’s adaptive and

maladaptive coping responses to the
Nursing goals and interventions

 Level 4: Help the patient form a realistic

plan of action
 help the patient identify alternative
 Help the patient develop realistic goals
Nursing goals and interventions
Level 5: help the patient become committed to
his decision and then achieve goals.
 Reinforce the patients strengths and skills.
 Provide the patient with support and positive
reinforcement in effecting and maintaining
 Both the patient and nurse must allow sufficient
time for change.

 Initiate Therapeutic Interaction

 Support Healthy Defense Mechanisms
 Ensure Satisfaction of Needs
• Physical needs
• Psychosocial needs

 Promote positive self-esteem across the

life span
• Childhood
• Adolescence
• Adulthood

 A client’s behavior and attitudes will

reflect the degree of progress toward
restoring an altered self-concept.
 The nurse must reconsider the alignment
of the client’s targeted self-concept with
the plan of care to assess if the two are
still congruent.

 Because self-concept is based on

personal attitudes and feelings, it often
requires months or even years to

 Client should be able to meet the

following outcomes:
Be comfortable with body image
Be able to describe self positively
Be able to meet realistic goals
Be capable of interacting appropriately
with environment and others
“Know Thyself” Socrates

 Nurses need to reflect on their OWN self-

concept in order to effectively assist OTHERs.
 Ask yourself these questions:
How do I perceive myself?
How do I think others see me?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What are my goals for self-improvement?
What does ALL THIS have to do with my
professional practice?

 Self-concept based on 5 components

 Need to understand how various factors
affect self-concept
 Understand difference between high &
low self-esteem
 Interventions to promote self-concept
 Evaluate outcome criteria

 Perempuan, berusia 17 tahun, datang ke poli jiwa diantar oleh

ayah dan ibunya. Klien nampak sering menunduk dan tidak
berbicara. Keluarga mengatakan 1 minggu yang lalu klien
didiagnosa hamil oleh bidan di desanya. Sejak saat itu klien tidak
mau ke sekolah, tidak beraktivitas dan hanya berdiam diri di
kamar. Lima hari yang lalu klien bercerita pada ibunya bahwa
sepulang kerja kelompok sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu, klien diperkosa
oleh pacarnya. Hasil pengkajian saat ini, klien mengatakan malu
dengan semua orang dan merasa hilang sudah masa depannya.
Klien juga pernah merasakan ingin bunuh diri untuk lari dari
kenyataan ini.

 Buatlah ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN kasus diatas, tulis tangan dan

dikumpulkan pada hari Jum’at, 9 November 2018.
Thank You

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