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• AIOS is an operating system that is being designed for automation, entertainment and all the
other usage. It's designed to provide easy, automated access to the entire task. There are many
things, which makes AIOS different from any other operating system in the market among
which following are the top:
• Unification.
• Automation.
• Integration.
• Learning.
• Interaction.

AIOS provides an new kind of user interface which combines all the different components
of a system and provide a single, neat and usable console (screen) which can be used to
access all resources (online and offline) directly from there. This gives user time to do the
actual work/task rather than spending time in navigating through pages, settings and make
the system tweaks.

AIOS is automated operating system,it is designed to accomplish tasks for you. The file
system, browser, navigation and every other component of this OS is smart and can help you
automate your daily tasks. Automation at lower level was previous level was seen in
browser with facilities like auto-fill and autocorrect. But AIOS will take it to the next step
and provide many of such options all around the operating environment.

AIOS is designed with only one goal in mind that is automating human life". But to achieve
this goal we need to create an environment of many things consisting of various hardware
units, which can communicate to AIOS system, and many software units, which can provide
the interface for AIOS system on any other platform. AIOS is a server at its core and is
capable of providing access methods for much kind of incoming connections. In short, AIOS
has a built in support for integrating many device and software at its core. It will support a
wide array of hardware and software connecting to it for access of information. AIOS treats
the external connections as a part of its own system and thus provide great power and
control over existing system.

AIOS is designed to learn from the previous usage and patterns. It's like micro data mining. Logs
are created of usage patterns and this data is used to find, categorize and mine user interests,
schedules, likes and dislikes and many more. This learning system works all the time in
background and will make suggestion, modification and behavioral changes in the OS. It will
work so effectively that after a period of experience, each installation of AIOS will become an
independent machine with its own set of knowledge and expertise, which directly belongs to its
owner's choices and hobbies. This is the top level of personalization and learning activities.

Apart of the standard input methods (keyboard and mouse) AIOS is capable of handling many other
kind of input natively. Voice is one of the best examples. Most part of the AIOS can be controlled
using the voice. By voice we don't mean the voice commands, instead you can communicate with
AIOS like a human and it will respond in natural language. It's your computer talking to you. So
instead of using your computer for accomplishing a task, you can simply tell your computer to do the
task, simple as that!!!
Other than voice, users will be able to user gestures, cellphones and even previous usage history, as an
input to the AIOS system and it will provide you with the best solutions. In case any of the new
method falls short, the standard keyboard and mouse (and touch-screens) are always there and
everything can still be accomplished by using standard input devices.

The information clearly states that AIOS is the OS of the future, but it's just the beginning. We
have very ambitious plans for the future of AIOS, which includes our own hardware and support
for many of the upcoming technologies, which are in the process of research, and development at
this point of time. Following list provides a sneak peek in the future of AIOS:

We think that internet of things is the next best thing we can add to the AIOS system. It will
make everything in your daily house (your toaster, light bulb and even your desk) connected
to the AIOS system and thus it can be controlled using the AIOS system. All the intelligence
and learning capabilities of AIOS will be than reflected in each and every connected
component in your home.

Automation can't be done using software only. It requires the sensors to capture data from
the environment and it requires agents to perform actions and make changes in the
environment. We are planning on a small series of hardware that can work as both sensor
and agents. In series of this we will also be working on some new hardware specific to
AIOS only like this prototype wristwatch, which can be used to control AIOS and thus
basically do everything in your house.

This ambitious plan provides a small version of AIOS to be located in cloud for us. It can
provide all the facilities without any installation of physical machine. Just sign up and start
automating. It will be a big step in automating everything process of ours.
Everyone that owns a smartphone or personal computer must have come in touch with one
of the many voice assistants out there. Siri, Cortana, Google, Alexa, these are the most well
known ones. Their progress in understanding what you say has been staggering in the last
few years. In less than a decade, they’ve gone from being on the receiving end of party jokes
to your go-to option when you’re on the rush or have no free hands to type things down.
They were able to achieve that because of the tremendous advances a field called Automatic
Speech Recognition (or ASR) has seen in just this decade.
While ASR failures have getting rarer, and voice assistants consistently better in
understanding what you say, it was often the case that they could not understand what it is
you mean. There’s no shortage of occasions where you needed to repeat something multiple
times, or simplify your expression, limit your usage of words, shorten your sentences, and so
on. The next barrier to full-blown intelligent conversations with a machine was Natural
Language Processing (or NLP), in short the automatic analysis of your sentence.
It’s the year that saw tremendous progress in transfer learning for NLP, the same technique
that enabled the widely known transformational breakthroughs in image and video
This research area is still nascent, but the barrier has been broken. This opens the door to
more intelligent voice assistant applications. But what lies beyond that might forever change
the way we think about ourselves and the world around us.

AIOS is at the centre of a new enterprise to build computational models of intelligence. The
main assumption is that intelligence (human or otherwise) can be represented in terms of
symbol structures and symbolic operations which can be programmed in a digital computer.
There is much debate as to whether such an appropriately programmed computer would be a
mind, or would merely simulate one, but AI researchers need not wait for the conclusion to
that debate, nor for the hypothetical computer that could model all of human intelligence.
Aspects of intelligent behaviour, such as solving problems, making inferences, learning, and
understanding language, have already been coded as computer programs, and within very
limited domains,AIOS can outperform human experts.
Now the great challenge of AIOS is to find ways of representing the commonsense
knowledge and experience that enable people to carry out everyday activities such as
holding a wide-ranging conversation, or finding their way along a busy street. Conventional
digital computers may be capable of running such operating systems, or we may need to
develop new operating system that can support the complexity of human thought.

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